Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Manilla NSW Australia

Manilla is a small quiet country town in northwest NSW, with a population of approximately 2800. It is my hometown. I started school here and grew up in Manilla during the 1950s-1960s.

My first summary/inaugural story was written a few short years ago. It is now in a book format.

For Information about the Book, and How to Purchase, Click on any picture on the left for the Link - Or Here

The Book with pictures, has been written and spans 260 pages. It can now be purchased - click on the left picture. I'm happy with the quality of print, with matt gloss pages and pictures, gloss cover, and the book is weighty. It has a quality feel and look about it, which is what I was trying to achieve. It is not a normal book, and a good size - 230mm x 155mm. 👍 

As a young boy living in Manilla in those times, life was created through initiative and imagination. Life was simple and peaceful, and externally, is still the same today. Much of life was spent outdoors, without computers, TV, air conditioners, and all the electronic devices of today. With a dirt road out the front, and with our small timber and fibro home, with an outdoor dunny just near the back door, we lived in luxury. We had a roof over our heads, food, a home, and the great outdoors that Manilla offered.

This web page, and my book-story about living in Manilla, is my legacy of Manilla NSW.

This site documents aspects of Manilla, and shows areas of Manilla, that are part of Manilla's heritage history.

"Life can still be captured within simplistic interests, if current social paradigms change. Detaching ourselves from the materialism of our society and reaching within, enables our connection with nature for solitude." 
(Mitchell Zen)

There is a separate Page for the Weir. Click below Link Picture

To View the Manilla NSW History Articles 1800s-1900s, there are two choices - Scroll down this page to see them, or, Click here to go to the (new) "History Page," or, Click on the Picture below.

 The following is a range of pictures of the main street of Manilla, buildings and park area. The street still maintains the centre garden area as it was in the 1950's.
In the centre of Manilla Street, the main street, is a clock that still stands tall, symbolising a time that reflects a heritage. This clock was erected in June 1938 and documents important milestones for Manilla. In 2016 the historical information on the clock was updated.
Right: Looking south from the veranda of the Royal Hotel towards Tamworth.

Side A: Bridge erected over Namoi River 1887; Railway to Manilla 1899-1987; Electric light installation 1913; Manilla Street centre gardens established 1932; Manilla Hospital 1906-2012; Manilla MPS 2012; Manellae Lodge 1994; Memorial Pool 1967; Town Clock erected 1938. Water Installation - Main town 1934; North Manilla 1953; Split Rock Dam 1987. Sewerage Installation - Main Town 1953; Southbrook 1965; North Manilla 2000. 

Side B: Rural Pursuits/Attractions: Wool Sheep Cattle & Poultry Production, Grain Growing, Warrabar National Park, Lake Keepit State Park, Split Rock Dam, Fishing & Fish Hatchery, Bush Walking & River Walk, Paragliding and Hang Gliding, Manilla Historical Museum Royce Cottage,  Annual Manilla Show.

Side C: First Settlement est 1858. Population: 1866 - 50, 1901 - 780, 1938 - 2250, 1978 - 3100, 2016 - 3200. Incorporated as Municipality 23.7.1901. Mandowa Shire Incorporated 3.6.1906. Amalgamated to form Manilla Shire Council 1.1.1960. Amalgamated to form Tamworth
Regional Council 17.3.2004.

Side D: Graphical location NSW North West Slopes and Plains; Lat -30' 44' 51.43". Longitude 150' 43' 12.71". Road Distance: From Sydney 512 klms. From Brisbane 573 klms. Altitude 363 metres. Average Rainfall 675 millimetres.
Right: Beside the Post Office there is a chair where you can watch the activity around the main area of Manilla during the day. Left: Looking north towards the bridge and north Manilla.
Main Street Gardens
Left: Manilla and District Soldiers Memorial Hall and the building on the right of the hall, where community events were/are held. In the 1950s they had music and dancing functions providing energetic and enthusiastic entertainment. 
The foundation stone of the Soldiers Memorial Hall was laid on the 3rd May 1924. A series of memorials are located within the enclosure near the entrance. The largest (white) is a carved marble honour roll commemorating soldiers from the First World War. Names are listed in two columns. On each side of this memorial are brass plates (grey) engraved with the names of soldiers from the Second World War. Their dedication is engraved on a third plate positioned above the marble plaque. On the walls left and right are two small plaques commemorating the men from Manilla who served in the Boer War. Right: Anzac Day. 
Right: The Manilla Heritage Museum combined with 1884 Royce Cottage - a must visit while in Manilla.

In July 1878 a telegraph line had been erected as far as Manilla and almost to Barraba. The telegraph line necessitated the services of a telegraph operator and a resident postal officer. Mr Edward Dane was appointed to the position on August 10th, 1878. He was Manilla's first recognised official postmaster. The Post Office was situated in Manilla Street, a timber building near Mackenzie’s store.

In January 1879 the Postmaster General had taken steps to procure a suitable block of land in Manilla to build a Post Office. In 1889 a tender was accepted from T.J. Bowen for £1148 ($2296). Additions were made in 1898 and 1908. A manual telephone exchange was added in 1923 and the Manilla Street façade changed in the 1960s. I find it hard to believe the facade was changed so dramatically, rather than preserve historical significance. 

In 1872 a mail contract was let to Wilkinson and Bowden to convey mail twice weekly by coach from Tamworth to Warialda via Manilla. Prior to 1872 the mail was conveyed on horseback. Country mail services started in September 1899 from Manilla to New Mexico and Hobden and in 1901 to Lowrey, Glendon via Halls Creek and Mundowey and to Chapman's on the upper Namoi River. All country roads and by-roads were serviced by mail contractors. Wilkinson's mail coach made its last trip to Warialda on December 3, 1906. Since 1872 it had regularly passed through Manilla and Barraba on its bi-weekly trip to Warialda.

During the two World Wars, 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945, thousands of letters to and from the troops passing through the Post Office. On July 12th 1967, Manilla was given its postcode 2346.

On July 1st, 1975 the Postmaster Generals Department was disbanded and Australia Post and Telecom Australia were raised in its place but activities at Manilla Post office continued as before. The Post Office has now been privatised and as well as its traditional mail business, it now has a strong retail business. During these transitions, the original architectural counter was dismantled leaving a stark modernized clinical appearance. 

A Bridge was built over the Namoi River in 1887 and has a 15-tonne load limit. Right: Looking down from the bridge to the Namoi river.
A second bridge a short distance east was completed in 2021

Top: Main Street 1960s. Left: The Palais theatre and main street Manilla in the 1960s. The Palais was built in the 1920s. Right: Manilla Cafe. A popular place when open. Note the Juke Box at the rear.
M.C. MacKenzie built a general store and opened in 1876. Left: 1912 Right: MacKenzie staff 1960s. MacKenzies was a popular large store in Manilla as can be seen from the number of staff. 

The Palais Picture theatre was the centre of weekly entertainment in Manilla during the 1950s/1960s. With timber floors, brown vinyl swing up seats, it provided a variety of sustainable entertainment that transported patrons to different daydreaming worlds; that developed imagination for varying personal development. The Saturday Matinee, with its stable choice of cowboy serials and G movies, allowed parents to send their children away to "the pictures," for the afternoon. A safe and secure haven for children in the country setting of Manilla. With a simplistic half time enjoyment purchase of a packet of fruit tingles and a can of Fanta, we relished in this atmosphere of leisurely pursuits with no need for more. We had what we wanted.
A time where cafes were ordained with hand craftsmanship of the era; providing an ambiance that reflected our thoughts of security.
Left: The 1950s was a time when contact with someone required a call by picking up your black phone at home, the telephonist at the Post Office asked for the number you required and then dutifully plugged your line into the line of the person you wished to communicate with, and rang their phone at home. After I left school, and at 16 years of age, I was employed on the night shift as a telephonist, with a camp bed next to me. If I had a chance to get some sleep. Right: Mackenzies, the local department store, operated a Cash Carrier system, where your cash was catapulted to the Cash Office at the back of the store. They would then calculate your change and catapult it back to your location. An efficient system built with lines and pullies throughout the store.
"Growing Up in Manilla NSW in The 1950s 1960s." (Link)

A time where schooling in the early years was conducted on fine timber table and chairs and writing performed with nibs and ink. Where the three R's were rigorously ruled. If you misbehaved you gained the wrath of the teacher who proceeded to expedite a punishment from the cane. The number varied from 1 to 6 leaving fingers red and sore and making it difficult to hold a pen and complete the days schooling. When parents were advised they generally responded with, "You probably deserved it!"
Manilla started the 1960s music revolution with trendy clean-cut artists and catchy lyrics of emotional complexity. The class of 1962, and Manilla Central School as a whole, were caught up with this music that stirred their soul. Del Shannon, Neil Sedaka, Gene Pitney, Roy Orbison, Connie Francis and more. Either listening to these hits via radio, tuning into Mike Walsh at 2SM Sydney, or playing records at home or friend’s homes, and even the Café Juke Box. Life was an adventure and carefree. We were content with what we had. We were in Manilla NSW Australia.

In 1962 the 12/13-year-olds at Manilla School dutifully posed for their yearly photograph. Not knowing their future and really didn't care. Life was an adventure in Manilla NSW Australia.

An era when Chubby Checker's Twist was attempted at the Masonic Centre Hall opposite Manilla Primary School on the Social Night. A time when teachers asked who was who on the Beatles album cover. And a time when fashion changed considerably and hair grew longer. MacKenzies got with the groove with pointy toe shoes and Beatle sox, and we entered the era of the Groovy 60s, and somehow survived.  
More > (Link)

The Manilla Park is located at the southern end of Main Street Manilla. It is a tranquil setting with shady trees and seats to enjoy the natural surrounds.
It still has the guns captured by the 33rd battalion, 1914-1918. The white marble inscription reads: "These guns were captured by the 33rd Battalion on the Western Front in the Great War 1914-1918." On the right of the guns is the historic brick toilet block. This brick toilet block was demolished and replaced with a metal structure.
Right: On the top is a sundial (see below) 
   Left: "This sundial was erected by the Manilla Shire Council and the Manilla Community to Commemorate the turning of the Century 1.1.2000." Right: The park was the site of H. Baker's Coach and Wagon Factory from 1902 to the 1940s.

The Manilla Heritage Museum is located at 171 Manilla Street (northern end) and incorporates Royce Cottage built for G.H.Royce in the late 1800's. The museum is full of historical memorabilia and archives relating to the history of Manilla. Situated next to Royce Cottage is the Yarramanbully School House, a one teacher house operating during the 1920's. There is also the Manilla and District Rural Collection in Alexander Lane plus a Chinese Memorial Garden at the rear of the Museum. The museum is well worth a visit and their website can be linked to below.
Left - Royce Cottage - restored and part of the Museum. Right - Entrance to the Museum on the right and walk through to Royce Cottage.
Yarramanbully Schoolhouse (to the left of Royce Cottage)

The first Yarramanbully one-teacher school was built before 1920. Parents of children on farms too far away from the school in town asked to be sent a teacher, to give lessons in their own community. The farmers then built a one-room primary school for pupils from Year 1-6. The second Yarramanbully school was built in 1935, when a new generation of children required the school to be re-opened. Around six families from the Yarramanbully community sent their children to school here until Year 6. The families employed the builders Hunt and Lynch of Tamworth to construct the school, and it opened for classes on 31 July, 1935. The school remained open until December 1953, by which time all pupils had moved on to other schools for their secondary education. The Gallagher family donated the Yarramanbully School building to the Manilla community for the town's centenary of Public Education in 1977. Manilla Historical Society volunteers restored the building, which had been left intact with all its contents on the Gallagher property at the close of classes in 1953.

Jim Maxwell recalls the early days:  The Manilla Historical Society was formed from humble beginnings 50 years ago in 1972, after a small Group requested the then Shire President Brian Byrnes if he would convene a Public Meeting to gauge if there was enough interest in forming a committee to set up a group to preserve the History of Manilla and District. So began the Manilla Historical Society.

A meeting was held in the Town Hall and after much discussion it was decided to form the Manilla Historical Society. On the night a challenge was issued by Jack Maxwell (father of Jim), who said if he donated $100 would at least 9 others do the same. The challenge was taken up giving the committee a seeding bank account. 

A small Committee was formed to investigate the possibility of setting up a small Museum. A shop previously Noel Simpson's Chemist Shop was their first venue. The society quickly outgrew this venue. The society fought hard to get the Old Council Chambers in Stafford Street which was unsuccessful, but instead settled on Royce Cottage in Manilla Street, which is the oldest building in the Main Street. The building was restored with the aid of a RED Scheme Grant (To help regional unemployed people). The Grant finished in 1974, and the present Museum was established.

With the help of many people over the years, including the former Manilla Shire Council and currently Tamworth Regional Council the Society is still doing what it was set up for - keeping as much of Manilla’s History as possible. This can only be done by the generosity of families who share their history with others.

In 2022 on the June Long Weekend, 11th to 13th June, the Manilla Historical Society held a birthday party, called “Back to Manilla” celebrations, with 2 objectives: One to invite former residents back to Manilla to meet up with other former residents and two, also in doing so, to collect more history.

On the June Long weekend in 2022, the Manilla Vintage Machinery Group held their Annual Machinery Rally in Manilla and turned back the clock in Historic Manilla NSW. The Vintage Machinery Rally is planned each year on the June Long Weekend.

Link: https://manillavintagemachinery.com.au/

Left: Showing the vast range of the community archive folders and collections.
An old dentist's chair on the left.
An old manual operated telephone exchange on the left.
Rooms have been set up to re-create an era of the past.
An old cash register on the left that was used in the 1950s-1960s. I was able to secure the same for my shop in the early 1980s. A local store was closing and auctioning all their items. On the right a washing tub and wringer. We used a similar in our home in the 1950s. 
Visit the Manilla Rural Museum in Alexander Lane Manilla.
The Chinese Memorial Garden at the rear of Royce Cottage with head stones and texts. The headstones originally marked the burial places of Manilla's early Chinese farmers and market gardeners who grew vegetables and tobacco on plots and farms along the Manilla and Namoi Rivers. These monuments were removed from their original sites during property transfer. In 1987 they were brought to the grounds of Royce's House and a section of the grounds was set aside for their permanent relocation. Here they were placed and dedicated in acknowledgement of the Chinese Community's contribution to Manilla's early development, their provision of fresh produce to the townsfolk, and their working life on the farms hereabouts. This Memorial was opened on May 4th 1996.

It is important to acknowledge Manilla Heritage Museum and all the people involved in it's establishment, and continued development to preserve Manilla's History. Their contribution towards some of the historical photographs/information on this web page is important and necessary to recognize.

The rail line was opened in September 1899 and provided an important link to centres surrounding Manilla and was an impressive technical feat for those days. It is now closed but stands as a heritage reminder of years gone by.

The Manilla Railway Bridge (Viaduct) was completed in 1905 and crosses over the Namoi River, through the Showground and to Manilla Railway Station. (the station is not there anymore)
In the 1950's it was a daring journey as a young fella to walk over the bridge, climbing up the embankment west of the Namoi River, firstly laying down and listening with an ear on the train track to see if a train was coming, and then commence the walk across the bridge towards the Manilla Showground. Stepping from one timber plank to the other, looking down to the river and hopefully reach the other side without falling through the spaces, and before a train arrives. Fortunately, some stayed behind, as during one crossing a rail repair carriage was approaching and with arms waving to stop the workers, they slowed down and collected the walkers halfway across. The walk was achieved by some where they climbed down to ground level at the showground. 
"Growing Up in Manilla NSW Australia 1950s-1960s" (Link)
The bridge near the Manilla Oval
Left: The Railway Bridge over the Namoi river.
   Right: At the entrance to Manilla is an old railway crane and (below) a plaque detailing this area.

Manilla Railway Station 1950s
 These pictures show the types of trains that used to travel to Manilla in the 1950's - 1960's. Called steam hauled mail trains with all wooden carriages. Some had sleepers and it was an interesting ride to Sydney overnight, listening to the click-clack of the wheels in the quiet of night - a peaceful sound. The train to Manilla was called the North West Train. It was this type of train that I left Manilla on in 1965.
Pictures from the 1950s
Left: The Manilla Railway was opened on 21st September 1908 and ran for 99 kilometres north along the Manilla valley to the town of Barraba, from the main north railway line at West Tamworth.

For more information and pictures of the Manilla Railway please visit http://www.manillamuseum.com.au/ They have an amazing range of historic memorabilia.
The Chinky-Chow bridge is located towards Southbrook on Manilla St. We road our bikes (or walked) towards Southbrook and under the small railway bridge. It was always a dare to stay under the bridge as the train moved over us. Intimidating, as these locomotives were large and noisy and thundered along like a beast on heat. Right: The bridge is not there anymore.

For a comprehensive informative page with pictures about the Manilla Weir, click on this Link:  https://manillaweirnsw.blogspot.com/

If you would like to travel further afield from Manilla Township, and surrounds, two places are Borah Creek and Warrabah National Park.
Borah Creek is a 30 minute drive along the Rangari Road and Longarm Road, north of Manilla. (Link) The Borah Creek runs into the Manilla River and is just a 10 minute drive towards Upper Manilla. Warrabah National Park is a 40 minute drive along the (winding) Namoi River Road, north east of Manilla. Right turn into Warrabah Trail Road, and you'll find the Warrabah Campground and Picnic Area. Click Here for Link
Borah Creek. (Link)  Warrabah National Park. Click Here for Link
If you really want to get away and be totally free of society, either of these two places would provide your escape.

As a young fella in Manilla the best way to get around the countryside is via a pushbike. You can explore many areas and enjoy the solitude country provides. This was my main mode of transport and looked after for my numerous travels around Manilla. Was this a precursor for the future? It could be, as I am doing the same today - but this time on a Motor-Horse. 

There are a number of heritage style homes in Manilla. Many with verandas, as during summer the temperature rises significantly. I placed a thermometer outside in the summer one year and it rose to 120 degrees (48c). It was hot!
The Holy Trinity Church of England Church in Manilla, was an integral part of many families lives in the 1950s-1960s. 
The Historic and Heritage Manilla Holy Trinity Anglican Church of England Church. It was called the Church of England in the 1950s. The Church of England (Holy Trinity), with the 'Cuerindi' memorial tower. The Baptistery and the Cuerindi Memorial Tower were a gift of the Allen family of Cuerindi in memory of their father and mother.

In 1938 the foundation stone for the western end and tower was laid by Bishop Moyes. A tube was placed at the back of the tablet containing a script, two copies of the Manilla Express, a copy of the Tamworth Leader and an order of service for the day.

On February 19th, 1939 the Cuerindi Memorial Tower and the western end were dedicated by Sir Charles Rosenthal - the first stage built by Walter Jackson, the second stage completed by W.C. Grantham.

Cannon Quayle officiated the church services during the 1950s - the father of John Quayle, a rugby league player, who found success in Sydney first as an NRL player and then an administrator. On the right is the Ministers Home. 

Preserving our Cultural, Heritage and Historic Past is an important contributor to our Future, as if we don't, the Future has no basis from where our Contemplation is derived. Contemplation with the Past is our direct link to our stable future. Without this we fall short of knowing Ourselves. It is important the History and Heritage, internally and externally, is preserved at the Holy Trinity Church in Manilla to reflect our Souls of Peace, and in turn preserve the History of Manilla NSW.

On the 25th November 1962 a large number of younger congregation members were Confirmed into the Church. Confirmation indicates one's deepening relationship with God. It marks the point in the Christian journey at which participants affirm their faith and their intention to live a life of committed discipleship. Confirmation is the doctrine and ethos of the Anglican Church.
Above right is the house opposite the Church of England Church. A very stately home with large grounds and I think a market garden at the rear of the property. I used to mow lawns and do gardening at these premises for 50c an hour. 
These pictures are of Durham Court Homestead owned by Otto Baldwin in the 1950s. It is only 4 kilometres from Manilla township and on the banks of the Namoi River. Durham Court has been held by the Baldwin family since 1848 (Until 2016)My mother used to drive out there in our little light green Anglia and look after the household requirements to gain a little more money, where Otto was introduced to fresh vegetables from our garden. His purchase became an extra helpful income. My mother was very thrifty with her money. Carefully selecting items from the supermarket, paying at the manual checkout she was given a print out of the cash register docket and at home meticulously inspected each item's price. If there was an error in charging she went back to receive her refund. Money was so tight even 5 cents made a difference to the household budget. I still had a roof over my head, healthy meals and my own room. What else could I ask for? It was a safe environment even when we left the doors open and unlocked overnight when the heat rose in the summer time.
The Interior of Durham Court
On the left is Cora-Lynne Homestead, and on the right Oakhampton Homestead. Cora-Lynne Homestead overlooks the Namoi River. In the late 1800s it was owned by Matthew and Maria Hall and they called it Highlandale. It was sold in 1908 to the Fermor Family and they changed the name to Cora-Lynne.

Over 175mm of rain caused rapid rises in the Namoi and Manilla Rivers forcing the evacuation of one third of the population. The approaches to the Namoi River Bridge were cut off and the bridge over the Manilla River on the Boggabri Road was washed away. The town was completely isolated overnight on the 15th January 1964.

In our house in River Street, we had nearly 8 feet of water in the house, causing destruction of much of our possessions. We were watching the large flow of water in the Namoi River across the road and hoped it wouldn't get higher. 

Then we watched as the water slowly made its way along the side of the road and moved into our yard. My parents went inside to stand as much as they could on solid furniture while I stayed outside and put most of the outside garden chairs and other items on top of our small shed.     

My mother came outside with all the family photo albums and other priceless possessions and put them in the car. I was directed to drive the car towards the back lane and drive the car to higher ground while they finished what they could inside. They eventually waded out towards the lane and reached higher ground. It was to no avail. The water just came so fast and so high and swamped our house and River street homes and beyond.

As fast as it rose it decreased quickly also. We, and the rest of River Street residents, arrived the next morning to view the destruction. Four inches of mud in the house and all over our possessions. As my mother opened the back door and moved inside she burst into tears. Almost 10 years of hard work was now ruined. The backyard shed was gone, the chook run, the bird aviary, the vege garden, everything.... and even my prized Phantom comic collection! It was noticed the house had moved on the foundations and fortunately stayed put. One house was washed away. 

Left: Water everywhere. Right: The next day at the northern end of River Street.
Right: Ruth and Graeme Ridley's house in River Street the next day. The front window had a large tree trunk protruding out.
Right: River Street the next day.
Numerous newspaper articles were written about the Manilla Flood. On the left is Win Rogerson, featured in the Manilla Express, who lived at 87 River Street. Behind her is Glen Harley.

Geoff Ayling Manilla Story 1939-1948

Manilla’s first Show was held on March 2nd and 3rd, 1932 and has always been a big annual event on the Manilla calendar. 
The widespread Manilla farming community are drawn to this event each year and it is a time when the relative isolation of farming becomes integrated as a community of farmers at the annual Manilla Show. Not only farmers. Manilla township gathers together their community spirit and participates in this celebration of country. The Pavilion features farm produce, arts, handcraft, horticulture, photography, wool and displays from the local schools. Outside the cattle and sheep judging produced some fine species; while the camp draft highlighted expert horsemanship. The oval contains the equestrian contestants, executing maneuvers only a specialist could achieve. While the surrounding areas are filled with cars, utes, 4WDs, horse trailers and caravans. The area suturally murmurs with a laid-back attitude, all mixed in with animal aromas, where their waste is sowed with regularity. 

Since 1932, the Manilla Show has provided local people with an opportunity to celebrate their achievements and enjoy a break from day-to-day routine, with a combination of serious competition and light entertainment. These annual shows acknowledge and rewards the hard work and skill of primary producers as well as the continued effort of the organisers of the Annual Manilla Show.

As a young fella in the 1950s, the Manilla Show was the event we all looked forward to. Watching all the trailers arriving in the weeks before the big day with their side show alley equipment. Checking it out almost on a daily basis to see that was going to unfold. The operators camped on the bank of the Namoi Weir and we could smell their cooking in the early evening when we ventured down to view these intriguing scenes. They travelled around NSW - we lived a stable life in Manilla, and this was different. We tried hard to be patient for the Big Opening Day, as the Manilla Show days were always the pinnacle of our imagination.

"Growing Up in Manilla in the 1950s-1960s." (Link)

In the 1950s there was a variety of entertainment that tempted us to experience. The tattoo lady, dwarfs, the haunted castle, the hairy lady, and the pea shooters, where you could shoot the flat metal ducks down to win a prize. All this was pretty dramatic entertainment for us country people. The Wall of Death motorcycle ride being a spectacle on its own. Riders defying gravity and riding motorcycles horizontal to the ground, and performing skills that defied any imagination that these were possible. The Sharman boxing tent provided continual entertainment, with the travelling boxers, and our local contestants, lining up on the elevated front stand area. A drummer beating his large bass drum; a sound that boomed around the grounds, and always in the background of your attendance. The spruiker's loud voice regularly enticing anyone who wanted to have a round or two with the travelling boxers.

Sharman was a boxer and showman from NSW who was famous for his travelling troupe of boxers and wrestlers. With catchphrases such as: “who’ll take a glove?” and, “a round or two for a pound or two”, Sharman invited locals who fancied themselves as fighters, to challenge his boxers in the ring and win some prize money. Sharman's son Jimmy, took over from his father in 1955 after playing as a professional rugby league footballer.
Another popular event on the Manilla Calendar is the Manilla Vintage Machinery Group's Rally each year. Link below:

Friday was heritage day at the 2014 Manilla Show, and the Manilla Primary School attended a special Heritage Day Event in heritage clothing. It was a day full of activities including demonstrations and games. The Manilla Vintage Machinery Group was in attendance providing demonstration information on their well maintained machinery. There were shearing demonstrations, leather work, whip cracking, and animal husbandry. Two games included the egg and spoon race and the three legged race (which were popular in the 1950s) and horse shoe throwing. It was a fine and sunny day and certainly enjoyed by everyone in attendance - the smiles on their faces said it all.

Manilla Central Primary School Photographs from the 1950s 1960s

Keepit Dam on the Namoi River (actually, it is the combined Namoi and Manilla Rivers as the Manilla River runs into the Namoi at Manilla township) was proposed as early as the 1890s to boost agricultural production in the Namoi Valley. Farmers relied on artesian water to supplement variable river flows but by the 1930s water levels were falling. The Dam would also provide water for stock and household needs in the Namoi Valley. In 1939 work finally began on Keepit Dam, was halted in 1941 by World War II, resumed in 1946, and was completed by 1960. 

The Lake Keepit State Park is located 34 kilometres from Manilla on the Rushes Creek Road. The Dam is equal the size of Sydney Harbour (425,000 ml). 

In the 1950s we used to water ski along the Namoi River in between the willow trees. The water was very calm and provided an excellent water ski area. It was possible to camp on the bank, water ski along the river, turn around at a larger expanse of water and return to the start.

When word was out the Dam would be completed the local water skiers got together a few working bees and started to cut down a number of gum trees in a large area, and burn them. It was also a good opportunity for many to cut up wood for the fires at home. 

Lizards and bird life had to find other homes, and they did. Plenty of gum trees left. We found a birds nest of galahs and took one home for a pet. We called him Sam. Scrawning little things at this stage, but grew up to be a nice bird specimen after feeding him on warm milk and weetbix. Bacon and eggs weren't going to work. Also found a lizard and decided it would be a good pet. Put him under my hat and took him home also. The Manilla country side's life of adventure in inquisitiveness.  

It was at this stage the Water Ski Gardens were named. When the Dam filled there was a large area free of trees. In the early stage’s logs appeared on the surface and had to be removed. Didn't want to take the chance of a broken ski, or even a foot or leg. The Water Ski Gardens are located 20 klms from Manilla on the Rushes Creek Road.

The only problem with this large area, if the wind came up it was choppy and rough. Nothing like skiing in the calm waters between the Willows. But it still gave a large area for skiing, parking, trailers and camping. And so started a new chapter of water skiing at Keepit.

In the 1950s Rushes Creek road was a virtual dirt track in many stages, so precautions had to be taken to protect the boats on trailers. It was a time when inboard timber ski boats ruled the waters. 

Water Skiing at Keepit > "Growing Up In Manilla in the 1950s-1960s." (Link)

Scouting started in Australia in 1908 and in 1953 The Scout Association of Australia became an independent Member of the World Scout Conference. In 1909, Major Chuck of the New South Wales Forces, and the Scout Master for the Tamworth District, came to Manilla Public School to swear in the 1st Manilla Boy Scout Troop.

The Scouting Organisation is a voluntary movement and its leadership is based on the willingness of highly motivated men and women at local level to dedicate themselves to the service of young people.

While attending Cubs and Scouts in the 1950s at Manilla my leaders were Jack Harding, George Harley and Mady deSmid.

Three dedicated individuals that devoted many hours, and were an integral part of the further development of young boys and teenagers in Manilla.

I look back now with appreciation. Without their involvement and guidance many of the young boys in Manilla would have missed out on this opportunity, and the experiences in life they taught. (Pics: Manilla Scout Hall, and George and Mady with a group of Manilla Scouts and Cubs)

"Growing Up in Manilla 1956-1965," Link Scouting in Manilla NSW is dealt with in more detail as it was a major influence for us all while exploring life in Manilla NSW Australia. 

The Manilla River Walk is a relaxing and naturally peaceful walk from either of two points: Start under the Bridge (1) or head down Market St, adjacent to the Manilla Museum (2). Both walks take you to the Junction of the Namoi and Manilla Rivers and towards Higgins Bridge, just below the Showground.  
At the junction, in 1853, George Veness built a slab hut, store and inn, sited on the bank. He established the first postal service at “The Junction” and named the town Manilla, when the postal service was set up in 1856. A plaque at the timber arch, at the top of the path, marks the 150 year anniversary of Manilla’s founding.
   The corner of River and Market Street shows the entrance to the River Walk.
Continue walking under the archway towards the river junction.
The Plaque reads: "Manilla Shire Council. The Manilla Historical Pecinct and Nature Walk Project was undertaken by Council as part of the Celebration of the Centenary of Federation. This Community Project was funded by a Commonwealth Federation Grant together with financial support from Council and was officially opened by the Federal Member of New England Mr Stewart St.Clair. M.P. on Saturday 1st September 2001."
Left: Just below River Street at the start of the walk near the river. During the 1964 Flood the water rose to almost the top of these trees. Right: Entrance to the other end of the walk near the Showground area and Higgins Bridge.
Walking down the bank and water,it provides private areas to sit and feel the natural surrounds. Climbing under the trees on the right, shows an area where the young used to go 'craw-bobbing' during the 1950's-1960's. 
Plaques are erected along the walk providing wildlife information
Right: Entrance road to Higgins Bridge
Higgins Bridge area has some nice fishing and swimming spots. Not much water when these pictures were taken. 

The Book is Finished and Printed. For Information Click Here

Below is a tranquil excerpt from my book about living in Manilla NSW.

Although one could assess this story about Manilla as nostalgic and a journey down memory lane, it is distinctly more. The processes for this story were born a few decades ago. At that particular time, I had no idea the extent of a collaboration with My-Self had in store for later years. It was a steady growth. A steady growth of experiences that foreshadowed the meaning behind an impetus to sit and write.

Experience did manifest this dual nature of life within myself, but without also sitting and contemplating what meaning the experiences have upon ones-Self, we cannot derive any benefit for our lives. This takes focus and intent, which in turn requires the knowledge for Self to be consciously aware of our life holistically.

This also takes an awareness outside what we see in society and an awareness and curiosity to ask the question, “Is there something else?” There is. If we don’t ask this question within our-Self we fall short of understanding who we really are. Not a clone of what society expects of you, but an entity that participates in the formation of your True-Self. Away from the abnormal influences of society.

No matter what our circumstances are when growing up, whether they are good or bad, we need to penetrate our psyche to enable an articulate observation of our-Selves during that life, and also the years that follow. With this we find the meaning of our existence.

Without understanding our childhood, we fall short of understanding our life as an adult.


The following Articles are related to Australian History in the 1800s-1900s, and in particular the country region around Manilla NSW Australia. 
(c) Mitchell Zen

They start with the first written article in June 2023 and proceed to the present day. 

George Anton Englert and his family moved to Manilla around 1905. George worked as the head blacksmith at the H. Baker Foundry. The building sat on the north-west corner of Manilla and Court Streets until its demolition in the 1940s.

The land is now named Rotary Park. A plaque is located in the park commemorating the H. Baker Foundry.

The Englert’s lived in three homes while in Manilla. The second is an historic brick cottage built in the late 19th century.

George was an accomplished musician who led the Holy Trinity Church of England choir at Manilla. The 1912 photograph (in the picture) shows George as choirmaster, with daughter Guerle.

George was an important contributor to the Manilla NSW “Odd Fellows” Lodge.

Odd Fellows is an international fraternity consisting of lodges first documented in 1730 in London. Odd Fellows promote philanthropy, the ethic of reciprocity and charity.

The Odd Fellows started as a way to care for their members in a time when there were no systems in place to insure one’s welfare, health or job protection. Back in the early days, insurance companies and government programs that provided sick and death benefits did not actually exist. Sickness or death of a breadwinner frequently meant poverty and the responsibility of burial depended on the family.

During the 19th century, life insurance was available only to the wealthy and beyond the financial ability of the average working class. For these reasons, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows took on the responsibilities of visiting the sick, burying the dead, educating the orphans and caring for the widows as a way to support widows, orphans and families in need.

Geoff lived in Manilla from 1939 to 1948. He has written a short story about his recollections of Manilla in those days, and has asked a number of questions in his story, and would welcome any comments and answers to his questions. Contact via this page.

The Link to his Story is: https://geoffayling.blogspot.com/

Geoff is an Australian sport shooter, specialising in the rifle. He has competed in the Commonwealth Games, representing Australia at Edmonton 1978 and Brisbane 1982, and winning a gold medal. He represented his country with distinction at these two Games. He was selected for the Edmonton Games in 1978 and finished just out of medal contention. But in Brisbane in 1982 he shot superbly and won the gold medal in the pairs with his NSW team mate, Stan Golinski.

His shooting record is unparalleled in Tasmania - in fact, he ranks in the top echelon of the all-time great Australian shooters and started his career in 1953 as a 14-year-old, having competed around the world both as an individual and as an Australian team member. On the local Tasmanian scene - at club championships and one day aggregates - he amassed a staggering 350 plus wins, including six Tasmania Queen's Prizes.

At the Australian level, Geoff won four other Queen's Prizes and a National Queen's as well. Internationally, his successes include a 1980 Queen's in Barbados, a 1981 World Championship Gold medal at the 'home' of shooting at Bisley in England and in that same year, he won the coveted Queen's Prize at Bisley, where 1700 competitors vied for that honour.

Geoff is also Partner and Principal Researcher at The Forrest Project located in Sydney.

Geoff Ayling AM MSc CChem
Forensic Scientist, Principal Researcher on The Forrest Project.

Thomas John Bowen was a prominent builder in the Gunnedah/Manilla/Tamworth region of NSW, and involved in the early development of these towns. He is believed to have first come to the area about 1884 to assist G. H. Royce, NSW chief engineer, for the construction of the iron traffic bridge over the Namoi River (1884-86), an important milestone in the development of Manilla.

Thomas John went on to construct many major buildings in Manilla including the Courthouse, St Michael's Anglican Church and various hotels. He is also said to have re-built the (timber) Mechanic's Institute as a substantial brick building around 1900 - now the Manilla & District Soldier's Memorial Hall.

Thomas John is thought he constructed E.G. Royce's own house, which now houses the Manilla Museum and is listed on the Register of the National Estate.

Thomas John was sufficiently important in the community to be elected to Manilla's first Municipal Council in 1901.

Thomas John Bowen was a son of Martin Bowen and Elizabeth Seage (1834-1910). Martin Bowen had been tried in Kilkenny Ireland as a 16-year-old illiterate for "feloniously killing a sheep". Sentenced to transportation for life he arrived in Sydney on board the ship St. Vincent in January 1837. Martin was given his Ticket of Leave in 1847 and a conditional pardon in 1853. He was assigned to the Australian Agricultural Company at Port Stephens, established in the early days of the colony as a land development company with the assistance of a land grant from the British Parliament's Crown Grant of 1,000,000 acres in the area. Sometime later Martin found his way to Bathurst where he met Elizabeth Seage. They married in 1850, first living in Evans Plain near Bathurst before settling in the Dubbo/Trangie area.

Thomas John’s wife, Roseanna ("Rose Ann") Allingham, came from a well-established family. The first Allinghams arrived in Australia in 1841 from Ireland (like Thomas John's own ancestors), with the family spread throughout country NSW over the next few decades. Thomas John and Rose Ann were married in 1886 and had six children, including Thomas James, his eldest boy in 1887. Thomas John is buried in a joint grave at Gunnedah with his grand-daughter, Marie Therese as the two died within a few months of each other in 1920. Thomas John Bowen 1855-1920.

Thomas James Bowen (Thomas John’s son) married Mary Veronica in September 1914. They had three children, the first of whom, Marie Therese, died as an infant in 1920. Sometime soon after that death the couple appear to have moved from Gunnedah NSW to Sydney, where Patricia was born a year later. Thomas James was a builder, like his father. He may have had early success but family tradition is that he suffered badly financially during the 1930s Depression.

Mary died in Sydney in 1942 and the next year Thomas James remarried, to Katherine Kennedy. By the late 1950s Thomas and Katherine were living at 11 Arthur St, Moss Vale where his daughter Patricia would visit, along with grandchildren Margaret and Katherine Robinson.

Margaret remembers her grandfather as rather severe person, a view she believes that her mother also shared. But she also remembers that Thomas James was a keen handyman, with his Moss Vale home littered with various hobby projects on which he would be working. Thomas James died in 1961.

The Farmers and Settlers Association organised annual farmers' carnivals from 1907 to 1915 and continued again after WW1. The first farmers' carnival, held in June 1907, attracted a crowd of 1,500 to watch the ring events and view the displays of horses, sheep, cattle, fruit, vegetables, grains and other farm produce.

After the Manilla Agricultural Society was founded in 1930, an annual Agricultural Show was established, with exhibits of produce and stock, and a host of events such as horse racing, trotting, camp drafting and sheep dog trials.

The first Show was held in March 1932 with over 5,000 people attending on the first day. After the success of the first event, the Agricultural Society built a pavilion and a number of other buildings and yards at the Showground.

During the 1920s and 1930s the merino flock sheep ewe competitions, conducted by the Upper Manilla Agricultural Bureau, the Manilla agricultural show and the Manilla ram sales, all encouraged local farmers to develop more scientific breeding programs. On Tuesday 3rd July 1928, 25,000 sheep were yarded for auction by V. J Byrnes, Stock and Station Agent, Manilla NSW.

Like the sheep industry, the cattle industry also benefited from the development of more scientific breeding programs.

Manilla became a major centre for stock sales, and the best-known stock and station agent in town was V. J. Byrnes, who began as an agent in 1913. In 1935 Byrnes established his own sale yards in Manilla and built up one of the largest one-man businesses in Australia. In 1939 Manilla was described as the premier stock selling centre in the north of New South Wales, and Byrne’s sale yards as the largest and most up-to-date set of stock yards north of Sydney. Three-quarters of a million sheep were sold there between March and December 1939, a record for any one office in Australia, outside the capital cities.

The Agricultural Show continues to be a major event in the Manilla social calendar. In addition to the annual show the Agricultural Society has organised regular field wheat and fodder conservation competitions.

The fortieth Manilla Show held in 1974 was opened by the member for Tamworth, Mr E. N. Park. Highlights of the show were the Horticultural Society's floral display in the pavilion, and the Historical Society's display of photographs, ribbons, trophies and other memorabilia from past shows dating back to the early farmers' carnivals.

Cricket has not just been the choice of sporting endeavours for men. Women’s Cricket Teams were fielded as early as 1914 in Manilla, Halls Creek and Wongo Creek. The Manilla women's team even travelled to Sydney to play against Bexley Ladies Club and a representative team from Parliament.

They were accompanied by two chaperones to protect them from the vices of the city.

The first recorded women’s cricket match was in 1874 in Bendigo Vic. The first official organised women’s cricket match in NSW was between the Fernleas and the Siroccos, on 15 April 1887 at the Association Ground, now the Sydney Cricket Ground. A crowd of 600 attended and raised money for the Bulli relief fund. Australian women have always been enthusiastic spectators at cricket matches and soon proved themselves to be just as keen players of the sport.

Almost 100 years after that first game, women were making international history by participating the first World Cup in the sport in England, with seven teams competing. Both at home and abroad, women were establishing themselves as pioneers on the pitch, creating a style of play that would change how men approached the game.

Mr Wells told ABC Sydney, “Women invented round-arm bowling and they did this out of sheer necessity because of their crinoline skirts. They couldn't bowl underarm in the early 1800s like the rest of the men were because they simply couldn't negotiate the width of their skirts. A woman by the name of Christina Wiles, of Kent, in 1807 bowled round-arm deliveries to her brother, starting a specific style which would overtake the underarm bowling style which dominated. They discovered that, in doing that, they could get a bit more purchase on the ball, and they could make the ball move off the wicket, and so the men copied them."

In 1931, the Australian Women’s Cricket Council (AWCC) was formed to promote and support the sport. The first international women’s cricket team to visit Australia was the English team, invited to tour in the summer of 1934-35, to play a series against an Australian team captained by Margaret Peden.

Three Test matches were played against Australia and one against New Zealand – the first ever women’s Test matches. Although the English women had to pay their own way out, the newly-formed Australian Women’s Cricket Council (AWCC), sponsored the tour, paying all in-country costs and retaining match profits. Betty Archdale, captain of the English team, was praised in the press for being a fair and professional player.

The first time a team of Australian women toured overseas was in 1937. The Australian team had to raise their own funds to travel to England for the tour. Proceeds from many Australian matches during 1936 went to the Australian Team Fund.

Under captain Margaret Peden, the Australian team arrived in England in May 1937. The rules of the tour were strict: no woman was permitted to smoke or drink, or be accompanied by a husband or companion.

The team played matches all over England, including three Tests, of which England won two. The women were not permitted to play on the grounds at Lords, (until the mid-1970s), but another famous cricketing ground was opened to the women – The Oval – where they attracted a crowd of over six thousand.

One of the longest-serving players and administrators for women’s cricket in New South Wales during this period was Lorna Thomas. Thomas retired as a cricketer in the late 1950s after a long career playing district and interstate matches. In 1960 she took up team management and went on to manage five international teams including four overseas tours. In 1978, after almost a lifetime's involvement with women's cricket, she retired from her position as manager of the NSW and Australian teams. She was awarded an MBE for services to cricket and was made a life member of Women's Cricket Australia.

In 1958 Australian cricketer Betty Wilson, was inducted into the International Cricket Council's Hall of Fame, made history for both genders by making the first ever century by any Test player while also taking 10 wickets in the same test. The very first World Cup was an all-women's affair in England in 1973. It predated the men's first World Cup by two years.

* The Men’s Manilla Cricket Club became the Manilla Cricket Association in 1901. The Association fielded teams against Tamworth, Barraba, Upper Manilla, Wongo Creek and Halls Creek and participated in interclub matches as far afield as Newcastle, Uralla, Armidale, lnverell and Guyra.

In February 1901 the Attunga team visited Manilla to play a return match against Manilla. The Manilla team included: Dight, Telfer, Kennedy, Priest, Bignall, Brady, Allen, Hall, Ellis, Hartley and Simpson.

During September 1911 the Manilla Cricket Association held its Annual Meeting at the Mechanics Institute. Present were Messrs. W. M. Trenerry (chair), W. D. Hartley (secretary), F. Moore, H. Gurton, A. C. Veness, A. E. Moore, C. K. Vincent, and Dr. Catchlove. The Annual Report showed the season was successful both from a financial situation and cricket also. There were five teams participating and Mr. A. J. Teller's trophy, for the most sportsmanlike player in the competition, was won by Mr. C. Norris, captain of the Klori team. Praise was given to the Klori cricketers for the way in which they carried out their engagements during the season. Mr. Trenerry's trophy for the highest individual score in matches played under the association was won by Mr. A. M. Gabriel, of the Albion Club, who scored 140 not out.
Manilla Scouts and Cubs were very popular in the 1950s/1960s with over 60 Cubs and Scouts enrolled.

The Scouting Organisation is a voluntary movement and its leadership is based on the willingness of highly motivated men and women at local level who dedicated themselves to the service of young people.

Scout Groups started in Australia in 1908. In 1909, Major Chuck of the New South Wales Forces, and the Scout Master for the Tamworth District, came to Manilla Public School to swear in the 1st Manilla Boy Scout Troop. In 1953 The Scout Association of Australia became an independent Member of the World Scout Conference.

In the 1950s, the Principles of Scouting, as identified by the Founder, Lord Baden-Powel, are that man should serve God, act in consideration to the needs of others, and develop and use his abilities to the betterment of himself, his family and the community of which he lives, so that they can take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens.

As a young Cub you commit to a Promise and the Cub Law. The Cub Promise is: “On my honour I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to help other people, and to keep the Cub Law.” The Cub Law is: “A Cub is loyal and obedient, and does not give in to himself.” Fairly straightforward directions to move yourself forward in life with a responsibility to yourself and others around you.

As a Cub, and after following a well-devised program suited to your level of development, a Cub progresses in life towards being a Scout, at about age eleven. As a young boy our life is generally play, work and experiences. Cub activities surrounded this development in life and are in the spirit of make believe. They are games played to develop a Cub’s character without the Cub being conscious of the underlying reasons of why they participate in these activities.

Cubs speak of a Jungle atmosphere and this is wrapped up with the life and adventure of Mowgli, Akela, Kaa and others taken from Rudyard Kipling’s stories. Akela (also called The Lone Wolf or Big Wolf) is a fictional character in Rudyard Kipling's stories. Cub Leaders are known by the name Akela.

The handshake and three finger salute are valuable as it gives the Cub a sense of brotherhood. The left handshake was formulated after Captain Baden-Powell entered the capital city of the Ashanti people. The chief explained, “In my country the bravest of the brave shake with the left hand.”

Manilla Express 15th January 1926: “The first Manilla Troop of Boy Scouts struck camp at Tamworth last Tuesday morning, marched to the railway station and trained for home arriving safely at 10am. The lads were browned and sunburnt, but all expressed pleasure at the camp holiday, and the open-air life, and are looking forward to the next camp which will be held during the Easter holidays. Scouting is essentially an open-air life, but embraces not only physical training, but mental and moral.”

Alton Richmond “Magpie” MacLeod (1887 - 1951)

After joining Massey-Harris Co. Ltd to supervise experiments with a new harvesting machine, Alton Richmond MacLeod travelled to Manilla NSW to give a demonstration of the harvesting machine. After giving this demonstration, he decided to settle in the district and bought the local Massey-Harris agency in 1911.

On the 18 June 1913, Alton married Lily Hall (1891-1982), in her father's home “Hillside” at Gunnedah. Alton and Lily had three children: Marion Lily, Douglas and Effie Jean.

Having conducted the Massey-Harris agency profitably, in January 1919 Macleod bought the Manilla Express, a bi-weekly newspaper which he edited from October 1923. He was also an executive-member (1920-39) and president (1933-34) of the New South Wales Country Press Association, and a vice-president (1933-36) of the Australian Provincial Press Association.

In 1919 Macleod had been elected to the Manilla Municipal Council. He served as an alderman (1919-21 and 1926-50) and mayor (1930-34 and 1942-50). He was an initiator of the town's sewerage, water and beautification schemes, and was active in more than a score of community organizations, including the Parents and Citizens' Association, hospital board, show committee and the Caledonian Society. A drinking-fountain was erected (1934) at the Municipal Chambers in recognition of his community service.

He was also founding president (1936-38) and secretary (1939-50) of the Manilla Bowling Club.

Alton’s younger years: At the age of 13 Alton left North Codrington Public School to help on his father's mixed farm. Alton was Apprenticed to a coach smith at Lismore in 1903, and transferred to a Mullumbimby firm in the following year. From 1907 he worked in Queensland at mining-fields on the Atherton Tableland and the Roper River, but suffered a bout of malaria which affected his health thereafter.

While employed at the Hambledon sugar-mill in 1908, Macleod attended the mill's night-school where he was tutored by an old journalist, using the pseudonym 'Magpie.’ He had a string of contributions published by the Bulletin. From May 1909 he studied privately in Sydney until his health again broke down.

Two years later he bought the Massey-Harris agency at Manilla NSW in 1911 where he settled for the rest of his life.

Alton was a rifleman of note. In 1917 Macleod had represented Country against Sydney. In 1927 he won the Country championship and captained the New South Wales rifle team on its New Zealand tour. Next year he was a member of the State team which won the Gordon Highlanders' trophy in Perth. 'Mac' set an Australian record in 1929 by scoring 22 consecutive bull's-eyes at 900 yards (823 m) in the Weinholdt aggregate and the King's prize in Brisbane.

He was a councillor (1924-50), life-member (1935) and vice-president (1946-50) of the National Rifle Association of New South Wales.

It was well known that whatever he did, he put his heart and soul into it. Macleod believed in work, and in relaxation - through gardening, sport and reading, particularly poetry.

After selling the Manilla Express in 1947, he wrote a history of Manilla - The Transformation of Manellae (1949).

Survived by his wife, son and two daughters, he died of myasthenia gravis on 8 July 1951 at Arthur Street Manilla NSW and was cremated.

Alton is the eldest son of William Alexander MacLeod (Born 12 Sep 1856 in Tomago NSW) and Augusta Caroline (Hermann) MacLeod (married 15 Sep 1886) and the brother of William, Charles Stanley, Annie Marian, Effie Harriet, Margaret May, Edith Jean, Sydney Bruce and Janet Muriel (MacLeod) Johnston (see picture).

Manilla-Keepit Water Skiing - City-Country Exchange Program - Manilla Central School.

It appears the people in the photograph are Arthur Bell and his son, and the girl in the boat is Christine Unsworth.

A number of Manilla residents owned ski boats, including Ron Wilson, the local milkman.

Christine arrived in Manilla with other young teenagers from Sydney on an exchange program between the Manilla Servicemen’s Club and the Hurlstone Park Servicemen’s Club. Each person was billeted with a family in Manilla and provided with bus trips to country attractions not normally experienced in Sydney – like shearing sheds. Likewise, the Manilla teenagers were taken to centres around Sydney that they had not experienced before – like the Zoo. It was a successful program for all involved and all relished in this informative program.

Arthur Bell and his family lived in Southbrook and owned a Land rover and an inboard ski boat. A number of young children sat in the back on metal top side seating while travelling out to Keepit for Water Skiing. A bumpy ride on unsealed country roads with no seatbelts.

The bottom two photographs were taken water skiing in the river area before Keepit Dam filled up and before the Water Ski Gardens were created.

The Namoi River flows adjacent to Manilla township and along Rushes Creek Road for approximately 20 kilometres to the Dowe National Park. Construction of Keepit dam began in 1939 but was halted in 1941 due to WWII. Work on the dam restarted in 1946 and was completed in 1960. When Keepit Dam was built the water from the Namoi was banked up and created a vast amount of water in this area, equal to the size of Sydney Harbour (425,000 ml) and has a catchment area of 5,829 square kilometres.

Previous to the dam being built, there was sufficient water in some river areas to enjoy water-skiing between the willow and gum trees growing on the banks. To reach this area required a drive out along the Rushes Creek Road, where much of this road was a dirt track.

As construction of the Dam progressed in the 1950s, it was an opportunity to build what is now called, The Ski Gardens. Working bees were organised to cut down and clear all the trees in a large area. The dam was built, the river flowed, and the dam gradually filled up. The Ski-Gardens were now a reality.

This era portrayed a country life with memories of Manilla Public School and warm bottles of milk at recess, where we hoped it didn’t get too hot by the time recess arrived, while it stood in the open under the pepper corn tree. It was, but we would forget the taste at lunch time, via a fresh tasty meat pie with sauce from the Bignall store across the road. A time where only the bravest (or?) would take on Noel Sing in a boxing match - and still lose. A time when Noel Watts was a one-man-dynamite on the rugby league field and won games single handedly. While not forgetting Tony Bull, who always excelled with proficient speeches at assembly.

Chubby Checkers twist arrived and was attempted at the school social - many failed - but there was always the stomp, because it was simple. The Fox Trot tied your feet in knots not to mention your head, and the Barn Dance produced up close opportunities for everyone.

The city kids were hip and cool coming to Manilla with the exchange program, and couldn’t understand why we didn’t wear shoes and why we didn’t have a B/W TV. While in Sydney there were so many cars one bloke from Manilla thought it was a never-ending funeral procession. Because most of us had never seen a line of cars that long in Manilla – except for a funeral.

The Beatles arrived with their first album and their hit “Love Me Do.” A female teacher brought her vinyl album to class one day, because she didn’t know who was who on the cover. We did.

It was a time to remember, and is a time to remember and reflect - “We never know what we miss until we miss what we should have remembered.”

The Life and Work of the late Mr J. D. Kennedy - Manilla NSW Australia.

Mr John Duncan Kennedy was the last surviving member of the first Manilla Municipal Council, which was formed in 1901. He had served on the council continuously for 37 years, during which time he was Mayor for several terms.

Mr. Kennedy, who died at the age of 80 (1872-1953) was one of the best-known figures in the professional and public life of Manilla. He took a prominent part in the activities of Manilla, being associated with most organisations and committees.

He was one of the first patrons of the Returned Soldiers' League, and held the office until his death. Mr. Kennedy was a committee man and director of Manilla Hospital since its establishment in 1905. He was Treasurer of the first committee, which was formed in 1905. During his years of association with the hospital, Mr. Kennedy was chairman for several terms.

He was associated with the Mechanics' Institute, and was Secretary from 1901 to 1911.

John Duncan was the principal of the firm of John D. Kennedy and Sons, solicitors, of Manilla, where he had practised for over 50 years. He was a noted authority on land matter and practised as a solicitor for 57 years. He was also the District Coroner at Manilla for many years.

Although not a committeeman of Manilla Show Society, Mr. Kennedy was patron of it over the last 13 years of his life, and was one of the prime movers in the formation of the annual exhibition. He was also patron of the Manilla Bowling Club since its inception in 1935.

John Duncan was an active member of the Presbyterian Church, and had been closely associated with its affairs and had been one of the foundation members of the church. John Duncan had achieved the honour of being appointed an Elder.

At the funeral service, held in the Presbyterian Church, the Rev. J. Mitchell referred to John Duncan as a “pillar of the church,” and made special mention of the part he had played in the work of the church. Representatives of all sections of the community attended the service. They included directors of the Hospital Board, Municipal and Shire Council members, business men, Bowling Club members, Masonic Lodge members, and Ex-Servicemen. It was mentioned his death would mean a big loss to most organisations and committees in Manilla.

In excess of 300 people attended the funeral and there were about 150 persons who could not be accommodated in the tiny church, who listened to the service through the doors and windows.

The Mayor of Manilla (Mr G. F. B. Grills) said that Mr. Kennedy was one of the town's most public-minded citizens. His advice on legal and personal matters was always sought by townspeople. He was held in high regard by the residents of the town.

Mr Kennedy is survived by two sons, Mr. Allan K. Kennedy (Tamworth) and Mr Donald H. Kennedy (Manilla).

The Marriage of Mr J. D. Kennedy and Miss Ruby Hartley:

Mr John D. Kennedy was married to Miss Ruby Hartley on the 17th August 1901. Ruby was the youngest daughter of Mr. D. Hartley of Manilla. The event aroused a large amount of interest, due to the factor the bride-groom is such a prominent member in the public life of Manilla, and that the bride is a native of Manilla, and a direct descendant of the oldest family in the town – George Veness 1823-1895.

The church was densely packed on the occasion, with a large number of persons occupying the porch, while others were forced to remain in the church yard. The interior of the building had been beautified by the arrangement of a large wedding bell above the spot where the young couple stood, with large white streamers stretching from the bell to the adjacent walls.

The choir, of which the bride was a leading member, rendered appropriate music during the ceremony, which was conducted by the Rev. P. Norman (Presbyterian Minister of Scone), assisted by the Rev. W. J. Walker. The bride was given away by her father, and was attended by Miss Matheson (cousin) and Miss Kennedy (sister of the bride groom.)

The bride's dress was composed of white figured silk, chiffon, and lace trimmings. She wore a veil and wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a shower bouquet of choice white flowers. Miss Matheson wore a costume of dove-coloured French voile and silk, with guipure lace with ribbon trimmings. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss Kennedy was attired in white silk and lace, trimmed with blue silk, with white hat to match. She also carried a bouquet of pink roses. Each bridesmaid wore a gold brooch, a gift of the bride groom. Mr. Frank S. Mackenzie acted as best man. A very pretty occasion was provided at the conclusion of the ceremony: with the wedding-bell aloft, rose leaves descended from the interior on man and wife beneath.

A private wedding breakfast was served at the residence of the bride's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy departed for Tamworth during the afternoon, en-route to Sydney, where the honeymoon was spent.

Durham Court - The Baldwin Family - Manilla NSW Australia

“First and foremost among Manilla’s pioneers were the Baldwins - Otto and his nephew Charles.” A.R. MacLeod.

Baldwin Family - Durham Court is a 1352acre (547ha) property located just four kilometres outside of Manilla on the banks of the Namoi River. Durham Court has been held by the Baldwin family since 1848 until it was sold in 2016.

Edwin (Charles) Baldwin (1829-1906), pastoralist, was born on 12 October 1829, at Wilberforce, NSW. He married Mary Ann Crowley (1837-1872) on the 10th June 1856. In 1875 he married Mary Ann Gorrick (1840-1932).

Edwin (Charles) is the son of Edwin Baldwin (1805-1868), farmer and grazier, and his wife Alice, née Clarke. His grandfather, Henry Baldwin, was of Welsh descent and had arrived at Sydney in the Admiral Barrington in October 1791. He settled on the Hawkesbury River at Wilberforce and by diligent farming, husbandry of livestock and purchase of farms at Kurrajong and on the Hunter River, built up an estate worth more than £5000 (Today: $1+million) which he left to his family when he died on 6 June 1843.

Edwin (Snr) son, Otto, was amongst the first to take stock across the Liverpool Range, where as a squatter he was dispossessed when Warrah was granted to the Australian Agricultural Co. in 1833. With his brother Otto, then squatted near Manilla, where his run, Diniwarindi, covered 30,720 acres (12,432 ha) in 1848. In 1858 ownership of Dinnawirindi was transferred to Charles.

On the 10 June 1856 Edwin (Charles) married Mary Ann, daughter of John Crowley. They had three sons and six daughters. He had built a new homestead, imported the highest quality furniture and had also acquired an expensive new carriage.

The family had a terrifying experience when the Diniwarindi homestead was swept away by flood in 1864. Rain fell constantly and the Namoi floodwater was rising ominously. Charles realized that he and his family were in dire peril as the water had already entered the house. He put his eight children, his wife and two female domestic staff in a boat but because of the swirling water and its battering logs, other timber, and flood debris, and being a constant danger in the darkness, he chose to tie the boat to the back porch of the house and wait until the morning light. The flood continued to rise. At first light he set off and row to safety, half a mile away. As soon as the boat and its passengers had drawn clear, the house collapsed and was swept away. It was a narrow escape.

Although the family narrowly escaped with their lives, there was little food. Mary Anne’s health was greatly affected by these events and she never recovered from this tragedy and died aged 35 in February 1872 leaving eight young children.

On 13 April 1875 Charles married Mary Ann, daughter of Isaac Gorrick. They had three sons and two daughters. A large new homestead, on the opposite northern side of the Namoi River, was built in 1876, where in 1885 the property name was changed to Durham Court.

In 1899 Charles celebrated his golden jubilee of living at Durham Court. At least five of the staff had been employees for 40 years and many had been born there.

Charles Baldwin died on 25 November 1906 aged 77, at his residence, and was buried in the Church of England cemetery at Manilla NSW.

Edwin (Charles) is the father of Emily Dowe, Eva Baldwin, Jessie Baldwin, Grace Baldwin, Otto Baldwin and 10 others. Edwin (Charles) is the brother of Henry Baldwin, Alice Baker, Elizabeth Baldwin-Dight and Harriet Baldwin, and the half-brother of William Frederick Baldwin, William Baldwin, George Rowland Baldwin and John Harbourne.

Early progressive years: Edwin (Charles) went to Diniwarindi as a young man of nineteen, yet from sixteen years of age, he was taught stock trade by his uncle Otto, the son of Harvest Baldwin, who soon moved to Singleton and left Charles to manage the run. Charles reigned for nearly 60 years at Durham Court.

His most outstanding characteristic was his love of high-class stock. He bought high quality Australian cattle, imported many pedigree bulls from England to improve his herds and won high repute for the Durham Court Shorthorn stud. He also imported blood horses and established a stud. It became his special interest and he was founder and patron of the Manilla Race Club. Horses bred at Durham Court won such prominent races as the St Leger, Epsom, and Sydney Cup. Havoc was one of his most successful sires.

Baldwin was prepared to pay high prices to acquire fine horses. The stallion Machine Gun, was bought for nearly 1000 guineas just before Baldwin's death, and was sold in 1908 for 1500 guineas (Today: $3.5million). His thoroughbreds and Shorthorn cattle had a marked effect on the standard of Australian stock.

Charles had been specializing in the breeding of Durham cattle (Shorthorn) and the skills he displayed had made Durham Court a leading stud in Australia. The magnitude of this breeding programme is illustrated by the sales. In 1882 in one sale alone, Charles sold a line of 157 bulls to "Warroo" in Qld.

Edwin (Charles) had a retiring disposition and a keen sense of humour. He was severe in his criticisms but shrewd in his perception of human nature. He was also generous in supporting worthy causes. He made donations to various churches. In 1892 he subscribed £50 (Today: $5,000) towards the building of the first Church of England in Manilla and gave £500 to Tamworth Hospital for the establishment of an operating theatre in 1901 (Today: $50,000). He was also a justice of the peace.

After his death in 1906, Durham Court was auctioned in 1908, and parts of it were bought by members of the family. The homestead section became the residence of Otto Francis Baldwin (Snr).

Otto Francis (Snr) married Beatrice Alice Grady (1912-1992) on 4 April 1934, in Manilla and they had three children, Judith Mary (1937-1938), Charles Peter (1935-1955) and Otto Francis (Jnr) (1939-2016).

Durham Court is described as a heritage landmark of the Manilla district; draped in a rich history which includes the renowned Durham Court Shorthorn and Thoroughbred studs. The property remains an iconic piece of northern New South Wales pastoral history.

Otto Francis Baldwin (Snr) passed away on 15 Aug 1975 aged 74 years.

Durham Court (1352 acres-547 Ha) was offered for sale by the O. F. Baldwin Estate in 2016, after Otto Francis (Jnr) died (1939-2016) and was purchased by the neighbouring Coombes family in 2016 for $3.35m.

The Historic and Heritage Manilla NSW Holy Trinity Church - Incorporating - * Confirmation - * The Cuerindi Memorial Tower - * Cannon and John Quayle - * Cuerindi History and the * Hall and Allen families.

The Baptistery and the Cuerindi Memorial Tower were a gift from the Allen family of Cuerindi, in memory of their father and mother.

In 1938 the foundation stone for the western end and tower was laid by Bishop Moyes. A tube was placed at the back of the tablet containing a script, two copies of the Manilla Express, a copy of the Tamworth Leader and an order of service for the day.

On February 19th, 1939 the Cuerindi Memorial Tower and the western end were dedicated by Sir Charles Rosenthal. Sir Charles Rosenthal (1875-1954) was an architect, soldier and musician, and joined the Australian Imperial Force in August 1914 and sailed with the first convoy as lieutenant-colonel commanding the 3rd Field Artillery Brigade. The Manilla Park displays captured guns from the 33rd Battalion on the Western Front in the Great War 1914-1918.

The first stage of the Memorial Tower was built by Walter Jackson, and the second stage completed by W.C. Grantham.

The History of Cuerindi:

The Hall Family of Cuerindi originated as one of the founding 12 inhabitants of the new town of Manilla (The Junction). Together with the Allen Family they are established pioneers within the Manilla Historical culture of time and with other pioneers, influenced life and times during this period.

The Hall family established “Cuerindi Run” in the early 1830's. By 1862 the town population could almost be counted on both hands. “Cuerindi Run” is approximately 10 klms north of Manilla.

The following details are a summary of the Hall Family from Cuerindi. A future post will show more complete details regarding the Hall Family.

Maria Adelaide (Davey) Hall (1840-1916) was born on 19 December 1840, when her father was 30 and her mother Hanastatia Sarah (formally Byrnes) was also 30. Maria married Matthew Hall (1830-1891) in 1861 at age 20, while Matthew was 30 years of age. They had twelve children during their marriage. Maria’s mother-in-law, Frances, was also living on the property and on hand to assist with the birth of Maria’s second child. Maria and Matthew were married for 30 years.

Maria’s father, Benjamin Robert, died just three years after Maria was born. Her mother, Hanastatia Sarah (Ann) Byrnes, died in Manilla in 1864 aged 54 years.

The marriage of Maria and Matthew was performed on the property and accorded to the rites of the Church of Scotland by minister John Morison. The witnesses were Frederick R. Rogers and Elizabeth Davey (Maria's sister). The wedding was registered in the District of Tamworth Register by John MacDonald, registrar.

Matthew and Maria’s early residency at Manilla initially comprised of a group of timber slab buildings on the eastern bank of the Namoi River just below the junction of the Namoi with Halls Creek. This spot is now a little north west and down from where the modern-day homestead of Namoi Park is located.

North Cuerindi Estate originally comprised of 20,100 acres. This changed in 1909 when the estate was subdivided into 28 settlement areas of 200 to 2300 acres. Ten of these blocks have a Namoi River frontage.

The Allen Family of Cuerindi:

Richard Duke Allen (1846-1903) came to Manilla in 1876 to manage “Cuerindi.” In 1902 Richard became the sole owner of the station and also of “Springfield.”  Richard married Emma Harriet Abbott and had 11 children in 26 years while residing at Cuerindi. Most of the children continued their residency at Cuerindi and/or within the Manilla district.

One of Richard and Emma’s children, Agnes Polke Allen (1887-1962), was born when her father was 40, and her mother, Emma, was 33. While residing at Curerindi, Agnes married Austin George Veness (1898-1965 Manilla) in Manilla in 1936, when she was 49 years old. Austin George died in Manilla in 1965 just three years after Agnes died. They had no known children.

The extended Allen family of eleven children have had a long association with Cuerindi and Manilla district. Their donation towards the Cuerindi Tower at the Holy Trinity Church in Manilla is a mark of reverence for church, family and Manilla as a whole. This contribution marked an historical milestone for the Allen family and also Cuerindi’s history.

During the 1960s, Cannon (James Orry) Quayle lived at Manilla with his wife (Mabel Anna) and officiated the church services at the Holy Trinity Church in Manilla NSW.

Cannon (James Orry) Quayle is the father of John Quayle, a rugby league player, who found success in Sydney first as an NRL player and then an administrator. John was known as "Cannon" and grew up in Manilla NSW and played all his junior league at the local club. In 1968 John joined Easts and was a second rower. He played 51 first grade games for the Roosters and played in the 1972 grand final. After the 1972 grand final John switched to Parramatta in 1973 and played 57 first grade games for the Eels from 1973 to 1976. While he was at Parramatta, he played 2 games for NSW and 3 tests for Australia.

John married a local Manilla girl, Diane Todd, in 1968.

Confirmation at the Holy Trinity Church (see picture): On the 25th November 1962 a large number of younger congregation members were Confirmed into the Holy Trinity Church. Confirmation indicates one's deepening relationship with God. It marks the point in the Christian journey at which participants affirm their faith and their intention to live a life of committed discipleship. Confirmation is the doctrine and ethos of the Anglican Church.

There have been recent attempts to disband the structural historic interior of the Holy Trinity. It must be remembered preserving our Cultural, Heritage and Historic Past is an important contributor to our Future, as if we don't, the Future has no basis from where our Contemplation is derived.

Contemplation with the Past is our direct link to our Stable Future. Without this we fall short of knowing Ourselves. It is important the History and Heritage, internally and externally, is preserved at the Holy Trinity Church in Manilla to reflect our Souls of Peace, and in turn preserve the History of Manilla NSW. Please support this endeavour to Save the historical significance of the Holy Trinity Church, and also Manilla as a whole.

Pioneer Settlers of Manilla NSW Australia

Prior to the pioneer settlers in Manilla, exploration parties were prominent in exploring land in the Manilla District. In 1818 John Oxley crosses the Peel River, 30km south-east of Manilla, where today Oxley’s Anchor is located near Hallsville, on the road to Tamworth. In 1823, another exploration party, led by Allan Cunningham, discovers and names Pandora’s Pass over the Liverpool Range, and continues north, crossing the Namoi River. In 1827 Allan passes through the district again on his way north. A year later, 1828, Thomas Mitchell travels the Namoi River.

During the early years of the 1830s Major Nunn is sent north by Australia’s Colonial Administrator to quell alleged problems with the Aboriginal people. He arrives with 23 mounted police. The local tribe of Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay people are ambushed by Nunn’s party at the Namoi River and they scatter into the bush.

In the late 1830s the Pringle Family take up land around Somerton and Bective. Somerton is located 24 klms south of Manilla. Bective is located just west of Attunga.

A short time later Teamsters and Carriers ferry goods from the Hunter district, through goldfield settlements and cattle stations, travelling north towards Manilla.

The first known pioneer settler in Manilla was George Veness (1823-1895) who arrived in Australia in the 1840s and settled in Manilla in the 1850s. He selects land at the junction of the Manilla and Namoi Rivers and sets up a store and wine shop. George, with wife Sarah and son John, established the store to supply stranded travellers with goods and services at their campground. This led towards town settlement. During this period John George Rideout builds a boarding house on the northern side of the Namoi River.

The population of Manilla was 50 in the 1860s and grew to 888 by 1901. (Upper Manilla 381)

George gave Manilla its name, as Manilla was previously named Manellae (1842). The pioneers in the Manilla district (men and women) laid the foundation for its rural industries and its commercial and business undertakings. They spent long hours labouring and often were short of food. Starvation was a constant concern during the colony’s first few years.

During the 1860s Arthur Dewhurst maps out Manilla streets and names them after his family, his chainman (surveyor), his home town, and himself.

The first free settlers to Australia arrived aboard the Bellona in early 1793. To encourage free settlement among the less wealthy, the British colonial government began to pay the transportation costs for many migrants in the early 1800s. In the 1830s and 1840s the British public and the Australian colonists grew critical of the British practice of shipping convicts to Australia. This ended in the 1850s.

During the late 1800s electricity supply was caught up in political debate on the federal constitution. However, progress succeeded and by 1906 there were 46 electric light and power stations in Australia. The first lighting company was formed in Melbourne in the 1880s. In the late 1800s, Tamworth, with a population of 5,800 in 1901, switched to arc (an electric arc across two electrodes) and incandescent (emitting light as a result of being heated) lighting. Electric light installation arrived in Manilla in 1913.

A reminder that sewage installation in Manilla didn’t arrive in the main town until 1953, Southbrook 1965 and North Manilla 2000.

Without any modern facilities available today, the pioneers of Manilla District certainly fostered a desire for self-development during the early years. We owe them a sense of reverence (deep respect) for the life we have today in Manilla Country.

With less than ideal conditions during the early to the late 1800s, many new settlers occupied land in the Upper Manilla and Upper Namoi Valleys. The land settlers were industrious men, improving their land, and also commenced producing wheat. By 1865 the number of settlers established in the Upper Manilla valley included Nixon, Bowman, Barling, Costelloe, Cameron, Iliffe, Hall, Byrnes and more.

Thomas Bowman selected 1,868 acres of land in Upper Manilla at Woodville and over the years steadily increased his holdings to over 12,000 acres. Purchasing 1,280 acres from North Cuerindi Station and 1,400 acres from Manilla Station. He also acquired the Borah Farm, Springfield and Wimbourne properties and runs at Tarpoly Creek and Tarpoly. Thomas became a well-known breeder of merino sheep and shorthorn cattle and was one of the first in the district to grow wheat.

Thomas’s brother Edward selected “Buena Vista” in 1870, moving his wife Emma (nee Collins) and young family from the Hunter Valley, after he had established a home. Buena Vista remained in the Bowman family for almost a century until it was sold in 1964.

John Nixon (1849-1932) and his brother George settled in Upper Manilla in 1870. Like the Bowmans, they had travelled widely through north-western NSW with their bullock teams and noted the fine country of the Upper Manilla Valley. John selected a block of 70 acres at Upper Manilla, at the junction of Oakey Creek and the Manilla River, which he named Oakhampton, while George selected land at the mouth of Borah Creek, where he built “The Pines” homestead. John Nixon ran the store at Upper Manilla for many years with the help of his sister Mary Ann. John married Mary Jane Hall in 1892 and had one son.

John and Mary’s son Adam (1898-1945) went on to develop the family property, Oakhampton, enlarging his land holdings, establishing a well-known Hereford stud, and breeding Clydesdale horses for show and for use on the property. Adam Nixon had diverse interests, involving himself in many community activities. During his time at Oakhampton, he was President of the Farmers and Settlers Association, a member of the Manilla Show Committee from its inception, a member of the Graziers Association and the North-West Irrigation League and a Councillor of the Royal Agricultural Society. He strongly supported the development of medical services in Manilla, furnishing the children’s ward in Manilla Hospital when it opened in 1937. Adam married Dorothy Brooks Stocker in 1926 and had six children.

James Costelloe came to Glen Riddle Station in Upper Manilla in 1862, where he worked for seven years before selecting land in the area. His son Thomas Costelloe was one of the first to occupy land in the New Mexico district. New Mexico is 15klms west of Manilla.

Patrick Byrnes (1840-1914), a native of County Galway, Ireland, settled in Upper Manilla in 1868 on a property he named “Moss Vale”. Patrick married Catherine Kilkelly in 1880 and had four children.

A number of other selectors first came to the Manilla district as station hands on large stations such as Durham Court, Keepit, Manilla and Glen Riddle, then selected land. These included Richard Cummins, who was employed at Durham Court from 1851, and William Smith, who was also employed at Durham Court from 1865. Both went on to acquire their own properties in the district.

Charles Baldwin of Durham Court purchased 339 acres to the west of Manilla at the price of £1 ($150 today) an acre, while at the same sale several acres of land within the surveyed boundary at North Manilla sold for £8 an acre ($1200 today).

From the 1860s to the turn of the century Manilla grew apace with this development. From a population of 50 in 1866 it grew to 888 by 1901.

Sheep production increased with this closer settlement and wool became the major industry of the Manilla district. Regular streams of horse and bullock teams loaded with wool bales passed through Manilla on their way to the rail head in Tamworth. John Nixon, at Oakhampton Station, had 9,000 sheep to be shorn and was short of shearers.

One of the larger stations was Bective Station. During the 1900 season 100,000 sheep were shorn there. Bective Station is located just west of Attunga.

During 1907 over 13,000 bales of wool passed through Manilla Railway Station, with much of it coming from the Barraba district. In 1907 Manilla topped the prices at the Sydney wool sales, selling at approx. 14 shillings per pound. (Today: $80.00 per pound or $40 per kg)

Wool from Manilla continued to command high prices, and during the boom period of the early 1950s sold for as much as 300 pence per pound. (Today: $90 per pound or $45 per kg)

In 2022-2023 wool production in Australia is worth $3.5 billion. China continues to be the largest buyer of Australian raw wool, buying 79% of all wool exports. In 2021 fine wool growers commanded above $25 per kg. Australia produces around 25 per cent of greasy wool sold on the world market and is regarded as among the world’s best. NSW produces the greatest volume of wool, followed by Vic, WA and SA. In 2021-22, 71.6 million sheep were shorn in Australia.

Manilla Post Office NSW, and the developing Telegraph Communication.

The telegraph line was one of the great engineering feats of 19th-century Australia and probably the most significant milestone in the history of telegraphy in Australia.

The requirements of nineteenth century telegraphy meant the Overland Telegraph Line initially required repeater stations every 250-300kms to boost the signal. The repeater stations contained two power sources -- the line was powered by Meidinger cells - a variation of Daniell cells, as well as Leclanche cells, for the local equipment. The repeater stations had a staff of four to six, including a station master, telegraphists and linesmen. Later Aboriginal people used the ceramic conductors to fashion spear heads and cutting tools.

A Daniell cell is the best example of a galvanic cell which converts chemical energy into electrical energy. A Leclanche cell is a battery invented by Georges Lechlanche, which contains an electrolytic solution, a cathode and an anode. A cathode is a negatively charged electrode by which electrons enter an electrical device. The opposite of anode.

The private Melbourne Telephone Exchange Company opened Australia's first telephone exchange in the 1880s. Around 7,757 calls were handled in 1884.

Government-operated post office and telegraph networks - the largest parts of the bureaucracy - were combined into a single department in each colony on the model of the UK Post Office: South Australia in 1869, Victoria in 1870, Queensland in 1880 and New South Wales in 1893.

At Federation (1901), the colonial networks (staff, switches, wires, handsets, buildings etc.) were transferred to the Commonwealth Postmaster-General's Department responsible for domestic postal, telephone and, telegraph services becoming the responsibility of the first Postmaster-General (PMG). With 16,000 staff (and assets of over £6 million-Today $700 million) the PMG accounted for 80% of the new federal bureaucracy.

Public phones were available in a handful of post offices. Subscriber telephones were initially restricted to major businesses, government agencies, institutions and wealthier residences. Eight million telegrams were sent that year over 43,000 miles of line.

The first Post Office in Manilla was established in the 1850s. This was followed by the Manilla Post Office building in the 1880s, additions followed in the 1890s, and then 1908 and 1923.

In the 1880s a telegraph line had been erected as far as Manilla and almost to Barraba. The telegraph line necessitated the services of a telegraph operator and a resident postal officer. Mr Edward Dane was appointed to the position. He was Manilla's first recognised official postmaster. The Post Office was situated in Manilla Street, a timber building near Mackenzie’s store.

Prior to the present position of Manilla’s Post Office, it was located in Upper Manilla in the 1870s. Miss Nixon was in charge of the post office since it was established in the district, and then transferred to Mrs. Johnson. This was met with disapproval by the residents and a meeting was held at Messrs. Nixon's new house with the object of the meeting to protest against the action of the Postmaster-General in refusing to comply with the wishes of the residents. Two petitions were sent to the Postmaster-General, urging upon him the necessity of cancelling Mrs. Johnson's appointment, but no notice was taken of them.

In the late 1870s the Postmaster General had taken steps to procure a suitable block of land in Manilla to build a Post Office. In the late 1800s a tender was accepted from T.J. Bowen for £1148 (Today $140,000). Additions were made in 1898 and 1908. A manual telephone exchange was added in 1923 and the Manilla Street façade changed in the 1960s.

In the 1870s a mail contract was let to Wilkinson and Bowden to convey mail twice weekly by coach from Tamworth to Warialda via Manilla. Prior to this the mail was conveyed on horseback. Country mail services started in the late 1800s from Manilla to New Mexico (just west of Manilla) and Hobden (North of Upper Manilla) and in 1901 to Lowrey, Glendon via Halls Creek and Mundowey (25klms east of Manilla) and to Chapman's on the upper Namoi River. All country roads and by-roads were serviced by mail contractors. Wilkinson's mail coach made its last trip to Warialda in December 1906. Since 1872 it had regularly passed through Manilla and Barraba on its bi-weekly trip to Warialda.

During the two World Wars, 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945, thousands of letters to and from the troops passed through the Post Office.

During the 1930s Mr. John Albun Colls (1873-1946), and the head assistant, Mr C. N. Woods were in charge of the Post Office.  During the 1940s, Mr E.T. Sparks, a Senior Postal Officer, was in charge.

In July 1967, Manilla was given its postcode (2346) and eight years later in July 1975 the Postmaster Generals Department (PMG) was disbanded and Australia Post and Telecom Australia came into being. Activities at Manilla Post office continued as before. Today the Post Office is now privatised as well as its traditional mail business and has a strong retail business. During these transitions, the original historical architectural counter was dismantled, rather than retained, leaving a stark modernized clinical interior appearance.

During the early 1900s to mid-years, a considerable number of employees were employed by the PMG and Telecom (later changed to Australia Post and Telstra).

Prior to the widespread use of automatic telephones for immediate communication today, people would use a telegram form to write out a telegram. This message would cost a certain amount per word to send. The message was transmitted from one post office to another, initially by morse code, through telegraph wires but later by telephone and teleprinter. The transmitted message was then written out, or typed on a typewriter, and hand-delivered to the addressee by a messenger on a bicycle.

Morse telegraphy during the 1900s required a Morse qualification before employment at the PMG.

Telegrams were first used in Australia from 1858 when Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide were linked by telegraph lines. The use of telegrams peaked during the 1950s, but declined after this due to the increasing number of telephones in both businesses and homes across Australia in the late 1960s-early 1970s.

Before the transition to automatic phones, telephonists were employed by the PMG, whose job was to answer the phone for a business or other organization (see main picture). Telephone users would pick up their phone at home, where it connected immediately to the switchboard. The telephonist would answer, “Number, please?” The caller would say the number and the telephonist would reply, “Hold the line please” as she expertly removed and inserted jack plugs to connect the call. If the number was on the operator’s switchboard, they would connect the call by plugging the ringing cable into the relevant jack. If not, they would transfer the call to the correct exchange in another town, where another operator would be able to connect the caller. As the network expanded, suddenly there was a new employment opportunity for women. One that gave them some economic independence and an identity outside the home.

The rapid increase in demand for telephones and reliable connections posed a problem for the telephone companies. More lines meant more switchboard operators which was an expense they were keen to control. As fast as the telephonist worked, operators could be overwhelmed by the volume of calls at busy times, leaving callers queuing for a line.

In smaller neighbourhoods, the switchboard might be operated by a single individual. The village PMG employee’s ability to listen in on private conversations (strictly forbidden but difficult to prevent) soon taught phone users to be careful what they said.

By the early 1970s, STD (subscriber trunk dialling) had arrived and gradually the manual switchboard telephone exchanges were phased out, replaced by automatic exchanges.

Prior to the early 1970s, teleprint operators were employed by the PMG to send telegrams to other Post Offices in Australia. Teleprinter operators were required to type efficiently, free from errors, with a speed in excess of 40 words per minute. They gained this experience, and other qualifications, by attending a training course in Sydney over a period of months. The typed telegram would arrive at the required Post Office and delivered by pushbike to the resident or business. This was standard practice during the 1960s.

During these times mail was delivered by pushbike. The postman was required to blow his whistle at each residence. This was much to the annoyance of the resident’s angry pet dog, who attacked the postman as he left the mail. The event was reported to the Postmaster at the Post Office. A letter was sent to the resident asking him to chain the dog up or keep him locked inside the yard. This was ignored frequently leaving the postman to fend for himself.

Manilla was undergoing substantial growth during the period of the 1950s-1960s. Employment was abundant, where residents felt a sense of achievement and personal growth.

Harry M Miller (1934-2018) – Dunmore Stud and Showbiz Promoter – Halls Creek Manilla NSW Australia.

The late Harry M. Miller was best known as a legendary music promoter and agent to the stars, but in rural Australia, it was his work in the cattle arena that gained him a reputation.

He was instrumental in introducing the Simmental breed of cattle to Australia in the 1970s.

Miller purchased Dunmore Stud Halls Creek, Manilla NSW in 1971, the same year he met veterinarian Wendy Paul, whom he married the following year. Halls Creek is located approximately 20 minutes east of Manilla. Dunmore was originally established in 1902 by Mungo Park, with Miller only the second of the families to have lived and worked it.

Mungo Park (1878-1966) is the son of Adam Park (1837–1926) who settled in the Manilla District in the 1860s and (firstly) purchased acres at Glen Barra, Watsons Creek. Watsons Creek is located a little further east of Halls Creek. Adam Park is one of our major pioneer settlers in the Manilla district during the 1800s. Adam’s life and family, are documented in detail within a future post for Manilla Memories and the Manilla NSW Blogspot. It is a fascinating and compelling story of diversity and hardship that led Adam towards his ultimate established success in Australia.

Miller and his wife Wendy established one of the largest and most reputable Simmental studs in the country until its sale in 1990, and capably assisted by managers Paul Quigley and Peter McWilliam. This sale event attracted buyers from across the country and set a record at the time for any dispersal sale in Australia. Dunmore, situated at Halls Creek, has five kilometres of river frontage on the Namoi, and is just 15 minutes from Manilla and reported as a 3,800-hectare rural property, with a six-bedroom 1902 Federation era homestead.

Richard (Dick) Vincent OA, the inaugural president of the Australian Simmental Breeders Association (ASBA), remembers Miller as a high achiever. Mr Vincent was also an early breeder of Simmental helping to establish the breed with his stud Hamelin Park at Williams in Western Australia.

"If you said the word street sense you would think of Harry Miller because he was a great achiever," Mr Vincent said. "He was a very resilient character; he had a pretty good dry wit but he was a survivor and he had a great deal of street sense. Initially Harry did a hell of a lot for the Simmental Association. His connections with Germany were invaluable and, all our success at Hamelin Park Stud is due to two Dunmore bulls I bought from him, and they were real game changers. He could see opportunity and he could seize on it, and he could see the Simmental breed had something to offer and achieved a lot for the breed."

Renowned cattle breeder Peter Howarth OAM from Wombramurra Black Simmentals at Nundle, 100 kilometres from Dunmore Stud, said he knew Miller quite well in the early days.

"He was the real founder of bringing the Simmental breed into Australia," he said. For Harry to get the cattle here he had to actually buy the cattle in Germany and then transport them to New Zealand where he collected the heifers in embryo transplant. He actually brought those heifers into Australia. Eventually from those 13 in embryo transplant, he bred over 300 calves."

Mr Howarth said that Harry, with a great team supporting him at Dunmore, was responsible for putting the Simmental breed on the map.

“He had a chap from New Zealand called Peter McWilliam who was the stud master, and Millers wife Wendy, who was a vet, and Harry on promotions. They did a great job of not only promoting Dunmore Manilla NSW but also promoting the Simmental breed," Mr Howard said.

Mr Howarth said Dunmore had the biggest sale of the Simmental breed every year.

"In the 1970s they were showing cattle in three states of Australia, and in 1988 they bred a bull called Dunmore London Times and this bull was the Supreme Champion at Rockhampton Beef Week in 1988. Interestingly enough only two months ago Wendy and her daughter, Harry's daughter, were invited back to Rockhampton Beef Week to celebrate 30 years of the foundation of that event. Harry was so passionate about the Simmental breed that he even encouraged TV presenter Graham Kennedy and celebrity chef Peter Russell Clarke to start their own studs. That was Harry. He could talk people into most things," Mr Howarth said.

"But overall, he had a great desire to improve the genetics for the beef breed industry in Australia, and he certainly achieved that. He really did love the land, he loved cattle and most people don't know that because of his success in other areas. He was also very good at managing people and having the right people working for him, and he didn't mind spending the dollars to get the best. He was very fair but he was tough."

Harry also created one of the greatest entrepreneurial showbiz businesses in Australia.

In his early days Harry began working as a farmhand, joined the Merchant Navy, sold fry pans in a department store and even sold Holeproof socks saying, “You have got to have An-Edge.”

Born on 6 January 1934 in New Zealand, Miller grew up in the Auckland suburb of Grey Lynn. When Miller was two years old his father broke his spine in a fall. He died six years later.

His first taste of show business was running a “peepshow” for fellow students – a shoebox with cellophane windows through which he would wind a comic strip: “I used to charge kids a marble.”

In the late 1950s he established himself as a show business promoter and entrepreneur and moved to Australia in 1963, where he established Pan Pacific Productions with Keith and Dennis Wong, from the nightclub Chequers. Harry had a unique and intrinsic aptitude, coupling chutzpah with charm, good looks and a keen business sense.

Harry brought many people to Australia: Louis Armstrong, Del Shannon, the Everly Brothers, Arthur Rubinstein, Herman's Hermits, the Rolling Stones, the Beach Boys, Judy Garland, Sammy Davis Jr., Sarah Vaughan, Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald, Chubby Checker, Eartha Kitt and Shirley Bassey. He represented hundreds of people, as the likes of Alan Jones, Frank and Kerry Packer, Graham Kennedy, Maggie Tabberer, Lindy Chamberlain, Ita Buttrose, Barry Humphries, Stuart Wagstaff and Carmen Duncan.

In 1969, Miller discovered 16-year-old American singer Marcia Hines in Boston, Massachusetts, while casting African-American performers for the Australian stage version of Hair, which he was producing. Hines flew to Australia, unaware that she was already six months pregnant, and Miller acted as her legal guardian in Australia until she turned 21. Miller went on to produce the Australian productions of Jesus Christ Superstar in 1972 and The Rocky Horror Show in 1974, both of which used many of the production staff from Hair, including director Jim Sharman.

In 1957 Harry married Zoe von Uht, produced a son, Simon, but it ended in 1962. He married Patricia Mitchell, in 1963, but ended four years later when she took their two children back to the US. In 1972, after the death of his mother, Sadie, Miller married 23-year-old vet, Wendy Paul. They had two daughters, Brook and Lauren. Wendy helped with running both the Harry M Miller Group and their large Simmental cattle property Dunmore, at Manilla NSW.

In the 1990s Miller met society caterer and businesswoman Simmone Logue, whom he described in 2010 as “the love of my life”.

He retired in 2009 and handed his business to his daughter, Lauren.

Harry died in July 2018 at age 84, with his long-term partner Simmone Logue, daughters Justine, Brook and Lauren, and their mother Wendy by his side.

Bective Station – South east of Manilla NSW, near Tamworth.

James Fisken Vickery (1876–1956)

James married Jean Frances Husband (1880-1978) when she was 25 years old, on the 19th July 1905. They had three children during their marriage - Emily Margaret (1906-1990), James Thomas (1908-1989), and Jessie Frances (1912-1978).

Successive generations of the Vickery family have owned and operated the well-known Bective district grazing property since 1890. At one point the property ran 100,000 sheep and were sustaining a 44-stand woolshed.

Mr. James Fisken Vickery is a member of one of the oldest pastoral families in Australia, and a leading figure in Hereford breeding circles throughout the Commonwealth. He was born at Bendigo, Vic. and was a son of the late Mr. James Swanton Vickery, who bought Bective when it was known as the Robert Pringle Estate.

Robert Pringle: Robert arrived in the Colony (Australia) on the Denmark Hall (an 1814 merchant ship) in 1824 where Robert was then engaged by the Australian Agricultural Company. When he first arrived in Australia, he managed Carrington Park for about six years. Bective was part of an 1822 grant of 2000 acres to merchant Thomas Horton James.  During this time Robert built up his own flocks and acquired an extensive land holding “Bective” on the Liverpool Plains, as well as several other leases of sheep and cattle stations at Liverpool Plains. He purchased part of the Carrington Park Estate in the mid-1830s. The Liverpool Plains (Shire) is a large area of land just south east of Manilla NSW.

Robert Pringle married Mabella, the daughter of John Inches in August 1837. Mabella died in 1860 and Robert at Bective in 1875.

James Fisken went to Bective in 1891, when he was 15 years of age, and was appointed manager at the age of 18. James had a desire to succeed, and with personal initiative that developed his diversities, he forged ahead towards his future successes. With his brother, Stanley, they controlled the Bective Estate, which became the home of one of the leading Hereford studs in Australasia. No expense was spared in securing the best stud cattle to ensure top quality in the Bective stud. They bought the senior champion Hereford bull at the Sydney Royal Show, South Boorook Brimfleld, in April 1954, at an Australian record price of 6,700 guineas ($315,000 today).

James Fisken was also a director of Freehold and Leasehold Lands Pty. Ltd., which controls several leading properties in NSW, including the well-known Willandra Merino stud, in the Riverina. His other interests were wide and varied, and the knowledge he acquired from his long association with pastoral and grazing activities was always available to younger members of the industry, and particularly to soldier settlers.

At his death James was survived by another brother, Mr. Arthur Vickery, with large pastoral and business interests. James left a widow, two daughters, Emily (1906-1990) Boggabri NSW, Jessie (1912-1978) Attunga, NSW, a son Mr. James Thomas Vickery (1908-1989) of Bodikin, Bellata, NSW and two sisters, J. Britten and E. Ritchie, who live in Sydney. Bellata NSW has a population of approximately 800 people and is located 170 kilometres north of Manilla between Narrabri and Moree NSW.

Bective Post War Settlement: The Returned Soldiers Settlement Act, 1916 allowed the settlement of returned soldiers on Crown Land. Bective, became a Soldier Settlement after the First World War. The Daily Observer, 1918, reported, "Applications could now be received from returned soldiers for blocks on the Bective Estate subdivision." By February 1919, 51 applicants had been selected to join the settlement and 40 had taken ownership of their farms. In line with support, developed by many communities for the Australian Forces, a Bective Patriotic Association was formed.

He newspaper report continued: “This should relieve the anxiety of those returned soldiers in the district who had been disturbed by the disquieting rumour that blocks were being allotted to soldiers in Sydney without the preliminary notification usual in such cases. Mr. Nesbitt, M.L.A., elicited the information from the Minister for Lands that no preferential certificate had been granted to any settler for any block on the estate. The Minister also gave the definite assurance that no blocks would be allocated to soldiers away from the local district. The Minister now announces that returned soldiers holding qualification certificates under the Returned Soldiers Settlement Act, may apply to join the group purchase settlement to be established on the Bective Estate. Applications on the necessary form to be forwarded to the Director of Soldier Settlement, Sydney, up to November 2nd.”

WWII Soldier Settlement: As the program gathered pace, Bective was slowly resumed for subdivision, reducing the size of the original holding to the point where other forms of enterprise needed to be examined to maintain the viability of the business.

After the Second World War, a large timber Honour Roll Memorial was constructed. It has a classical pediment at the top and three carved columns, which frame the two panels on which the names are painted in alphabetical order. The workmanship demonstrates the skills of a cabinet maker. The honour roll is now located in the Somerton War Memorial Hall. Somerton is 26 kilometres south west of Manilla between Tamworth and Gunnedah on the Oxley Highway and has a population of about 400 people.

Lola Gwen Allsopp recalls living at Bective during the 1930s-1940s. She was born on 9th May 1931 at the Bungalow Private Hospital in Murray Street, Tamworth.  The Bungalow lay near the underpass on Peel Street. She was baptised in the parish of Manilla on 26th July 1931 at the Church of England Church, with no godparents.

Lola’s father was working for Mr Vickery in about 1935, and Lola grew up playing with her four older brothers, Francis (Mick), Alan, Donald and Gordon (Pop). Lola started school at the age of six and brother Gordon doubled her 3 miles (5klm) to Bective school on his push bike. The teachers were Mr Bendeich and his wife. Mrs Bendeich mainly taught the girls sewing. When Gordon left Bective School, Lola rode an old horse named Maudie to school.

Lola moved on to Tamworth High School, situated where East Tamworth Primary School is today, and finished 3rd form when aged 14. Her best subjects were science, religion, home duties and sport. After school Lola stayed home to help her mother until she was 15 years old.  They had a big home and a large family to look after. The chores included housekeeping, tending to the large vegetable and flower gardens, orchard, and cooking. At the same time Lola attended Tamworth Technical College to learn dressmaking and tailoring.

Lola finished Technical College in 1950 when she was nearly 19 years old.

Bective, by the late 1960s, had developed a semi-intensive bull feeding facility to prepare its own and clients’ sale cattle. During a dry year in 1970, a mob of 100 Hereford steers was added to the pens as a feeding experiment. Rob Vickery recalls, “We were a little better at it the second year, than the first. Dudley Lennox, then manager at Anderson’s Byron Bay abattoir offered us some very good money for grain fed bullocks in 1971, and the feedlot business grew from there.”

During the onset of the Beef Slump in 1974 the feedlot closed, but opened again when opportunities started to re-emerge some years later. A stronger focus on Japan started about 1985, when the Vickery’s bought a controlling interest in Anvic Meat Exports, operators of the Wingham abattoir. Wingham abattoir is located north of Newcastle, in the Taree district.

For many years Bective provided a custom-feeding service for other clients, as well as feeding cattle it had bred and bought itself. For a period after the late 1980s, a sizeable portion of the cattle on feed were designated for Korea, through a joint venture with Korean company, Samsung.

Bective grew in capacity over several stages from 2000 head to 7000 head, including a major renovation of facilities in 2004. At an industry level, Rob Vickery played an important financial management role in the early history of both ALFA (Australian Cattle Feedlot Industry) and one of its state-based predecessors, the NSW Lot Feeders Association.

He spent long periods during ALFA’s first 30 years as the organisation’s treasurer, serving until 2001, the same year he was awarded life membership of ALFA.

Historic Bective Station, was sold in 2022, and became the centrepiece of AAM Investment Group’s production supply chain in NSW, following the completion of a walk-in, walk-out sale agreement. The deal will see AAM’s Diversified Agriculture Fund further expand its portfolio of assets spanning four Australian states and territories.

Bective Station was owned by just two families since it was first settled in the early 1800s. The property covers a little over 4000ha and includes more than 3000 head of cattle, plant and equipment, and irrigation water licenses, and sold for an estimated $50million, with cattle negotiated separately.

The acquisition of Bective will take ADAF’s asset value to more than $600 million across an expanding and diversified geographic footprint in Australia.

The life of Gwerle Alma Vera Englert (and family) who arrived with her family in Manilla around 1905.

The Englert family lived in three homes. Their third home was a double brick home located at 98 River Street (see picture) and was built for George and his family in 1910. This home sits on 3.7 acreages.

After George left Manilla, it was owned by Sister Greenhalgh (medical) and used as a private nursing home. A few years later Sister Greenhalgh left Manilla for the Binnaway Subsidiary Hospital, as a Matron. Binnaway is a small town located in central western NSW near the larger centre of Coonabarabran, 35 kilometres to the north. At the monthly meeting of the Binnaway branch of the United Hospitals Auxiliaries they welcomed Sister Greenhalgh and presented her with a shoulder posy made by Mrs Pryer.

98 River Street was also lived in and owned by the proprietors of Adie’s General Store. Later by Manilla’s local Chemist, the Simpson family, until it was sold in 1999.

In the 1930s Adie’s was known as Adie’s Economic Store where Miss O’Neil was in charge of the showroom, providing a display including a full range of lady’s hats, dresses and gloves, together with ladies and children’s wear. Mr Pollack was in the haberdashery department, while the grocery and hardware departments were presided over by Messrs McDonald and Flett.

During August 1912 a fire broke out just on closing time. Fortunately, it was discovered immediately otherwise a serious disaster would have occurred. All hands with buckets of water and a patent fire extinguisher put the fire out after a strenuous effort by everyone in attendance.

Manilla’s local chemist, Mr J. E. Simpson operated the Manilla Pharmacy and was known chiefly as a dispensing chemist and dentist, where stocks of patent medicines, drugs, soaps, perfumery, sponges etc could be found within his small shop. In 1901, Mr Simpson was described as an indispensable member of the community when he installed his business in commodious and an up-to-date two-story premises next to the Express Office in Manilla Street.

Audrey (Guerle’s sister) Englert’s understanding is that her parents were living at 98 River Street when she was born in 1908. Her father George was an accomplished musician who led the Holy Trinity Church of England choir at Manilla as choirmaster, and Guerle was an important contributor within the choir also. 

As reported in a previous post, George worked as the head blacksmith at the H. Baker Foundry. The building sat on the north-west corner of Manilla and Court Streets until its demolition in the 1940s. He was also an important contributor to the Manilla NSW “Odd Fellows” Lodge. Odd Fellows is an international fraternity consisting of lodges first documented in 1730 in London. Odd Fellows promote philanthropy, the ethic of reciprocity and charity, and cared for their members in a time when no systems were in place to insure one’s welfare, health or job protection. Sickness or death of a breadwinner frequently meant poverty.

After leaving Manilla George ran a motor trimming business which operated into the 1930s. George’s son Jack Englert was trading as a car body builder and also opened a car dealership, Jack R Englert and Company, selling new Fords and used cars. In August 1932 Jack Englert officially became a Ford dealer.

Gwerle Alma Vera Englert was born in the NSW town of Quirindi in 1892. She was the second child and first daughter of George Anton Englert (1865-1939) and Elizabeth Murray Englert (Towns) (1866-1952). She was also welcomed into this world by her 5-year-old brother Bertie. The Englert’s moved from Quirindi to Tamworth by 1896 and to Manilla around 1905, where Gwerle’s youngest sibling, Audrey Phyllis, was born in 1908 - George and Elizabeth’s 8th child.

In 1911, aged just 19, Gwerle married butcher James Thomas Martin, age 20 (1891-1923) in Manilla NSW. James was the son of James and Matilda Martin, born at Drake (near Tenterfield, NSW) in 1891. They lived together in Manilla where they had four children: James A Martin was born in 1912, Trevor G Martin was born in 1913, and Jack M Martin was born in 1915, followed by Natalie.

James Thomas Martin had seven sisters and one brother, and all were born in Hillgrove NSW. Hillgrove is located just east of Armidale.

World War 1 - Bertie Englert: Very early on the morning of 31st May 1918, in the French village of Allonville, two German shells struck two barns in which members of the Australian 14th Battalion were sleeping. Seventeen soldiers, including Bertie Englert, were killed instantly. A further 12 died later of their wounds.

Tragedy struck the family on Easter Sunday, 1st April, 1923. Gwerle, James, their three young sons (aged 7, 9 and 11) and friends, including local butcher William George Witcom, went for a picnic by the Namoi River at Manilla near the Geddes woolshed. Around 3.30 in the afternoon, Gwerle’s husband James, and William Witcom, hopped aboard a narrow rowboat on the river. Within seconds it had capsized and the two men were in the cold and murky water. William swam ashore. James was seen to come to the surface, clutch at the upturned rowboat, and then sink; his arms appearing stiffened. Police were called. Constable Clark and Dr Thomas arrived within minutes. James’ lifeless body was dragged from the river by the policeman at 4.10pm. Mouth to mouth resuscitation was performed without success. James was 31. The tragedy was witnessed by Gwerle and her three young sons. The subsequent Coronial inquest found James Martin accidentally drowned following suffocation or heart failure.

On 9th April 1926, three years after the tragedy, Gwerle placed a memorial notice in the local paper which concluded “inserted by his loving wife and children, Jim, Trevor, Jack and Natalie”. This would suggest that at the time of the drowning in 1923, Gwerle was pregnant with their fourth child, Natalie.

In 1930, at 38 years of age, Gwerle married Denis John Gray, son of Thomas and Margaret Gray at Burwood NSW. They later lived at 16 Swinson Street Blacktown. On 26 November 1949, Denis passed away suddenly at the home. The death notice placed in the newspaper by Gwerle on 28 November 1949 described Denis as the “fond father of Peter, Margaret, Jim, Trevor, Jack and Natalie”. After Denis’ death, Gwerle and the five children moved to 11 Potts Street Ryde, NSW, the home of Elizabeth Englert.

Gwerle Alma Vera Englert passed away in NSW in 1978.

Early Pioneer of Manilla - Vincent J Byrnes – (1888-1963)

Vincent James Byrnes was born on 14th August 1888, in Manilla NSW. His father, James Thomas Byrnes (1853-1924) was 35 and his mother, Catherine Ann Boland (1856-1932) was 32. Vincent married Mary Charters (1891-1960) on 15th June 1914 in Barraba NSW. They were the parents of four children: Brian, Frank (Doctor), Bruce and Claire. Son Brian married Beryl Jean Owen Cull in 1939, who died in 1977. Brian married Catherine (Kate) in 1979, and in 1980 Brian received his OAM (Service to Local Government and to the Community). Brian was a well-respected councillor and Manilla Shire President for many years. Brian died in 1988.

As testament to Vincent’s prominence in Manilla, Manilla’s lookout is named after V. J. Byrnes. It has expansive views of the Manilla town centre and district.

During his teen years, Vincent established his aptitude as a pastoralist working for his father James. At this stage there were only approximately 1000 people in the Manilla district. Sheep production increased during this period and regular bullock teams, loaded with wool bales passed through the Manilla Railway Station – 13,000 bales in 1907. (about 500 bullock teams)

James and Vincent were now established pastoralists in the Manilla District, where Manilla became a major centre for stock sales.

His aptitude and perseverance laid the foundations for his successes in life, and in 1913, at just 25 years of age, Vincent commenced his career as pocket book stock and station agent, leading to him becoming the best-known stock and station agent in town, and progressing to his appointment as the Mayor of Manilla Shire Council.

In 1935, Vincent established his own sale yards in Manilla and built up one of the largest one-man businesses in Australia. In 1939 Manilla was described as the premier stock selling centre in the north of NSW, and Vincent J. Byrne’s sale yards as “the largest and most up-to-date set of stock yards north of Sydney”.

Three-quarters of a million sheep were sold there between March and December 1939, a record for any one office in Australia, outside the capital cities. During the same period 21,000 cattle were sold.

In 1925 the Manilla Municipal Council comprised of:  Mayor V. J. Byrnes, C. F. Hayward, Morris, Stoddart, Kennedy, Wearne, and Veness.

Earlier history: In March 1901 a meeting was organised to implement a feasibility study for the construction of a road in Upper Manilla, through the gap, known as “The Inlet.”

James Thomas Byrnes (Vincent’s father), a farmer and grazier, and resident of the district since 1865, stated he had 3200 acres, of which he has cultivated 400. He said the average return from the district was from 15 to 20 bushels to the acre, and as the population was increasing, the line would help the farming industry considerably.

They wanted the best market and quickest facility to get produce away. The line did not pass through his holding and if it did, he would give his land free. He had ridden through the Inlet gap, and could not see any difficulty in making a road, which would slope in the direction of Upper Manilla. About £400 or £500 (Today $60,000) would make a road to bring a reasonable load through. The road from New Mexico would be shorter to Upper Manilla, through the gap, than the road to Manilla at present. (New Mexico is a large parcel of land adjacent east of Manilla and approximately 102 square kilometres in size)

About 900 or 1000 acres of his land was cultivable. James was eight miles from Manilla, and would avail himself of the Upper Manilla line if built. This being the whole of the evidence, the Chairman promised to get an expert opinion on the cost of making a road through the gap, known as "The Inlet."

In May 1945, Vincent Byrnes, was re-elected president of the Stock and Station Agents' Association of NSW, at the annual dinner of the association in Sydney. Tributes were paid by members to the work done by Mr. Byrnes.

In January 1953, Vincent was gored by a bullock at the Manilla saleyards. He had got down into a pen of bullocks, and one of the beasts gored him. He sustained a fractured rib and superficial abrasions and suffered shock, and was admitted to Manilla Hospital, where his condition was reported satisfactory.

Vincent J. Byrnes, was a leader in his field and represented significant fortitude for growth in Manilla and Australia as a whole. He is remembered as one of the many Local Identities as Important Pioneers involved in the Future Development within the District of Manilla NSW Australia.

** As a testament to Vincent’s high community standing in Manilla, THE LAND NEWSPAPER, on Friday 15th 1937, wrote a distinguished two-page article featuring the opening of the new V. J. Byrnes saleyards in Manilla.


The new saleyards at Manilla were officially opened on Friday last. By far the best in the north, they are comparable with, the most up-to-date country saleyards in the State. Convenient, efficient, and serviceable, they are capable of accommodating 45,000 to 50,000 sheep and about 1,600 cattle. Following the official opening, 40,000 sheep were submitted for sale, and of these 37,000 were sold under the hammer. The yarding was easily a record for the North.

More than 1,000 people attended the official opening ceremony and the sales. They came by plane, train, motor car, motor lorry, and omnibus, while quite a few local people either walked or travelled by horse-drawn vehicles to the yards. An exceptionally big gathering for a town the size of Manilla and for a function of this kind. Those who fore gathered witnessed what can be regarded as a milestone in the progress of one of NSW's wealthiest pastoral towns.

(Headline) THE OFFICIAL OPENING. The hundreds of people who attended the official opening included the district's leading pastoralists, business men, and officials. There were no fewer than five shire presidents, the mayor of Manilla, police superintendent, and other departmental officials, not to forget prominent graziers. Cr. Mungo Park, president of Mandowa Shire Council, declared “the saleyards officially opened.” He detailed the events leading up to their establishment, and emphasized that they were the same as public saleyards, although established by Mr. V. J. Byrnes, stock and station agent, of Manilla.

Other stock and station agents, he said, could sell at the new saleyards as well as Mr. Byrnes. "I think we now have the best yards in the North," he added, amid applause. He warmly complimented Mr Byrnes for his enterprise and public spirit. Other speakers, including the mayor of Manilla, the chairman of the Tamworth P.P. Board, and Mr. Thompson, M.H.R. added their congratulations, as did those gathered by giving three hearty cheers for Mr Byrnes.

(Headline) THE OLD MANILLA SALEYARDS AND THE NEW. The old saleyards at Manilla were established about 33 years ago shortly after the town was incorporated as a municipality. They were built to accommodate only 2,000 sheep, and they were provided with only one drafting race - a single race.

From the outset business at the saleyards expanded steadily, and soon they were inadequate to cope, with requirements. They were patched up and added, from time to time, but finally they became so obsolete and caused such great inconvenience, that the erection of new saleyards became absolutely essential.  About five years ago overtures to 50,000 sheep, and about 1,600 cattle, the proper authorities for the provision of better facilities were commenced, but year after year passed without anything satisfactory being done. Eventually Mr. Byrnes undertook to do the work himself. The new saleyards are a monument to his initiative.

(Headline) BEST IN THE NORTH. They are easily the best in the north. Provision has been made for accommodating between 45,000 and 50,000 sheep, and about 1,600 cattle.

The yards, which exceed 300 in number, have been planned and built with great forethought. No space has been wasted, but at the same time there can be no cramping. On the contrary, every consideration has been given to freedom and facility of movement.

No fewer than 10 lanes run east to west of the saleyards, and one runs right through the centre of the yards, north to south. Every yard has access to a lane, and sheep may be moved quickly without inconvenience.

In size the yards are everything that can be desired, varying from large receiving yards to small yards which are calculated to meet the desires of the most fastidious consignor. At strategic points three drafting yards have been built. These also are of modern design. One will draft three, one four, and the other five ways. The sides of the races in these drafting yards are of sawn timber, arid the floor is of concrete, which eliminates dust or mud. In addition, there is a dosing and mouthing race with a two-way draft. At a central point an office, linked up with telephone, kiosk, and care-taker's residence has been built.

(Headline) RESTING PADDOCKS. The welfare of stock is an important consideration at any saleyards, and it is doubtful if better, or as good provision, than is now available at Manilla, can be found at any similar establishment elsewhere in the State.  There are approximately 20 resting paddocks, securely fenced, and nil of them contiguous to the saleyards and the Namoi River.

(Headline) OCCUPY 400 ACRES. The yards, resting paddocks, etc, occupy no less than 400 acres. Already - in their unfinished state - they command favourable comment. When completed they will be something to proudly boast of. Work yet to be carried out includes provision of a water supply, construction of a sheep dip, the supply of a two-stand plant for crutching etc., and the planting of some 200 trees for beautification and practical purposes.

(Headline) THE MAN WHO MADE THE NEW SALEYARDS POSSIBLE. The credit for the construction of the new saleyards at Manilla is due to Mr. V. J. Byrnes, who, during the last quarter of a century, has been a driving force in the development of the district and has helped more than anybody else to bring Manilla to the forefront as a sheep centre.

His career provides an interesting story. He is a member of a family of 10 and the son of Mr. J. Byrnes, who migrated from Ireland some seventy years ago and selected 40 acres at Upper Manilla. This selection, which was added to from time to time and became known as "Moss Vale," is still in the Byrnes family, being occupied by V. J.'s brother, Charlie.

Mr. V. J. Byrnes was educated at St. Joseph's College, Sydney, and with his school training over, he returned home and worked on his father's farm for a time.

(Headline) AGENT’S CAREER BEGINS. Mr. Byrnes was ambitious and before long he blossomed forth as an agent. At first, he operated in his native district and was what is known as a “pocket book” agent. An agent with no office. After a while he obtained a horse and sulky and later still, he was able, on terms, to afford a Ford car and some furniture for an office.  In the meantime, he had shifted his seat of operations from Upper Manilla to Manilla.

All the while Mr. Byrnes' business grew and it was not long before he found it necessary to secure bigger offices. In the years that followed he made several changes and ultimately moved into the Commercial Banking Co’s building, where he still is and which is an ideal office.

(Headline) BIG ONE-MAN BUSINESS. The stock and station business of V. J. Byrnes is now probably the biggest one-man business of its kind in Australia. For the 12 months period from June last it is likely that the firm will sell not fewer than half a million sheep. Many cattle will also have been handled at the end of that term. Just selling stock is not, however, Mr. Byrnes' only business. He soon realised that it was most desirable when, arranging sales, to arrange finance and probably his ideas in this direction have helped him as much as anything to build up his present huge business. And this financial policy has been responsible for the rehabilitation of a large number of men.

(Headline) SOUND BUSINESS. All through, Mr. Byrnes has stuck to the principle that sound business makes firm friends, and this has paid him and his clients. He loves a busy life and likes to do things.

(Headline) STICKLER FOR EFFICIENCY AND VALUES GOOD STAFF. The offices of V. J. Byrnes, of Manilla, are extremely up-to-date. A great stickler for efficiency and smooth working, Mr. Byrnes has had installed Telephonette, Dictophone, electric bells and other modern office conveniences. He recognises, however, that the human element is the '' most important factor in any business and nobody appreciates more than him the value of a good staff.” He says that his assistants are as competent as could be found. He particularly values the services of his assistant manager, Mr. P. C. Woollaston, who has been associated with him for many years. His son Brian who has now entered the business and taken out an auctioneer's licence, will, he thinks, also be successful and a great help.

Remembering these Local Identities were Important Pioneers involved in the Future Development of Manilla NSW Australia and Australia. They laid the foundations for Manilla’s future development and their determination made it possible for our present generation to enjoy and the public amenities they share.

The Manilla NSW Historical Society and the Manilla Museum

The Manilla Heritage Museum is located at 171 Manilla Street and incorporates Royce Cottage, built for G. H. Royce in the late 1800s. The museum has a vast range of historical memorabilia and archives relating to the history of Manilla.

Situated next to Royce Cottage is the Yarramanbully School House, a one teacher school operating from the 1920s. At the rear of the Museum is the Manilla and District Rural Collection in Alexander Lane, plus a Chinese Memorial Garden adjacent to the Museum.

Royce Cottage: The Royce family stayed in their cottage until 1886 after which the building served as general offices until 1889. It was then used as doctor’s rooms. In 1908 the IXL Bakery was established by Mr Bates. He extended the house at the rear to include a bakery and kitchen and at the front to create tea rooms and a shop front. Bakery operations carried on until the 1960s, after which the building became a private rental residence, prior to acquisition by the former Manilla Shire Council. It is the oldest building of its type in Manilla Town.

Main picture: Foundation Members are pictured on the occasion of the opening of the first Manilla Museum in 1973.

The Manilla Historical Society was incorporated in 1972. Manilla Heritage Museum is the only Australian site apart from the National Museum of Australia documenting the ground breaking platypus research by Harry Burrell.

Royce Cottage, now the Manilla Museum, was opened in 1975. Today, the Manilla community collection is acknowledged as a significant archive of Australian Rural Community History. In April 2012, the Rural Museum extension was officially opened by James Treloar, in appreciation of his interest in Manilla’s rural history and his financial contribution to the project.

Since incorporation of the History Group in 1972, Royce Cottage is now renamed Manilla Heritage Museum. Today, the Manilla Community Collection is acknowledged as a significant archive of Australian Rural Community History.

Jim Maxwell recalls the early days: 

The Manilla Historical Society was formed from humble beginnings 50 years ago in 1972, after a small Group requested the then Shire President Brian Byrnes (OAM) if he would convene a Public Meeting to gauge if there was enough interest in forming a committee to set up a group to preserve the History of Manilla and District. So began the Manilla Historical Society.

A meeting was held in the Town Hall and after much discussion it was decided to form the Manilla Historical Society. On the night a challenge was issued by Jack Maxwell (father of Jim), who said if he donated $100 would at least 9 others do the same. The challenge was taken up giving the committee a seeding bank account.

A small Committee was formed to investigate the possibility of setting up a small Museum. A shop previously Noel Simpson's Chemist Shop was their first venue. The society quickly outgrew this venue. The society fought hard to get the Old Council Chambers in Stafford Street which was unsuccessful, but instead settled on Royce Cottage in Manilla Street, which is the oldest building in the Main Street. The building was restored with the aid of a RED Scheme Grant (To help regional unemployed people). The Grant finished in 1974, and the present Museum was established.

With the help of many people over the years, including the former Manilla Shire Council and currently Tamworth Regional Council the Society is still doing what it was set up for - keeping as much of Manilla’s History as possible. This can only be done by the generosity of families who share their history with others, and also the volunteers that donate unlimited time for the Museum to function in the capacity it was designed for.

In 2022 on the June Long Weekend, 11th to 13th June, the Manilla Historical Society held a birthday party, called “Back to Manilla” celebrations, with 2 objectives: One, to invite former residents back to Manilla to meet up with other former residents and two, also in doing so, to collect more history.

Yarramanbully School:

The first Yarramanbully one-teacher school (located east along the Hall’s Creek Road) was built in the early 1900s. Parents of children on farms located away from the school in town asked for a teacher, to give lessons in their own community. The farmers then built a one-room primary school for pupils from Year 1-6.

The second Yarramanbully school was built in 1935, with a new generation of children. Around six families from the Yarramanbully community sent their children to school. The families included: McKeon, Berry, White and Gallagher. The teacher was Miss McRae, followed by Miss Chaffey and then Miss Sloman.

The families employed the builders Hunt and Lynch of Tamworth to construct the school, and it opened for classes on 31st July, 1935. The school remained open until December 1953, by which time all pupils had moved on to other schools for their secondary education.

The Gallagher family donated the Yarramanbully School building to the Manilla community for the town's centenary of Public Education in 1977. Manilla Historical Society volunteers restored the building, which had been left intact with all its contents on the Gallagher property at the close of classes in 1953. The school now proudly sits beside the Manilla Museum in Manilla Street.

Joan Galpin (Gallagher), a pupil at Yarramanbully School from 1950-1954, recollects these times.

My grandfather, Edward Gallagher, selected land and settled in the Yarramanbully area in 1893. In 1898 he married Mary Ellen Moore. Their first child was born in 1899.

There were other settlers in the district.  The McKeons, the Mahers and the Balkans also had young families, and education became a pressing need. Transport consisted of a horse and cart, and the only available schools were at Attunga which was 12 miles distant, or 16 miles to Manilla. A solution was needed.

In NSW from 1903 parents could apply to the government for a subsidy to educate their children in places where there were not enough pupils to run a school. These were subsidised schools, not public schools. I think there had to be 7 pupils and the parents were responsible for the school premises and the hiring of a teacher. If a school had been closed, they were allowed to use that building, but of course this did not apply to our newly settled locality. The parents cut and sawed timber at “Tarrabah” and carted it to a location central to all the families where they erected a schoolroom. The qualification required of the teacher was to be at least 16 years of age and to have acquired the Intermediate Certificate.  The Government subsidy was the teacher’s wage and varied according to the number of pupils in attendance. If any were absent her pay was adjusted lower accordingly.  The parents advertised locally for a teacher, and so was born the Yarramanbully Subsidised School.

The first teacher was Miss Margaret Ann (Annie) Kelly who taught from about 1900 to 1906 when she married Charlie Wilkinson, a local man.  Then there was Miss Gertie Cantrell who stayed for a few years. After that Imelda Morris (who later became Mrs. Keith Blanch) took over and was followed by Beatrice Gallagher (a former pupil) who taught till the school closed. The school, not in use, burnt down. And so ended the first phase of the school’s life.

My father, his brothers and the neighbours of their generation repeated history. Besides the Gallaghers there were and Mrs. R Berry, Mr. and Mrs. D McKeon and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White. Now the next generation needed education. My mother took on the organization and applied for the subsidy and advertised in the Northern Daily Leader for a teacher.  This time the parents employed the builders Hunt and Lynch of Tamworth to erect another school on a site not far from the old one. This school had the modern conveniences of a fire-place, two outdoor bush toilets and a rainwater tank.  The government supplied benches, desks, a table, a cupboard and a blackboard.

My brother, John, was among the first pupils when classes began on 31st July 1935. The first teacher was Miss McRae, who only stayed for a short time. Next was Miss Nancy Chaffey who began in April 1936.  She married Dad’s brother, Edward, in 1937.  Miss Roma Sloman then taught from 1937 until the school closed in December 1953.

The Yarramanbully school building now sits in the grounds of Pioneer Park, next to Royce Cottage, Manilla Museum, Manilla Street NSW.

The Hall Families of the Manilla District originated as one of the founding 12 inhabitants of the new town of Manilla (The Junction) in the 1800s.

The Hall family stretches far and wide across NSW, plus, their family inter-relationships were in some areas complex. This required consistent re-chronologizing the aspects, to establish coherency. I have concentrated on the Manilla district only.

Long before white people lived in the township of Manilla there were pioneers living on properties around where the town now stands. The Hall family established one such property, Cuerindi Run (approx. 15klms north east of Manilla) in 1832. Just 30 years later the town population could almost be counted on both hands.

Halls Creek was named for the George Hall’s Family, who established and expanded cattle grazing beyond the Liverpool Ranges in the early 1830s. One was Cuerindi Run on the Namoi. This Run included sheep and cattle. The Halls ran around 60,000 cattle and 25,000 sheep by the 1840s. Another pioneer of the district, David Hartley, was also living on Cuerindi Run.

Another David Hartley (Snr) was a convict charged with poaching from a noble’s property and arrived in the Colony (Australia) in 1807. He was pardoned in 1811. David Laughton Hartley's (1783-1863) grandson David Hartley (1845-1924) married Emma Veness at Manilla on 11th May 1869. Emma was the daughter of George Veness and wife Mary Sarah (Fegan). George Veness is acknowledged as the founder of Manilla. Their story is documented in more detail in another article/post in the future. 

Bordering Cuerindi Run is Halls Creek. Halls Creek is a large area of land east of Manilla and stretches from Upper Manilla down to Bendemeer, bordering Watsons Creek on the east and west towards the township of Manilla. The Liverpool Ranges are south of Manilla.

Hall’s Creek is about 15klms east of Manilla, following the Halls Creek Road. It is the location of Dunmore Stud where Harry M. Miller was instrumental in introducing the Simmental breed of cattle to Australia in the 1970s.

Sheep were important to pioneers living in isolated regions as they provided wool and food. The greasy wool was ideal to create waterproof and windproof weather seals between gaps that developed between external timber slabs of their homes. Wool could also be spun, knitted or weaved to create clothing. While the hide could be tanned for rugs and clothing. Lamb provided fresh meat.

George Hall (1764-1840) came to the colony (Australia) with his wife Mary (1769-1827) and four children. They arrived at Sydney Cove on 13th June 1802. In 1803 each family was granted 100 acres of land. George was well educated, which served him well as a migrant family. Both understood farm procedures and animal husbandry. George and Mary ended up having 10 children.

One of their great achievements was the introduction of a new breed of working cattle dog (1832). They were originally called Hall’s Heelers developing to form the foundation breed for the Australian Cattle Dog. They are now called Blue Heelers.

When George died by accident in 1840, his estate comprised of much developed land throughout NSW. George’s family and children were adventurous and travelled vast distances to achieve their successes. Their success in the Manilla District included Cuerindi Run Namoi River (55,680 acres) and the adjoining Mundowey Run Namoi River on the east. (Namoi River, previously Muleurindi) (Manilla River, previously Muneela)

Prior to his death in 1832, his son Thomas Hall (1808-1870), led a party north across the Liverpool Ranges, onto the Liverpool Plains, and followed a path previously explored by Allan Cunningham. They reached the Junction of the Namoi and Manilla Rivers, where Thomas chose to explore upstream along the Namoi, discovering the rich Upper Namoi Valley. This is where Thomas established Cuerindi Run (a nest in the hills). This was the first. They proceeded further upstream and established Mundowey Run, which adjoined Cuerindi, for Joseph Fleming. Joseph was a nephew of Thomas and a brother-in-law. These two properties comprised of 107,200 acres of choice grazing land with protective surrounding hills. Mundowey is located on Halls Creek Road on the way to Halls Creek.

Thomas eventually left Cuerindi Run and sent his younger brother Matthew Henry Hall to establish Cuerindi Run. Matthew Henry remained on Cuerindi Run for some 20 years. Matthew Henry produced a son Matthew in 1830 and they both worked on Cuerindi Run.

Matthew (1830-1891) married Maria Adelaide (Devey) (1840-1916) in 1861 at age 20, while Matthew was 30 years of age. The marriage was performed on the property and accorded to the rites of the Church of Scotland by minister John Morison. The witnesses were Frederick R. Rogers and Elizabeth Davey (Maria's sister). The wedding was registered in the District of Tamworth Register by John MacDonald, registrar.

Matthew and Maria’s early residency at Manilla initially comprised of a group of timber slab buildings on the eastern bank of the Namoi River just below the junction of the Namoi with Halls Creek. This spot is now a little north west and down from where the modern-day homestead of Namoi Park is located.

They had twelve children during their marriage. Maria’s mother-in-law, Frances was also living on the property to assist with the birth of Maria’s second child. Maria and Matthew were married for 30 years.

Maria’s father died just three years after Maria was born. Maria's mother, Hanastatia Sarah (formally Byrnes), and step-father were occupying the first town dwelling house erected in Manilla.

At Christmas 1862, Maria's family made the journey of about six miles along the rough bridle path from their home in Manilla to visit Cuerindi Run. Maria's mother gave her the family bible which Maria's father had brought to the colony. Maria’s name was recorded on the flyleaf, and underneath was written “Cuerindi Run - Namoi River 25 Dec 1862. Dob 21st Dec 1840.” Five days later, on 30th Dec 1862, Maria gave birth to a son, named Rueben Namoi Hall, and this event was proudly recorded on the face sheet of her newly acquired family treasure.

In 1864 the great flood descended onto the Manilla District. Matthew and his men hoistered a large dray by ropes to the branches of a huge apply tree. Matthew, Maria (with baby Reuben in her arms, and pregnant), Frances Hartley, David Hartley and others were able to survive the flood by taking refuge in the dray for two days and nights, suspended above the swirling waters (a dray is a cart without sides, for delivering heavy loads).

Maria’s mother, step-father and sister Elizabeth were less fortunate. They were living in their home close by the junction of the Manilla and Namoi Rivers. During the night, the home and occupants were swept away by the flood waters, and they all drowned. Mr Fitzgerald’s body was found near Gunnedah.

In 1848 the returns of the Liverpool Plains Lands Commission list Matthew Hall, aged 19, a grandson of George Hall, as managing the Cuerindi Run on the northern bank of the Namoi. Young Matthew would have been among the first patrons of the store and wineshop set up by George Veness in 1853 at the junction of the Manilla and Namoi Rivers, only a few miles from the Cuerindi run.

In 1855 a commissioner’s report records Matthew Hall in charge of Mundoway with the owner being Thomas Simpson Hall as well as Cuerindi. Cuerindi being 10 x 8 miles in extent, with 8 horses and 3,842 cattle, whereas being owner-Estate of George Hall.

Matthew Hall died in 1891 after suffering paralysis for thirteen days. He had last seen his doctor, Dr. Walley, on 29th June, just six days before he died. This would have been a very hard time for Maria as by year's end she was left with four sons at home whose ages ranged from seven to seventeen years, while the remainder of her children had married. Matthew is buried at the Manilla cemetery.

Matthew Hall only survived his father by just over two and a half years. Almost exactly one year after Matthew Hall's death the mortgage was discharged in full, and the following month, on 1st August 1892, Portion 1 was transferred into the name of Maria Adelaide Hall.

When Matthew died, they owned a property called Highlandale. In 1908 it was sold and renamed Cora-Lynne by the Fermor family.

Maria, after suffering from Broncho Pneumonia and Asthma for eight and a half days, died in August 1916.

Reuben Namoi Hall (1862-1919) a child of Matthew and Maria, married Matilda Mary Hill (1869 - 1943) in 1889, and donated the land for the cemetery to Manilla. Reuben and Matilda had twelve children.

Another Hall family had connections with the Halls Creek district. In 1877 John Hall, eldest son of William Hall, a veteran of the battle of Waterloo, settled with his wife and family on a property they named “Hallsville” on the Tamworth-Manilla Road. Hallsville is a satellite town of Tamworth.

Son Robert, married Sarah Quick (1864-1935) and their daughter Lily married A. R. MacLeod, the editor of the Manilla Express Newspaper (for a quarter of a century) and author of the book “The Transformation of Manellae.”

In Hallsville, John Hall donated land opposite his home for a Methodist church, built in 1894. The town is named after John Hall who came to the area in 1877 with his wife Jane (née Gulliver) after they were married in Maitland NSW. John and Jane Hall were instrumental in establishing the Hallsville Methodist Church in 1894.

During 1878 Hallsville Sunday School was started by John and Jane Hall in their home. In 1880 a Sunday School picnic was held with 130 people present. In 1894 Rev. C. Graham and his wife went out from Tamworth and met with the people of Hallsville. As a result, on Empire Day, funds were raised to build a Church. During August 1894, a committee decided to build the Church of timber instead of brick, as originally planned and in September, after a tender was received from Mr Sneesby.

John and Jane are buried in the graveyard behind the church, now the Hallsville Uniting Church. The church is located on Manilla Road (Fossickers Way), halfway between Tamworth and Attunga.


Bullock Trains in the 1800s Transported Goods to the Manilla NSW District and Outback Australia.

In the early to mid and beyond 1800s, Bullock trains were teams of oxen that pulled heavy loads on carts or wagons across the vast and rugged Australian landscape. They were essential for the development of the colonies, especially in remote areas where roads and railways were not yet built. Bullock drivers, or bullockies, were the men who drove these teams with skill and courage. They faced many challenges and dangers, such as rough terrain, harsh weather, bushrangers, and hostile natives. They also had to care for their animals, which often became their loyal companions.

Remembering George Veness (1823-1895), acknowledged as the founder of Manilla, didn’t settle in Manilla until the 1850s - at just 30 years of age. While just 10 years later, the population of Manilla was only 50. In 1856 Manilla is officially named.  In 1885 Manilla is proclaimed a Town.

Yet, before this, in 1832, the Hall family established Cuerindi Run, just north of Manilla. Bullock Trains thus became an important characteristic towards the development of Manilla. Our early Pioneers relied on this service.

Bullock trains were used for various purposes transporting goods across the rough Australian landscape. The early explorers, Hume and Hovell in 1824 and Charles Sturt, later in 1828-9, also used bullock teams during their explorations. They were fundamental to the development of the Australian nation. Bullock teams pulling drays carried essential food and other supplies to isolated country areas.

A bullock (or ox) is a mature, desexed bull. With a characteristically sturdy and quiet nature, bullocks were easily bred, cheap to feed, easy to train and require minimal gear and infrastructure in comparison to horses.

Bullock trains could haul up to three tons of cargo (almost two medium cars) in summer, and travelled about 15klms per day. It would take at least 30 days to travel from Sydney to Manilla NSW and more, considering they had to travel over the Great Dividing Range towards our New England District. For George Veness to receive goods for his store, he would have used Bullock Trains, bringing essential food and station supplies to our isolated country areas.

The number of bullocks in a team ranged from 12 to as many as 30, depending on the load and the terrain. The bullockies used long whips and verbal commands to control their teams, and sometimes had the help of a dog and off-siders.

Bullockies often chose Devon cattle because they were plentiful, hardy, tractable and readily matched up the team, which was often a source of pride to the owners. Teams had to be educated to perform their respective tasks, too. The first part of a bullock’s education began when the bullocky tied two young bullocks together with two heavy leather collars and a connecting chain. Thus connected, they were turned out to graze and rest until they accepted the close presence of their partner.

John Coote (Snr) and his son John were prominent breeders of Devon cattle on their property North Querindi Manilla NSW. This story is coming up soon on Manilla Memories.

Bullock trains were a common sight in Australia until the late 1800s, when they were gradually replaced by railways and, as road terrains improved, motor vehicles. However, some bullock teams continued to operate in the timber industry and on farms until the 1950s. Bullock trains are remembered for their contribution to the nation’s growth and prosperity.

On return trips they transported wheat, wool and timber by drays drawn by teams of bullocks to shipping ports before the advent of rail. They travelled constantly across the landscape, servicing the pastoral stations and settlements far from regional transport hubs and urban centres. Some of the larger stations in outback Australia maintained their own teams for local use when harvesting and transporting wool.

A typical bullocky wore a cabbage tree hat, a twill shirt of that period, moleskin trousers, blucher boots and carried a long bullock whip which in many instances he had made. A cabbage tree hat is a wide-brimmed, low-crowned hat woven from the leaves of the cabbage palm. Moleskin trousers are trousers made from a heavy and densely woven cotton fabric, while blucher boots are laced boots. A twill shirt is a shirt with a twill weave in a diagonal pattern.

It takes a good man to make his entire Bullock team pull together. His eyes have to be ceaselessly on them. This is where a good dog is of great assistance. Commencing at the hindmost off-side bullock, the dog will make a bite at his heel, and then with lightning speed to that of the one in front, following up to the next along the line, and so on. He then wheels back, dodging dextrously in and out between the wheels, with only a bare inch or so to spare from being crushed to death.

A good bullocky has perfect command over his team. Anybody can drive a horse, but it is not everybody who can drive bullocks.

Bullock-driving was seen as a man’s job, but there were some exceptions. Agnes Buntine became the first female bullocky in Australia, acquiring a bullock team in the 1850s. Aged in her early 30s, Agnes supported her family, carrying goods from Melbourne throughout Gippsland. When gold was discovered at Walhalla in 1862, she was the first to arrive in the town with supplies. The next day she slaughtered a bullock to feed the miners.

Agnes Buntine (1822-1896) was a Scottish pastoralist and bullocky. Born in Glasgow, Scotland as Agnes Davidson, she and her family moved to Australia in 1840. She became a bullocky there, frequently making trips across different cities to transport merchandise, and opening two stores. When working as a bullocky, she wore thick clothing and boots, unlike the clothing of most women at the time, which saved her life when she was caught in a large bush fire. She was able to find a safe patch of ground to stay at until the fire ended, and although she received severe burns from the incident, she survived due to her thick clothing and boots.

Agnes and her husband Hugh had six children.

As a bullocky, Buntine was described as a "steam boiler on horseback" with "strong, heavy-set, almost masculine features, with her clear, intense eyes being her most marked attribute.” Agnes had two pistols contained in her belt and smoked an old black pipe. She retired in 1873 at age 51 and the same year married Michael Dawe Hallett (2nd marriage), an English farmer who was aged 29 at the time of their marriage. Agnes was a unique individual, as were all male Bullockers who travelled the Australian landscape, building our country centres, just like Manilla NSW Australia.

** Establishing Bullock Trains in Australia firstly required - The Transportation of Our Pioneers to Australia.

Pioneers arriving from England in the 1850s Sydney, were greeted with a bustling English seaport. Steamships ran between Europe and Australia and mail arrived in 135 days rather than the 275 days it had taken in the early nineteenth century. The trip, however, from England wasn’t as attractive and it would have been a sigh of relief they arrived safely.

Before Steamships, it took three months to travel from Liverpool to Melbourne. The cheapest ticket, in steerage, below the waterline at the very bottom of the ship, was risky. Risking one’s life was one obstacle but exposure to unhygienic conditions was daunting. It was crowded, dark, a lack of air and damp, with limited sanitation, and with days of total darkness if the weather was bad. Candles and oil lamps were not permitted in this highly flammable environment. Limited sanitation and stormy seas often combined to make it dirty and foul-smelling. Rats, insects, and disease were common problems.

In the mid-1800s, the Australian continent was only sparsely populated by convicts, soldiers, and pioneer settlers. Then the British government established the Emigration Commission which offered assisted migration schemes to NSW and Van Diemen’s Land for those who could not otherwise have afforded it. Over one million immigrants (either assisted or unassisted) arrived in Australia from the United Kingdom during the 1800s.

The promise of a new and better life was tempting, as the 19th century population explosion in the UK saw millions living in poverty or, when faced with disaster such as the Irish potato famine, even starving to death. Emigration was seen as an opportunity to seek better conditions or a new life, even if it was to a rugged and somewhat inhospitable country landscape in Australia.

Most of the first modern migrants to Australia were unwilling arrivals - convicts from Britain sent to the penal colony of NSW. Until the mid-1800s, the population was dominated by British and Irish people, but the discovery of gold near Orange NSW, in 1851, triggered a gold rush that changed the face of Australia. Between 1851 and 1860, more than 600,000 migrants arrived. Most were from the UK but around 10 per cent came from elsewhere in Europe and seven per cent from China.

As a comparison, between 1945 and 1965 more than two million migrants came to Australia, where in those early days and country centres like Manilla, sewerage disposal was relegated to outdoor dunnies away from the house. The full can was collected each week or fortnight and replaced with an empty can.

DNA evidence suggests the first people to migrate to the Australian continent most likely came from South-East Asia between 40,000 and 60,000 years ago, according to the Immigration Department's official history. Estimates of the size of the Aboriginal population before European settlement range between 300,000 and 1.5 million with some 600 tribes speaking more than 200 distinct languages.

Today Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people account for 2.8 per cent of the country's 24 million people.

After arrival in Sydney in the 1800s, the Pioneers had to travel over the Great Divide in arduous, rough and hostile environments to reach the New England and the Manilla District. This is where the Bullockies and Bullock Trains played their role in developing Manilla NSW District and other centres in Country Australia.

Our Australian Pioneers were hard workers on the land and it would have taken a strong sense of fortitude to leave England and forge a life in our rugged countryside in the 1800s Australia. For them though, it seemed a lot better alternative than the conditions in England.

These Pioneers need to be looked upon with a sense of reverence (deep respect). Because of them we live the life we have today in Manilla, and Country Australia, and the Bullock Trains, with their Bullockies, played that role within the development of the Manilla NSW District.

John Coote and Family – Manilla NSW District – 1800s to 1900s

John Coote (1835–1922) was born in Little Bardfield, Thaxted, Essex, England and died in 1922 at North Cuerindi Manilla NSW. He arrived in Australia in October 1855.

John married Elizabeth Griffiths (1845-1922) in 1868. They had nine children together.

Their first born was son John Coote (1869–1948) followed by daughter Lydia Sarah Coote (1871–1953), George Coote (1873–1952), Charles William Coote (1875–1964), Thomas Arthur Coote (1877–1954), Alfred Henry Coote (1880–1895), Emily Mary Coote (1881–1960), Eliza Anne Coote (1885–1965), and daughter Frances Harriet Coote (1888–1966).

John Coote Jnr (1869-1948) married Theresa Dowdell in 1895 and they had 10 children. One child Albert Ernest (Podge) Coote (1902-1984) married Linda Vandenberg in Manilla in 1923, and Allen Coote (1917-1988) married Lucy Cochrane in 1938.

George Coote, son of John and Elizabeth, married Muriel Hill in 1894 and had 10 children. Daughter Emily Mary married Alexanda Griffiths in 1904, while daughter Eliza Anne married Joseph Abberfield in Manilla in 1908. One of Eliza and Joseph’s children, Doris May Abberfield (1912-1995) married Eric Oswald Hinton.

Frances Harriet Coote had one daughter with Thomas Brophy and married Laurie Bridge (1888-1972). Daughter of Francis and Thomas, Kathleen Mary Coote (1908-1954) married Allen Gardner in Manilla in 1926 and had one child, Ivan Gardner (1926-1993).

John (Snr) father John Coote (1802–1861) died in Dunmow Essex England. John had six brothers and sisters. His mother Sarah Cockshed (Coote) (1800–1877) died in Essex England.

John’s wife Elizabeth Griffiths (1845–1922) was born in Paterson NSW and died in “Park Hall” Upper Manilla NSW. Elizabeth had five brothers and sisters. Before her marriage to John, Eliza worked at the Crown and Anchor Inn, Morpeth, NSW, (John Sucker family) and stayed until her marriage in 1868. She became close to the Sucker family and named one of her children Francis Harriet after the Sucker family connection.

One of John and Elizabeth’s children, John Coote (Jnr) (1869–1948) from North Cuerindi Manilla, establishes imported Devon Cattle and Lincoln Sheep in the late 1800s, and with his father’s guidance, became a prominent breeder of Devon cattle, with a number of Devons in stalls at the stud stock show in Sydney in 1940.  John had been breeding cattle for over 50 years and his North Cuerindi Stud had been registered for 20 years.

South Devon were one of the few British breeds to have been selected for drought purposes as well as for beef and milk. The first importations into Australia were of milking cows carried on sailing ships. Several large importations occurred in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

The Devon is one of the oldest British breeds of cattle being gradually standardised in the five south-western counties of England, where they have been recognised as a distinctive breed for at least two and a half centuries. The success of the Devon breed in Australia is associated with the ability to produce top quality beef, both straightbred and as a cross, under varying climatic conditions.

When the first fleet arrived from England to Sydney Cove on the 26th of January 1788, they had on board two bulls and seven cows.

Another son of John and Elizabeth, Thomas Arthur Coote (1877–1954) from Upper Manilla NSW, married Sarah Margaret “Madge” Howlett (1879-1970) in St Nicholas, Tamworth NSW.

Sarah was employed at Tamworth Base Hospital in 1902. She trained for 4 plus years in General Nursing at Tamworth Hospital and was valued by the local doctors of the district, especially around Manilla NSW. They had five children during their marriage. Madge and her siblings attended the small state school of Currabubula NSW. Currabubula is just 30klms from Tamworth.

Thomas and Sarah had four children: Donald (1908-1999), Lela (1909-2006), Doris (1909-2004), Nancy (1911-1986), and Enid (1912-2002).

The family lived at "Fair Mount" just south-east of 2NU radio tower from about 1913.

Donald married Ebbe Milicent Iliffe on 9th April 1932 in Manilla, NSW. They had four children in 11 years. Donald died on 13th May 1999 in his hometown at the age of 90. Donald spent most of his working life in Barraba as a Pharmacist among other activities.

Lela married James Vincent Holmes on 14th July 1943 in Manilla, NSW. They had one child during their marriage. Doris married Eric Golden on 15th June 1932 in Manilla NSW (see picture). They had six children in 11 years.

Doris and Eric’s wedding was presented in the Manilla Express, and an excerpt is below:

A popular wedding was celebrated in St. Michael’s Church Manilla when Doris, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs T. A. Coote Manilla, was married to Eric, youngest son of the late Mr William and Mrs Golden of Armidale. The marriage was conducted by the Rev. Father E. Dignam, M.S.C., followed by a Nuptial Mass. The bride was escorted to the alter by her father and looked charming in a gown of bridal satin. The bride was attended by her twin sister Lela and Miss Joan Townsend, the bride groom’s niece. Two small train bearers were also in attendance – Clare Byrnes and Molly Doring. The bridegroom was attended by Mr John Hardy as best man and his brother Mr A. Golden as groomsman. Mr J. O’Neill presided the organ, playing the “Wedding March,” and as the bride entered the church.

Two of Thomas and Sarah’s children, Nancy Clare Coote (1911–1986) and Enid Madge Cecilia Coote (1912–2002) became Nuns. A nun is a woman who vows to dedicate her life to God, typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in the enclosure of a monastery or convent. The term is often used interchangeably with religious sisters who do take simple vows but live an active vocation of prayer and charitable work.

Nancy entered St Joseph's novitiate at Singleton on 25th March, 1930 and was received on 24th September that year. Nancy was awarded a University Exhibition and a Teachers Scholarship and professed as Sister M Kostka on 28th September, 1932.

Sister M Kostka (Nancy) taught at Broadmeadow (1932-1933), St Aloysius' High School (1934-1937), St Catherine's College (1938-1952), with the exception of 1940 when she and Sister Anselm spent a year at North Melbourne studying for a B.A. Degree. She also taught at St Aloysius Girls' High School, Hamilton (1953-1964), Glendale (1965-1967), before returning to Hamilton (1968-1984). She was known for her mathematical precision when arranging sport programs for the whole school at Hamilton. In 1977 she was a resident at the Convent of Mercy, Parry Street, Hamilton, Newcastle NSW.

Her sister, Enid Madge Cecilia Coote (1912–2002) entered the Novitiate (Convent of Mercy) Singleton NSW on 25th March 1931 and was received on 24th September 1931. Enid was professed Sister M. Louis on 27th September, 1933 and took as her patron St Louis of France where she was sent to teach fourth class at Tighe's Hill till Christmas.

Sister M Louis (Enid) taught at Broadmeadow (1934-1935), Morpeth (1936-1937), St Aloysius (1938-1940), St Catherine's College (1941), St Aloysius (1942-1952), St Mary's, Muswellbrook (1953-1958) where she was Superior and Principal. In 1953 she was a resident at St Mary's High School, Muswellbrook NSW and was the founding principal of St Mary's Girls' High School. Enrolments grew but the school was closed in 1967 when it was deemed too expensive to implement the Wyndham Scheme. The Wyndham Scheme was a series of reforms to secondary education in NSW.

This was followed by teaching at St Aloysius, (1959-1960). She opened Holy Cross Convent and High School at Glendale in January 1961 and remained there until 1966 when it was announced that the school would close the following year.

In 1963 she was a resident at the Convent of Mercy, Glendale, NSW. Repurposed minor's huts had served as classrooms but, as enrolments grew, investment in new buildings was required. No funds were available. The Catholic Education Office closed the high school at the end of 1967.

In 1967 Sister M Louis (Enid) was in a car accident when returning from Sydney with Sister M Jacinta. Her nose and a finger were broken and eight ribs were also fractured.

From 1967 she taught at Monte Pio Maitland (1967-1969), Singleton (1970-1977), Scone (1977-1984). Sister M Louis was forced to retire due to Illness when she was 72 years old and took up residence at Monte Pio Maitland NSW in 1968, and died in Singleton in 2002.

The Coote family, as a diverse family unit, are well known identities within the historical context of Manilla and district, and continue with their presence around the Manilla District, and will for many years into the future. Their Manilla presence is also well documented within their “Park Hall” residence at Upper Manilla.

Other prominent Upper Manilla residents of this time were the Bowmans, Geddes, McIlricks and Gardners.

The CBC Bank in Manilla Street, Manilla NSW.

The first branch opened in Manilla Street in 1888 next to Royce Cottage. It is reported the new branch was built in Manilla Street 10 years later (further north) in 1898. In 1924 a new branch was built next to the older branch (see picture). Manilla’s population in 1891 was 275.

Frank Maundrell was the manager of the CBC Bank in Manilla during the years 1979-1982.  

In the early 1900s the building was owned by the Tamworth Manager, Mr Robey, who was reluctant on occasions to have necessary maintenance carried out on the premises. Large cracks were appearing on some walls including one in the maid’s quarters where a hand could be thrust through. The maid had to live away from the premises during this time, and this was reported as inconvenient.

The building was also occupied by the Stock and Station Agency, V.J. Byrnes Pty. Ltd., who had also bought the building when the new bank building was completed in 1924. V. J. Byrnes is featured in an early article/post on this FB page.

Frank Maundrell had a long history working for the CBC Bank. He was born in 1944 and joined the Bank at Merrylands in 1959. This was followed by working at a variety of branches throughout NSW.

1959, Merrylands. 1960, Pitt and Bathurst Streets Sydney. 1961, Oxford Street Sydney. 1962, Seven Hills Sydney. 1966, Sydney Head Office. 1972, Petersham Sydney. 1975, Burwood. 1979, Manilla (Manager). 1982, Wee Waa (Manager). 1986, Scone (Manager).

Following the death of Frank’s wife in 1989, in 1991 he was the North West NSW Relieving Manager. Frank served in most Branches in New England and North West NSW.  In 1998 he retired while still in Tamworth.

In 1982 the CBC Bank merged with the National Bank of Australasia to form the National Australia Bank.

Manilla NSW 1898

This picture shows a view of Manilla, in 1898, including the Commercial Bank, Church, School of Arts, Post Office, Mackenzie's store and Olifant's Hotel.

The years leading up to the turn of the century saw a significant development in Manilla. With a population of 144 males and 131 females in 1891 the growth and activity were palpable with the determination of Manilla’s population to provide services that benefited the community.

One leading the way in 1876, was Mackenzie’s, established by Mr. Frank Mackenzie, and at his death his son Mr. M. C. Mackenzie took over the business and built Mackenzie’s store in Manilla in Market Street, opposite Veness’ Store. By 1878 the telegraph line was completed to Manilla.

The first Post Office in Manilla was established in 1856. Followed by the Manilla Post Office building in the 1880s, additions followed in the 1890s, and then 1908 and 1923.

In 1886 the Court House was built, the Methodist Church followed in 1889, and the Namoi River Bridge work was completed. The Manilla Express was first published in 1899, and the Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney opens next door to Royce's House Manilla in 1890. The Catholic Church was built in 1894.

Olifant’s (brick) Hotel was built in 1891, by M. C. Mackenzie. G. M. Oliphant purchased the building after completion and he called it the Royal Hotel. In 1898 Oliphant sold the Hotel to James Waddell of Barraba.

By the turn of the century there were four hotels in Manilla: A single story building, The Royal Hotel; the Imperial Hotel, opened in June 1900, and the Court House Hotel, opened in December 1900. A second story was added to the Royal Hotel in the early 1900s, and the Post Office hotel – named in 1913.

Just 15 minutes south of Manilla, a loophole in the Licensing Act, allowed Donald Bernard Harris to become the licensee of the Railway Hotel at Attunga in 1939. He was 17 years of age. Now rebuilt and known as the Attunga Hotel, the pub at the time traded as the Railway Hotel.

At the turn of the century the first Manilla Municipal Council were elected in 1901, the Manilla Hospital Opens in 1905, and in 1906, the Manilla Railway Bridge & Viaduct construction was completed. Manilla’s future was becoming more secure as the years progressed.

* A number of more detailed articles/stories are ready for 2024. Two of these stories include a detailed growth history of Hotels in Manilla, plus Mackenzie’s in Manilla, featuring a picture of his store in 1898. 

Court House Hotel – Manilla NSW - Growth of Hotels - Stage Coach Development and Transport.

The Court House Hotel was opened in December 1900. Both the Court House and Imperial Hotel in Manilla were constructed by T. J. Bowen.

T. J. (Thomas John) Bowen was a prominent builder in the Gunnedah/Manilla/Tamworth region of NSW, and involved in the early development of these towns. It is reported he first came to the Manilla area about 1884 to assist G. H. Royce, NSW chief engineer, for the construction of the iron traffic bridge over the Namoi River (1884-86). Thomas John was sufficiently important in the community to be elected to Manilla's first Municipal Council in 1901.

In 1939 a storm blew the roof off the Court House hotel building. Under the watchful eye of Licensee Mrs Hirschberg, the roof, parapet and verandah were rebuilt. Prior to this event, in 1934, Wally Rooke paid a record price of £91 for the publican’s booth at the show on behalf of Mrs. Hirschberg of the Court House Hotel ($10,000 today). Two years later, Wally Rooke purchased the Barraba Show Booth rights for Mrs. Hirschberg, for around £80 ($8,000 today).

Although the railway from Manilla to Tamworth was operating from 1899 there were still Coach Services available. During the 1800s, coachbuilding was a popular trade in Australia. The company Cobb & Co began building their own coaches in the 1860s, and workshops were established in Victoria and NSW.  The company grew to great prominence during these times, carrying passengers and mail to various Australian regional and remote areas of the Australian outback.

Nowland's Lochinvar Coach services, established in the 1840s, were another manufacturer who developed a major colonial trade and communication route connecting Newcastle, Maitland, and the developing inland settlements. Nowland was one of the earliest Royal Mail contractors and established routes spanning from Maitland to Morpeth (near Maitland), encompassing the Hunter Valley settlements and inland regions towards Armidale. Armidale is just east of Manilla.

The Jindera German Wagon was another, which made arduous treks by wagon in 1867 and 1868. The first wagon was originally used by a German migrant family who moved to the Jindera district in the Riverina.

It is reported the last coach probably ran on the Hebel-Goodooga-Brewarrina routes in 1913.

Passage through the country was notoriously uncomfortable and bushrangers would wait for the coaches on isolated roads to rob the mail runs. Frederick Wordsworth Ward (1835-1870), known as Captain Thunderbolt, stuck up the coach between Walcha and Tamworth, whilst also robbing a jeweller of a large sum of money. William Hill’s Hotel at North Manilla was also targeted by Ward.

This story/article about Captain Thunderbolt is completed, and is coming up soon. Also, the history and growth of the Manilla NSW Hotels.

Accommodation and transport throughout NSW, and Manilla, were key elements in the growth of Manilla. The hotels created a need for accommodation, and Hotels (pubs) became a growth industry in Manilla. By the turn of the century there were four hotels in Manilla. Large numbers of farm workers came to town during the wheat harvest season, to also quench their thirst, and trade was brisk in the hotels of Manilla.

Wheat harvest was very labour intensive in those days. In the absence of machinery, large numbers of men were needed to cut a crop in time (story coming up soon).

The railway (1899) increased rural settlement in Manilla and caused the wheat industry and Manilla to grow considerably. In 1899 Manilla saw a very successful season for wheat growing and harvest – an estimated 125,000 bags – causing much wealth to flow into the township. A bag of wheat contained about 4 bushels (equivalent to 145 litres) which weighed about 240lbs (nearly 110kgs). A heavy weight for one person to manoeuvre. 125,000 bags is equal to nearly 14 million kilograms, or equal to about 9,000 medium size cars - transported from Manilla in 1899.

There was much discussion dating back to 1883 to reduce the size of the bags to 200lbs (90kgs). This continued for over 20 years.

Coach travel was not the only choice for many in the 1800s. Walking and horseback were also popular ways to travel, while bicycles were also popular. Speedwell was a bicycle manufactured by Bennett & Wood in 1882 in Sydney, while the Speedwell motorcycle was built in the early 1900s. Alfred Veness (1870-1951), the son of George Veness (founder of Manilla) sold Speedwell bicycles and motors in his store in Manilla NSW. This story, with pictures, is coming up soon.

A trip from Tamworth to Manilla by bicycle would take a minimum of 4 hours and walking about 10 hours. In 1897 cars had a speed of 10 to 12 miles an hour, which meant it would take about 2 hours travel to Tamworth, while Stage Coaches would have taken about 4 hours. Tamworth is 44 klms from Manilla.

The first cars arrived in Australia in the 1890s. The first were steam driven. By 1914 there were about 37000 cars and trucks in Australia. Most had been imported from the USA. Holden Brothers began making car bodies in Australia for an American company in 1917. The first mass produced car in Australia was the Holden. The first one ran off the assembly line on 29 November 1948 at the factory at Fisherman's Bend, Melbourne.

From Bullock Trains supplying goods and services to NSW and the Manilla District, tracks started to appear on the NSW map in the 1860s, which made it easier for travel by coach. These tracks developed into roads, which then made it possible to travel by car as the 1900s developed.

Growth of Manilla District Country Schools and Colonial Education 1800s Australia

By the early 1870s a number of pioneer families had settled in Keepit, forming a nucleus of settlement that rivalled Manilla. Keepit was the first school in the Manilla district not in Manilla where a full-time school was built. The school operated as a provisional school until 1880, then was upgraded to a primary school. When pupil numbers fell at various periods during the 1890s and early 1900s, the school became either a half-time school or a provisional school.

At this time the population of Manilla was 160, where a school was also built in Upper Manilla. There was also a private school on the corner of Rowan and Strafford Streets Manilla in 1873.

Initially the Upper Manilla school was 4 metres x 9 metres in size and constructed of split sleepers, a bark roof and bark ceiling. In the early 1880s many of the slabs had fallen out of the walls, leaving large holes, allowing wind, sun and rain to enter the school. In the early 1900s it was replaced. There was also a school located nearby at North Cuerindi.

An application was sent to the Council Government for a Government teacher in the late 1800s as the number of students increased.

A small Union Church had been built in 1875 at North Manilla, and in support of their application to the Council of Education for a government school in their town, the residents of Manilla offered the use of the Church. Classes were held there from September 1877. There were about 30 children enrolled and were under the charge of John Marshall, appointed to Manilla as the first public school teacher. Children from the surrounding properties walked to school or rode their horses along the rough bush tracks.

A request for a larger school resulted in builder S. Lambert been given the contract at a price of 856 pounds (about $180,000 today). In the late 1870s a brick school to accommodate 50 pupils and a teacher's residence was built on the hill at North Manilla. In a far-sighted gesture, a glass time capsule was placed in the foundations of the building, dated 26th February 1879, containing the builder’s contract, a description of the laying of the foundation stone of the building, in the forty second year of the reign of her most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, and copies of four newspapers: the Tamworth News, the Tamworth Observer, the Maitland Mercury and the Maitland Evening News. The capsule was discovered when the building was demolished in 1939.

At the opening celebrations the hotel keeper at North Manilla, J. T. Flynn, organised a basket picnic for every child in the town and in the evening 150 people attended. A magic lantern lecture was given by the postmaster E. Done. Pupil numbers increased steadily and five years later another classroom was added to the school. (Magic lantern lectures illustrated different events, including scientific lectures, entertainment, current events discussion, missionary fundraising, and humanitarian causes)

At this time, school enrolments totalled 112 pupils, with an average attendance of 87. Classes were held there for 21 years, until the building could no longer accommodate the growing number of pupils.

From 1879 to 1886, Emily Hely Sampson (nee Hutchinson) taught at the school. Emily married her brother-in-law Horatio Sampson, after her sister Harriet died. While her husband studied law, Emily prepared lessons and taught over 30 children of varying ages and abilities. She also ran the household, and cared for seven stepchildren in addition to her own three young children, who were born between 1879 and 1885. When school was over for the day home chores had to be done - milking cows, washing and ironing, and scrubbing floors.

The building at North Manilla remained the residence of the Manilla School Headmaster until 1938 where it was sold and removed. The bricks were used to build a new home on Crow Mountain road (Crow Mountain Road is 15klms east of Upper Manilla).

By 1896 the population of Manilla had grown to 650, where the majority lived on the south side of the river. The location of the north school was no longer central with the growth of population.

In the late 1890s there was a move for a school in central Manilla. Local residents lobbied for several years, proposing that the land on the corner of Court and Arthur Streets be resumed for the site of a new school. The Department of Education finally agreed to the proposal. Tenders were called and builder S. Harris was successful, at a price of 1300 pounds (about $240,000 today). This included a weather shed and school fittings. Construction began in 1900. On 26 January 1901 Manilla Public School, with accommodation for 200 pupils, opened in its new central location. Henry Rudd was in charge of the school with 200 pupils.

The Premier of NSW had been invited to open the school but Queen Victoria died four days before the event, and a period of national mourning was declared. All Government functions were cancelled, so the school was never officially opened.

By 1917 the average student attendance at Manilla School was 230. The school continued to grow as the town of Manilla prospered. From January 1923 its status was upgraded to a district school, catering for both primary and secondary school age students. In 1926 considerable additions were made to accommodate 400 pupils. By 1928 the whole of the association liabilities was wiped out due to the Manilla community arranging public functions.

More additions followed in 1933. A domestic science and manual training block was built, at a cost of 4625 pounds (about $480,000 today) Mr L. Frank was Headmaster in 1935, followed by J. R. Ford (1941), A. R. Kearns (1943) and F. W. Vere in 1945. By this stage Manilla School had 430 pupils.

By 1958 enrolments at Manilla Public School totalled 542, the highest on record, and approaches were made to the Department of Education to build a high school at Manilla. In November 1966 the new secondary school in Manilla opened, with an initial enrolment of 167 pupils.

In September 1977 a week-long program of celebrations was held to mark the centenary of public education in Manilla, attended by many former pupils and teachers. The program opened with a procession through the town watched by over 3,000 people, and throughout the week a variety of events were held including fetes, concerts, a combined church service, a bush picnic, open days at the school, and a centenary ball.

Schools in the Keepit Region: As mentioned earlier, Keepit was the first school in the Manilla district not in Manilla, and provided much needed education for children in the Rushes Creek area. Keepit operated half time with Baldwin School for various periods between 1890 and 1946. From January 1900 to June 1901 Baldwin School was a provisional school, and from July 1901 to June 1904 it became a public school. At Keepit, enrolments stabilised when construction of Keepit Dam commenced (1939), bringing many new families into the area.

Keepit and Baldwin are located in the Rushes Creek region, just a few kilometres south west of Manilla.

In November 1919, Baldwin Public School, in conjunction with the residents of Rushes Creek, arranged a meeting where it was decided to erect an Honor Roll in the Baldwin Public school. At this time Mr Fuller was the teacher. This board would contain the name of old pupils of the school and teachers who served in the Great War. The honour roll is decorated with a painting of a crossed Australian flag and Union Jack. The roll contains fourteen names printed in gilt. Four of those listed were teachers, being Messrs Farrell, Fuller, Gross and Sullivan.

The school children collected the funds for the roll and it was completed by January 1920. The roll could be viewed in one of the windows of Messrs M.C. Mackenzie and Sons Ltd in Manilla NSW. The unveiling ceremony took place on Wednesday 24th March 1920. Reverend W. A. Thompson delivered the address and the unveiling ceremony was performed by Miss Coote.

Keepit School retained its status as a primary school from 1948 to 1973, when it finally closed. Pupil numbers were boosted by the building of the Keepit Dam after the second world war, when many construction workers and their families came to live in the district. Keepit Dam was completed in 1960.

Another school featured prominently for local residents at Yarramanbully (located east along the Halls Creek Road). The first Yarramanbully one teacher school was built in the early 1900s. The second in 1935 and accommodated six families in the Yarramanbully District. The McKeon, Berry, White and Gallagher families. The teacher was Miss McRae, followed by Miss Chaffey and then Miss Sloman. The school closed in 1953.

The Yarramanbully School building was officially handed over to Manilla Historical Society as a museum of education and sits proudly beside The Manilla Museum in Manilla Street.


Children in Colonial Australia in the 1800s knew the meaning of tough. They worked on the land with their parents from a young age, and routinely shouldered much of the responsibility of family life, particularly if the working male in the family fell ill or died. The alternative to unemployment was starving to death, and life was very much closer to the edge. Survival wasn’t a guarantee. Boys up until the age of six wore dresses for ease of toilet training, and children were dressed like small adults, with hand me down clothes from family members.

Many classrooms in the 1800s were badly ventilated, with children coughing and had respiratory conditions. There were often no toilets and there was no wash basin. If the classroom was heated, it would be heated by a coal fire.

School was compulsory for children aged between seven and 14, with a segregated curriculum based on gender - girls were expected to learn sewing and other craft. Most of these children were required to work - taking care of other children, doing laundry, helping with farm work or helping in shops. After sitting in a cold classroom with a fire burning making them cough, they're exhausted and sick, and when they get home, they have to do all their chores.

The school object wasn't to make children curious or excited about learning, it was to teach them morality. In country homes right up to the early to mid-1900s, many had dirt floors in their kitchen. (Morality: principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour)

Children spent time in copying work from the blackboard, and often had one workbook for all their subjects. Great emphasis was placed on neatness where headings showed fancy lettering featured at the top of each page, together with ornate borders and other decorations.

Children were not permitted to write with their left hand and some “left-handers” had their left arm tied behind their back. Others were hit with the cane on their left hand. The style of writing taught was Copperplate, an ornate style with loops and curves that could be written with speed.

Discipline was strict and full attention was expected at all times. Children had to be silent and speak only when asked to and punished for persistent inattention and moral offences. Giving the students the cane was permitted. Offences ranged from talking, playing, inattention, idleness, carelessness, impudence, impertinence and disorder. Children were hit on the hand, buttocks, and even on the head and shoulders.

Lunch was usually homemade bread or damper with dripping (animal fat from roasted meat), jam or treacle. Also boiled eggs, cheese, meat and fruit if available. Food was wrapped in a piece of fabric and later, when available, newspaper. Often the tank water at the school was undrinkable, in which case the children would also have to bring a bottle of water to school.

During the early Colonial years of 1788-1810 thirty men and women have been identified as having taught in NSW schools at least for one year. Of these thirty a total of seventeen were convicts, four were missionaries, one was a soldier and the others were free immigrants.

The first school to be organised in the colony of Australia was a private initiative of Rev. Richard Johnson who appointed two convicts, Isabella Rosson and William Richardson (first fleeter), as teachers in his school, beginning in about 1790. (A first fleeter is one of the first settlers who sailed to Australia from England in 1787)

* Other Schools in the Manilla District, during the 1800s and 1900s are worthy of mention as they also provided much needed education for the children in each of these regions.

Schools operated at Milliwindi between 1886 and 1888, at Hawarden from 1889 to 1933, New Mexico from 1893 to 1938, and at Borah from 1893 to 1896. There were also schools at Wongan Creek (1885 to 1925), Head Vale (1906 to 1936), Ukolan (1888 to 1928), Tarpoly (1902 to 1903 and 1942 to 1954), Newry Park (1905 to 1916), Lake Keepit (1875 to 1973), Baldwin (1900 to 1928 and 1935 to 1942) and Giants Den (1885 to 1886).

The first teacher at Wongan Creek School was Mr Sampson and he lived in the school house, cooking over an open fire.

Head Vale school was known as Corella until October 1925. The one-room weatherboard school, with verandas on both sides, was built on a two-acre block. It adjoined a similar sized block on which there were two dirt tennis courts and a galvanised iron clubhouse. Most children rode ponies to school and grazed them in the tennis court paddock. Austin Kirk recalls that the tennis courts were out of bounds to the pupils; presumably the adults thought they would ruin the surface for their social competition weekends. The school had one water tank outside, and a fireplace for which the older boys were rostered to cut wood in winter. (Corella is an area of land just west of Manilla and Upper Manilla – near Wongo Creek and New Mexico)

Some settlements just west of Manilla, such as Hawarden, New Mexico, Ukolan (Halls Creek), and Wongo Creek, maintained sufficient populations to support schools for several decades. As was often the case in areas with scattered populations, some schools operated half-time, sharing teachers with neighbouring schools.

Hawarden School, for example, operated half-time with Wongo Creek school between 1896 and 1897 and half-time with New Mexico school between 1898 and 1901 – the same area.

* Schooling in country Australia and the Manilla district in the 1800s, was comparable to home life and life in general – it was tough. Life created an atmosphere of determination to survive. The alternative was hunger leading to sickness – which many suffered. These times created stoic children and adults for the basic reason - survival in the country.

(Stoic: a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining)

Preserving and Understanding our Cultural, Heritage and Historic Past is an important contributor to our Future, as if we don't, the Future has no basis from where our Contemplation is derived. Contemplation with the Past is our direct link to our stable future. Without this we fall short of knowing Ourselves. It is important that History and Heritage, is preserved, read, and understood as this affects, and reflects, our Souls of Peace, and in turn preserves a future of understanding for Our-Selves - to Understand Who we Really Are.

A Study of the Relationships between the Hartley, Hall and Veness Families, and how their Collaboration Developed Manilla NSW during the Colonial 1800s.

David Hartley (Snr) (1783-1863) arrived in the Colony (Australia) as a convict on board the ship Duke of Portland on the 27th July 1807 (age 24). His crime was poaching from a noble’s property. Meaning, taking something illegally from a British upper social class, who usually possess a hereditary title. In Australia David was highly respected by those that knew him. He was assigned to George Hall. George Hall’s family established the Cuerindi Run (cattle and sheep) run just north of Manilla in about 1832, followed by the Mundowey Run, just east along the Namoi River. David soon gained the respect of the patriarch. So much so David was given a pardon in 1811.

David courted the daughter of George Hall’s neighbour and friend, Captain John Grono. The Grono’s were a highly respected family. David married Elizabeth Grono (1791-1871) on 30th March 1811. Their first born was a daughter, Elizabeth, who died as a child. Their second daughter, Frances, was born on the 5th February 1814 and developed a relationship with Matthew Henry Hall (Snr), who’s family went on to discover and establish the area around Upper Manilla in the early 1800s.

Frances (1814-1896) and Matthew Henry Hall (Snr) (1811-1888) gave birth to a son on the 4th September 1830, and was given the Hall name, and baptised as Matthew Hall (1830-1891). Frances and Matthew weren’t married. This family went on to discover the land at North Manilla, and called this area the Cuerindi Run (cattle and sheep).

France’s mother remarried, and became Mrs Fitzgerald, and in 1858, moved to Manilla from Maitland with her husband and her three children, Maria, Elizabeth and Robert. Six years later Mr Fitzgerald drowned in the 1864 Manilla flood.

Her other daughter, Catherine had married Thomas Connor (1813-1886) and they also moved to Manilla in 1858 where they built the first hotel on the bank of the Namoi River. It opened in 1863 and was inundated in the 1864 flood. Thomas saved his family by climbing on the roof. Robert Davey, her son, then worked for Matthew Hall at Cuerindi Run.

Frances Hall (Hartley) (1814-1896) gave birth to a second son, and she named this son David Hartley (1845-1924), where they both travelled to Manilla and Cuerindi Run in north Manilla. In 1856, David was only 11 years old, when he went to live with Matthew Hall on Cuerindi Run and as was required, helped on the farm. Matthew and David were half-brothers.

* Timeline Summary Update: David Hartley Snr married Elizabeth in 1811, produced a daughter Frances, who met Matthew Hall (Snr), and produced a son Matthew Hall, followed by another son, who she named David Hartley (1845-1924). This family were in the Manilla district before the 1850s.

Whilst on Cuerindi Run, David Hartley met and then married Emma Veness (1850-1909) at Manilla on 11th May 1869, and Matthew Hall (his half-brother) was a witness to the wedding.

Emma is the daughter of George Veness (1823-1895), the founder of Manilla, and his wife Mary Sarah (nee Fegan) (1824-1907). David gave his occupation as sheep overseer from Hall’s Creek (just east of Manilla). Emma and David had five children.

The children of Emma and David were: Hilda May (married Alfred Bailey), Sydney George (married Lillian Williams), Lee Maxwell (married Thomasina Isobella Thomas), Ruby Lillian (married John D. Kennedy. John was very prominent in the development of Manilla with the Veness family and other pioneers, Wilfred David (married Lucy Gibson).

George Veness (the founder of Manilla) (1823-1895) along with wife Mary Sarah and son John George, 12 months old, left on the "Harbinger" on 16th Oct 1848 to travel to the Colony of Australia. George was 25 years old. (A synopsis of this travel is coming up soon)

In 1850, when George was 27 years old, his first occupational training was as a printer, and first went to Barraba NSW (45klms north) and worked for William McKidd in his store. He later went to Tamworth and worked in the Public Service for a short time. He then settled at the Junction of the Namoi and Manilla rivers in 1851, and established his own store in 1853 - a slab store, wine shop and residence - at The Junction. He was 28 years old.

George and Mary had six children: Emma, John, Annie, Lucy, Alfred and Sarah.

George Veness is classified as the founder of Manilla (at 28 years of age) when it was then known as Manellae. He gave Manilla its name when asked by the postal authority for a name for the postal delivery. He became the first postmaster at the first Post Office in 1856. After the arrival of a telegraph office in Manilla in 1878, the resident postal officer and postmaster, Edward Done, was appointed as the official postmaster.

His brothers Charles, Stephen and Daniel followed George to Manilla. Daniel becomes the first Mayor of Manilla, while George’s son Alfred becomes the first Town Clerk in the first Manilla Municipal Council in 1901. Both George and Alfred built stores in Manilla (see picture). A story about Alfred is coming up soon.

In 1882, George’s brother Stephen was granted a Hotel Licence for the newly built Junction Hotel in Manilla. The population in Manilla NSW in 1891 was 275 - 144 Males and 131 Females. Barraba had a population of 413. By 1900 Manilla’s population was 620.

In 1864, while the residents of Manilla slept, George Veness’s first store was swept away in the 1864 flood, and four of the town’s 12 residents drowned. 100 years later, in January 1964, another major flood hit Manilla, following torrential rain in the catchment areas of both the Namoi and Manilla Rivers. This flood was classified as the worst flood in Manilla’s history and left behind a trail of devastation. A third of the population of Manilla had to be evacuated.

George built his second store on the corner of Market and Namoi Streets where teamsters’ trails (bullock trains) passed his door travelling north. George built another store on the corner of Manilla and Market Streets (see picture). This store continued to serve the residents of Manilla, business people and travellers for sixty years, until 1913. His second store was demolished in 1906.

Frances Hartley, mother to Matthew and David, lived on Cuerindi Run until the property was sold, and died on the 27th November 1896. The death was reported by her son David Hartley. David died on the 17th February 1924 and lays at rest with his wife Emma (Veness) in the cemetery at Manilla NSW.

The interesting developments within these life’s events, is that the Hartley, Hall and Veness families were all intertwined in the development of the Manilla district from the very beginning. Remembering also, Emma and David’s daughter married John D. Kennedy, a prominent identity in Manilla involved in the development of Manilla. 

Looking at their early years, they were very young, either in their teens or 20s, and developed Manilla during this stage of their life. This requires a certain amount of thought as we could tend to think of them in their 40s and 50s. They weren’t. Plus, they were living in virtual rough uninhabitable conditions when they arrived in the Manilla district, and had to forge a life from these conditions. Their only natural water supplies were via rain/river, no sanitation, and their homes/shelter were meagre timber huts in the early days.

The Hall family history was dealt within a previous post. There is also a book about the Hall Family at the Manilla Museum.

Our Life is Developed by Knowledge. Without Knowledge we do not Grow with Wisdom, and with Our Wisdom, We have a More Knowledgeable Destination to Understand Our Life Today. 

This is an article about George Veness and family, and their travel from England to Australia, and the conditions of this travel in the mid-1800s.

George Veness (the founder of Manilla) (1823-1895) along with wife Mary Sarah and son John George, 12 months old, left on the "Harbinger" on 16th Oct 1848 to travel to the Colony of Australia. George was 25 years old. His family settled in Manilla in the 1850s. A previous article was written about George Veness and his family developing Manilla NSW with other Pioneers like the Hartley and Hall families.

We cannot just say, “They travelled on a sailing ship to Australia and moved to Manilla in the 1800s.”  There are more serious considerations. The reality is, they were determined travellers, travelling to the Colony of Australia in sub-standard conditions, and then had to endure more hardships, and overcome these hardships with a stoic determination to overcome these hardships.

What was it like to travel to Australia in the early 1800s and why? Why, was the promise of a new and better life in Australia. It was tempting, as in the 19th century population explosion in the UK saw millions living in poverty or, when faced with disaster, such as the Irish potato famine, they could even starve to death.

SHIP VOYAGES: Voyages were long. Almost 6 months, uncomfortable and dangerous. Emigrants faced the threat of storms, sickness, fire, icebergs, and shipwrecks. For passengers in steerage, conditions were cramped and levels of hygiene poor. Bad weather meant passengers were often stuck below deck, unable to access their trunks in the hold for clean clothes or bedding. In bad conditions, many emigrants were stuck in damp, dirty clothes and bedding for weeks at a time and sanitation was minimal. If female convicts misbehaved on the ship, they were punished by confining them in the coal hole, and put on a wooden collar fitted around their neck.

When a heavy storm struck the ship, the water filled the cabins and convict’s prison area. Travellers were soaked, and the water broke stern windows, while chests of personal items were floating in water. As the water rose it instilled a fear of doom by drowning. If you survived, the next step was to bail out the water over a period of hours.

The convicts were housed below decks and often confined behind bars, restrained in chains and were only allowed on deck for fresh air and exercise. Conditions were cramped, and they slept on hammocks. Health was a major concern. Many suffered from illnesses - scurvy and dysentery - and some fell overboard and drowned. The hulks were often crammed with individuals chained together, the pungent scent of unwashed bodies, illness and despair permeating the atmosphere.

TRAVEL IN AUSTRALIA TOWARDS MANILLA. The road network in NSW began with simple tracks that were originally built over existing Aboriginal walking tracks, after the pioneer explorers entered regions not developed.  A map of NSW in 1821 shows there are no road tracks over the Great Dividing Range and no town names. Around the 1850s there were some road tracks marked on maps from Sydney to the Tamworth area and beyond, but there is no mention of Manilla on the map.

It wasn’t until the 1860s-1870s where the road, or track network, made it possible for horse and carts to travel to Manilla. This made it easier for the Bullock Trains also, to supply goods to the developing population around the Manilla District. In 1866 Manilla’s population was about 50 and Tamworth about 250.

It wasn’t until the late 1800s that the Great Northern railway line was constructed to the New England District, and completed in 1888. Prior to the completion there were just tracks for travelling by foot, horse, carriage and bullock trains, to transport goods up to the Manilla District.

Travellers faced many challenges and dangers along the way, such as rough terrain, harsh weather, bushrangers, and hostile natives. They could travel only about 15klms per day and it would take at least 30 days to travel from Sydney to Manilla NSW. For George Veness to receive goods for his store, he would have used Bullock Trains.

In many instances the bullockies (operators) just carried flour, tea, sugar and salt on their trips, and at the end of the day hunted for food or fished. Eating mostly kangaroo, echidna, wild duck and possum.

Our Australian Pioneers were hard workers on the land and it would have taken a stoic sense of fortitude to leave England and forge a life in our rugged countryside in the 1800s Australia. For them though, it seemed a lot better alternative than the conditions in England.

This stoic determination was continued by other settlers during the 1900s also. A continued directive for families to adhere to stoic tenacity, enabling them to survive, and live in the environment of life they found themselves in.

Jill Ker Conway’s Memoir “The Road from Coorain,” encapsulates this ethos during the 1950s, with these words from her book: "Everyone knew the most important gift to a child was an upbringing which would toughen him up so as to be stoic and uncomplaining about life's pains and ready for its reverses." Also, “The important things in life were hard work, self-sufficiency, physical endurance, and loyalty to one’s mates. When disaster struck what mattered was unflinching courage and the refusal to consider despair. The ideal woman was a good manager, and like a man, mock any signs of weakness or lack of stoicism in her children.”

Reading about the past enables a more enlightened Self, towards a more understand of Our-Selves. Life today, for many, is spontaneously reactive, and thus primes the individual psyche towards a limited attention span. Focussed reading though, enables a growth of wisdom and enlightens the soul for advancement.

The Era and Growth of Stoddart and Hayward and the Palais Theatre in Manilla NSW Australia.

* Stoddart and Hayward (shown right in the picture): In 1860 George Harrington came to Manilla in 1860 and established a market garden on the future site of Stoddart and Hayward. The market garden closed in 1894.

In July 1900 Treloar and Co of Tamworth purchased this land on the corner of Manilla and Court Streets for 350 pounds (today about $40,000) and commenced construction of their new store by local builder T. J. Bowen. The building was open for business twelve months later.

Their first employee was Harry Lane, who stayed employed in the business for 30 years. During this time Harry was regarded as a most respected citizen, involving himself with assistance towards financing Manilla’s district hospital; an active participant in establishing Manilla’s War Memorial; and compiling the list of soldiers whose names appear on the tablet. A sportsman on, and off the field as a committee member - footballer, rifle shooting, cricket and golf - Harry’s participation is acknowledged reverently. Harry also served many years as chairman of the Mechanics Committee.

After purchasing Mr G. Coffin’s well-known business in Gunnedah in the 1930s, Harry left Manilla with his grown-up family.

During 1903 Treloar and Co was dissolved and Henry Stoddart took over the control of this Manilla business. The name was changed to Stoddart and Co. and traded until 1927, when C. F. Hayward entered into partnership with Stoddart. The business then became known as Stoddart and Hayward Pty Ltd – affectionately called "The Corner Firm.”

Henry Stoddart retained an active interest in the store most of his life and died in 1946 aged 84 years. He had also been the Mayor of Manilla for five terms.

In 1952 fire destroyed a major part of the store resulting in 26,000 pounds damage (about $900,000 today).

Stoddard and Hayward was sold to Mr and Mrs Facer in 1969, and just 6 years later the store closed.

* The Palais Theatre (shown left in the picture): The Palais Theatre was constructed by Mr R. Easterman and opened in 1928 with Mr. O. Lindsay as the manager. It was officially opened by the Mayor of Manilla Ald. T. F. Wearne, with upwards of 750 people attending the official opening ceremony.

First class pictures were selected for viewing at the Palais, including “Sorrell and Son.” Providing quality entertainment for the Manilla population. “Sorrell and Son” was released in 1927 with a story line surrounding a decorated war hero, Stephen Sorrell, raising his son Kit alone after his wife deserted them in the boy's infancy.

Bill Harrison, after employment with the NSW Railway, became the Palais’ proprietor, and was well known in Manilla from around the 1950s. During Bill’s time at the Palais, David Ridgewell became a worthy and prominent usher at what was affectionately known as “Bill’s Bughouse.” David’s story is coming up soon. Some of the remembered patrons at this time were Granny Rogers, Mr Munson, with regular patrons the Laws family.

As the 1940s-1950s rolled on Bill always provided the town with many popular movies, including the ever-popular Western movies. Western movies were so popular during this time, 2,700 were made between 1930-1954. And we cannot forget the Palais’ introductory Movie Tone news, followed by a serial at the Saturday afternoon matinee.

Saturday matinee movies were always popular with the school children in Manilla. With Manilla Central School’s 542 pupils in 1958 it almost guaranteed a packed house at the Palais on many occasions.

During the 1950s-1960s we cannot forget popular movies like the Carry-On movies, which were ably assisted in popularity with James Dean, Debbie Reynolds and Tony Curtis. Followed by Marilyn Monroe, The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, The Dambusters and The Nun’s Story. Everyone was scared when Psycho came to town and entered our life.

The Era of Stoddart and Hayward and The Palais will always be remembered by most residents, as these businesses were part of everyday life in Manilla NSW Australia.

We must never forget History, as Historical Eras develop a Secure Stepping Stone for Our Peaceful Future.

Manilla NSW – Development of the Manilla Street Beautification Program

In July 1930 Manilla’s Mayor, Ald. A. R. Macleod, moved in Council that the time was opportune for the consideration of a scheme of tar paving and beautification of Manilla business centre, Manilla Street.

Background History: Mr A. R. (Mac) Macleod settled in the Manilla district in 1911, and bought the local Massey-Harris agency. In January 1919 Mac bought the Manilla Express, which he edited from October 1923. He was also an executive-member (1920-39) and president (1933-34) of the New South Wales Country Press Association, and a vice-president (1933-36) of the Australian Provincial Press Association.

Mr A. R. Macleod is also the author of the book titled “The Transformation of Manellae – a History of Manilla,” published in 1949.

Alton married Lily Hall in 1913 and they had three children: Marion Lily, Douglas and Effie Jean. Their daughter Marion married Lindsay Bignall and they both wrote the book called “A History of Manilla 1853-1979,” published in 1980. The grandson of Alton and Lily, and son of Marion and Lindsay Bignall is Ian Bignall, who still resides in Manilla NSW today.

Like his grandparents and parents, Ian continued with important community work in Manilla; involving himself in many committees to facilitate and strengthen the growth of the Manilla community. His leadership within the Save the Manilla Viaduct committee, with Kevin Anderson MP, played an important continuing role in establishing a foundation of support, and ensuring the viaduct was not lost. Together with his important contribution over many years as President of the Manilla Heritage Museum, his leadership assured the History of Manilla is in a secured place for the future.

In recognition of A. R. Macleod’s community service, a Drinking Fountain Monument was erected at the Municipal Chambers in 1934. Mac was also the initiator of the town's sewerage and water schemes, and active in more than a score of community organizations, including the Parents and Citizens’ Association, hospital board, show committee and the Caledonian Society. In 1919 he had been elected to the Manilla Municipal Council and served as an Alderman (1919-21 and 1926-50) and Mayor (1930-34 and 1942-50).

You are able to find a detailed article about Mr Alton Richmond Macleod further up in this section.

* Movement towards construction of the Manilla Street Beautification Development.

In 1932, after discussions regarding the beautification of Manilla Street, the matter was referred to the Council’s Works Committee for investigation and report. This report was submitted in the same year.

It was an ambitious scheme and for a time the Council shelved the report. In 1935 the Council appointed a special committee comprising Ald. A. R. Macleod, J.D. Kennedy and J. Coates to fully investigate the scheme submitted in 1932 and to obtain fresh suggestions if they thought fit. This committee reported in 1936, recommending that the 1932 proposals be carried out in their entirety.

This scheme included the removal of existing pepper trees, the laying down of an eight-foot garden centre to be planted with shrubs, a street clock and tar penetration of the whole street. There was opposition both in and outside the Council to the scheme, but eventually the Council proceeded with the scheme, borrowing 2040 pounds (today $230,000) for the purpose.

The work was carried out in the latter part of 1936 and has produced a picturesque business centre for Manilla. The town clock, purchased from Prouds Ltd., was erected in 1938. It contains notices within a glass enclosure, on each four sides, giving valuable information concerning Manilla’s development over the years. Prouds is an Australian jewellery business founded by William James Proud in Sydney in 1903.

In 2014 the information noted on the clock is:

Bridge erected over Namoi River 1887 - Railway to Manilla 1899-1987 - Electric light installation 1913 - Manilla Street centre gardens established 1932 - Manilla Hospital 1906-2012 - Manilla MPS 2012 - Manellae Lodge 1994 - Memorial Pool 1967 - Town Clock erected 1938. Water Installation: Main town 1934 - North Manilla 1953 - Split Rock Dam 1987. Sewerage Installation: Main Town 1953 - Southbrook 1965 - North Manilla 2000.

Rural Pursuits and Attractions: Wool Sheep Cattle & Poultry Production, Grain Growing, Warrabah National Park, Lake Keepit State Park, Split Rock Dam, Fishing & Fish Hatchery, Bush Walking and River Walk, Paragliding and Hang Gliding, Manilla Historical Museum Royce Cottage, Annual Manilla Show.

First Settlement est. 1858 - Population: 1866 - 50, 1901 - 780, 1938 - 2250, 1978 - 3100, 2016 - 3200. Incorporated as Municipality 23.7.1901 - Mandowa Shire Incorporated 3.6.1906 - Amalgamated to form Manilla Shire Council 1.1.1960 - Amalgamated to form Tamworth Regional Council 17.3.2004.

Graphical location: NSW North West Slopes and Plains - Lat -30' 44' 51.43" - Longitude 150' 43' 12.71" - Road Distance: From Sydney 512 klms. From Brisbane 573 klms. Altitude 363 metres. Average Rainfall 675 millimetres. 

The beautification of Manilla Street still provides residents and visitors with a picturesque drive through the main centre of Manilla, and symbolically recognizes the foresight of Mr A. R. Macleod in 1930 to establish these gardens. The town clock stands majestically tall in the centre and provides an important symbol that identifies the past, as well as leading everyone towards the future.

This is a Story written by David Ridgewell about the Palais Theatre in Manilla NSW, while he was employed at the Theatre, during the era 1950s-1960s, with Bill Harrison as the Proprietor.

Titled “At The Palais,” David Ridgewell 1988

I remember with great affection and yet some sadness, the era of the picture show, particularly the Palais and its proprietor, W. P. Harrison and patrons who attended that was once the centre of activity within this small community of Manilla.

I remember the love affairs that began and concluded; the disputes and arguments that seemed to erupt like clockwork within the audience; the blackouts; the breakdowns; and the boy who always failed to part the curtains before at least the national anthem had been concluded and the Movie-Tone News had been running for at least half of its scheduled screening. But most importantly, I remember and still cherish the warmth of friendship that evolved from many nights at “Bills Bughouse.”

I speak with some authority because for a period of 14 years I worked part-time in what we kids felt was the “centre of the universe." The proprietor, William Plumber Harrison, was a self-made man, smart in intellect, possessing a great sense of humour and the peculiar habit of wheeling and dealing in all matters financial. Bill, as we remember, lent himself to all avenues of the running of the Palais – from mixing the glue to post the posters promoting next week’s programme, to making sure the kids were prevented from removing the famous F. W. North soft drink bottle worth threepence on return to Mac’s Café next door, or undertaking major repairs and renovations on the machinery that night after night so magically took all to the four corners of the globe, to outer space or to the excitement of Tarzan in jungle, Hopalong Cassidy on the plains of the Wild West, or Charleton Heston as Moses opening the red sea.

No matter how serious the situation may have been in the smooth running of the Palais, Bill always stated that “a small adjustment is just required,” even if that small adjustment concerned the complete failure of the number two projector. Bill Harrison never became flustered; any problem could be solved, so often to the tune of “cat calls,” “wolf whistles,” or the phrase “give her a Bex.” Bill soldiered on to make sure that those hundreds of patrons who paid five shillings for the privilege of sitting upstairs, or two shillings and sixpence for the “chocolate run” downstairs, achieved their dreams of faraway places.

The patrons, like Bill himself, were legends. There was Granny rogers who, for it seemed 100 years, sat in the same seat in the same row, making things uncomfortable for any other person who managed to take her position. “Granny,” who loved sixpence each way on every race on the eastern seaboard, would laugh a hearty laugh during the saddest or most dramatic parts of the feature film thus resulting in a chain reaction of frivolity throughout the whole theatre, at a time when perhaps tears would have been much more appropriate.

Our dear friend, Mrs Munson, loved the pictures and came almost every night there was a screening; but always insisted on paying only for the first half in case she decided to go home at interval. However, many was the time when she would come for the second half and promise to “close her eyes” for the first half if she could come for the full program and only pay one shilling threepence.

Then of course, there was the case of the threepenny ice cream. A most serious dilemma. Bill Worthington expressed the desire to see Bill Harrison as a matter of great urgency one busy Friday night. It would appear that Dot Worthington – a most colourful character – attended the pictures every Friday night. At interval, Mrs Worthing purchased a 3d ice cream. To husband Bill this was taking the night’s outing just too far, so he tried to enlist the support of our Bill Harrison to prevent this excessive splurge of monetary waste. Happily though, Dot Worthington would enjoy the feature film and that 3d ice cream from McMillan’s for many years after.

It would be almost criminal of me not to mention the Laws family who undoubtably, would have been amongst the most consistent of patrons to the Palais. Through foul weather or fine; through draught or flood, every Wednesday and Saturday night, Mrs Laws, Pod, Glorie, Joyce, Colleen, Arthur, Keith and Patty would take their usual seats in the middle row of the downstairs section, to inhale the excitement of the “Jack Holt” serial, the laughter of “Ma and Pa Kettle,” and the fear of the “Creature from the Black Lagoon.”

Pod, always neatly attired in a white silk shirt with black braid, invariably fell asleep before the conclusion of the National Anthem, but woke precisely at intermission to send the younger members of the family to purchase one large Red Cola and one packet of Sweet acres Jaffas, not only to be shared by themselves but by anyone else fortunate enough to be sitting in that magical middle row. Show-time did present some problems for this lovable family. Was it to be Wednesday night at the Tamworth show and miss the “Jack Holt” serial? To the great relief of all concerned, Bill in his generosity, allowed Mrs Law and Pod to see the serial for sixpence each and then they and the kids, who were charged threepence, could with great contentment take in the brilliance of the fireworks on the Tamworth Showground.

If there was a love affair, it too invariably began or ended at the Palais. Young, old and not so old, it made little difference. For example, teenagers dared to hold hands or perhaps chance a quick embrace at the Saturday matinee. The young ladies of the district, dressed in their very best, every Saturday night, sat on the left-hand side of the projection box, hoping with great anticipation that the young men, equally well attired, hair shining with “Brylcreem” “Californian Poppy” would make that courageous move from their territory, namely the right hand side of the projection box and select one of the young ladies as their partner for the night’s program and, as fate perhaps decided, their partner in many a happy marriage. It reminded me of Robert Taylor as Lancelot receiving from Ava Gardner as Guinevere, her scarf before the tournament.

Like the case of the 3d ice cream, there was, of course, the love affair that was more off than it was on, regularly every Tuesday night. The participants shall remain anonymous, however the patrons to the theatre and the whole listening audience of radio 2TM, knew exactly from week to week at what situation this romance was at. This couple, to the best of my knowledge, never quite sat together – he at the end seat in row 11; she at the other end. Sometimes she sat in seat one, row 12 and he in seat one, row 14. It would seem that this Romeo and Juliet were keen music fans and so religiously every Monday at 1.30pm via the Manilla Hour programme broadcast on 2TM, those budding lovers dedicated musical items to each other and to the situation of their affair.

One week, for example, her request would perhaps be “When you are in love, it’s the loveliest night of the year” and his “Love is a Many Splendoured Thing.” Unfortunately, though, it would appear that Cupid’s arrows were more often off target than on, when her dedication would be “Your Cheating Heart” and his “Fools Walk in where Angels Fear to Tread.” Unlike the case of the 3d ice cream which concluded on a more positive note, this love affair, like the old Palais itself – simply faded away.

Disputes and arguments go hand in hand with crowds, so the situation at the Palais was no exception. Regulars had their regular seats. For example, Granny Rogers always sat in Row 8 seat 1, near the fire exit doors. Mrs Campbell and Margaret, always in the last row near the Entrance and the Pevey family on the wooden sets in the very front row. Sometimes unsuspecting patrons took these ‘sacred’ sites, but were quickly ‘forced’ to re-locate when confronted by the regulars. Many was the time, especially when the Shows came to town, that fights would erupt in, out and around the theatre. One example which comes to mind, was the Saturday night after the Show when the proprietor entertained Jimmy Sharman and his boxing troupe for the feature film. Seated in the second row of the “peanut run” was a rough diamond named Teeny, a 16 year old girl who rode a horse as well as the “stripling from Snowy River” and could fight at “good” as any man. She immediately challenged the complete troupe to 3 rounds per man from centre stage during a 10 minute breakdown, but was quickly pacified with one of Reg McMillan’s meat pies, courtesy of Bill.

The proprietor of the Canberra Café, Bill Glitsos, was selling toffee apples for fourpence each. During one Saturday night’s intermission a regular picture fan who had recently taken delivery of a new set of dentures, purchased an “apply on a stick,” however, was unable to utilise his streamlined teeth on this popular treat. During the coming attraction highlights, he placed his teeth on the railing of the upstairs section. For some reason never to be disclosed, they tumbled down. The patron, on finishing the toffee apple, felt for his “choppers,” but of course they had fallen to the depths below. He immediately accused the unsuspecting patrons sitting around and beside him, causing such a commotion that Bill offered – after suspending the program for 15 minutes – to make and fit another set on Saturday afternoon. I do believe the same patron is still wearing those dentures made by our Bill.

The ”flicks” brought the world to Manilla and the customers, so varied in taste, became completely involved in the evening’s entertainment. In fact, so much so, that fantasy over took reality and so the drama of Susan Hayward being saved from alcoholism in “I’ll Cry Tomorrow” or Gregory Peck as “General Custer” slaughtered by “Sitting Bull” at the battle of “Little Big Horn,” affected so many of those vulnerable patrons for days following the conclusion of the Saturday evening programme. One notable incident which still today provokes amusement, was the night the superstar Elizabeth Taylor acted the role of the poor little rich girl in the film “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.” She couldn’t keep her man, so in desperation this beauty was about to take an overdose of sleeping tablets in the hope that her love would forgive and forget. The Palis audience was totally absorbed; in fact the atmosphere was electric, when from the heart of the theatre, a woman sprang to her feet, babe in arms and cried: “Don’t do it girl. He’s not worth it – you’ll get over it.” Instantly the place erupted and as was the procedure during periods of emergency at the Palais, Bill closed down the machinery, called for an orange freeze from Mac’s to pacify the distraught woman, a penny ice cream for the baby and after the customary delay, again to the chants of the proverbial wolf whistle or cat call, carried on with the nights exciting schedule.

Bill was never backward in being classified as a charitable fellow and was always to the fore in making the stage at the Palais available for the drawing of a raffle or perhaps the spinning of a chocolate wheel. Priscilla Roach, a tireless worker, regularly took advantage of the proprietor’s hospitality to draw many of her famous thirty-six prize raffles. One Easter Saturday, before the conclusion of intermission, the crowd was all anxiously awaiting the commencement of “North to Alaska” starring the Duke himself, John Wayne, and also waiting with great anticipation, the conclusion of Mrs Roach’s monster competition. A well-known identity, seconded to draw the lucky numbers, had promised to be on hand, but at the vital moment could not be located. A quick search resulted in him being assisted from the saloon of the Courthouse Hotel to the stage of the theatre. So amongst the cries and yells, jibes and jahoos, he proceeded to draw the winners from the Cornflakes Box always provided by the Ready Money Store for these auspicious occasions, Unfortunately, the 36 prize draw proved far and beyond the limits of his endurance and so this very intoxicated celebrity, much to the dilemma of all officials there present on the stage, proceeded to be violently ill directly into the raffle box. To make the situation much worse, only eight of the 36 tickets had been declared. Bill raced to the stage to announce to the restless public that he would guarantee the clean-up of the cornflake box and all contents and that the competition would be finalised in the beer garden of the “top pub” on Easter afternoon. The guest of honour was caried from the stage and again under the direction of our Bill, was left to recover in the orchestra pit.

Empire night always presented a great headache for the management, but for the audience, great fun. “Red double bungers” were the flavour of the day and when these ran out, “throwdowns” were brought into action. Like clockwork, the bungers would be usually thrown from the alley-ways of the old building, either through the swinging fibro windows or the fire exit doors. Instantly Bill sprang to the front of the theatre, the “throwdowns” would explode at the back. Poor Bill, Empire Night was almost beyond him, unfortunately. The night the sky rocket screeched through the theatre was indeed exciting. The movie had been dreary. The picture show appeared to be engulfed in stationary smoke – almost an indoor fog – and the smell of sulphur was intense. All was quiet, so I presume the supply of red double bungers and throwdowns had been exhausted when the skyrocket left it’s launching pad, in this case an empty bottle of what was once the most delicious of drinks, Sparkling Cocktail, at precisely 10.15pm. Heading from the back stalls of upstairs, the rocket soared through the air towards the screen, recently introduced into Cinemascope form. What a sight! Gold and green stars cascading into the audience below, quickly followed by several loud explosions and then again, another series of stars, this time in the most brilliant shade of scarlet. Strangely, as if by remote control, the missile veered from its course – the centre of the screen – where at that very moment the Desert Fox was holding the leading lady in a passionate embrace in the movie, “The Desert Song.” Making a turn of 90 degrees, this flaming projectile went straight through one of Bill’s famous spinning fibro windows with the most thunderous of crashes. Yes, Bill certainly must have agonised over this one night of the year.

Before concluding this most amusing collection of what is just a brief insight into the Palais, of Bill and so many of his patrons, it is of interest to remember the music which was played before the start of the programme, at the intermission and the conclusion. “Mac the Knife,” “Moonlight and Roses,” and “The Blackboard of my Heart” played continuously, session after session for at least 20 years.

The commercial slides, courtesy of Chas. E. Blank, too proved most interesting. “Coorey for Hosiery” was shown in its original form for 35 years. The slide unfortunately had been cracked in two in 1949, but Bill, not to be one to spend money on trivia, stuck it together with an original role of Bear Tape, which made this most famous of slides, when flashed onto the screen, even more outstanding. Another was “J. Priestley for Quality Watch Repairs.” Mr Priestley came to the theatre every Friday night, always attired in an overcoat and felt hat during both summer and winter. He came, it appeared, only to see his slide, so once it was displayed, he quickly left.

Yes, I do remember the bitter cold and sweltering heat of this old building. The bursting of the paper bags. The rolling of the bottles and the throwing of the Jaffas. The Sipple boys, young Bill, the twins, Keith and Jeff, Ivan, David and the baby brother, Barry, always first in line for a ticket, dressed in their very best and not a shoe amongst them. The overpowering odour of Bill’s home-made disinfectant. The torches that never worked. Hanah Ghys reminding us all of “Madame Defarge” from Dickens classic “A Tale of Two Cities,” who knitted as the nobility were brought to the guillotine, so our Hannah knitted as she so faithfully sold the tickets night after night, illuminated by the magnificence of a ten-watt lightbulb. And, who could forget the great piles of rubbish that seemed to engulf the whole theatre after each session.

How fortunate I feel I have been, to have witnessed all this, as I and thousands more, looked in on an era that has now passed into the mists of “Yes, I do remember!”

(c) David Ridgewell 1988

The Post Office Hotel – Manilla NSW Australia

This Article is a Lead Up Article towards the Main Article, which is: The History and Growth of Hotels in the Manilla District.

The Post Office Hotel: In 1882 Stephen Veness (the brother of George Veness) was granted a hotel licence and built the first hotel on the south side of the Namoi River, the Junction Hotel, on the corner of Strafford and Manilla streets. Two years later he sold it to Mr. W. Smart, who disposed of it to W. Sinden in 1887.

In 1902 the Junction Hotel was destroyed by fire, and immediately rebuilt as a two-story building, by the present proprietor, F. J. Swain, who died of a heart attack in 1904 aged 36 years. His wife carried on the business.

Daniel Costelloe, with his brother Michael, arrived in Upper Manilla from Ireland in 1901 and Daniel came to the Junction Hotel in 1911, and became a popular figure in hotel and sporting life in Manilla. He was a prominent footballer and supporter and eventually sold the Junction Hotel to James Corrigan in 1913. Corrigan was a farmer from New Mexico (just west of Manilla) and his mother had already held a wine licence at Keepit, 35 years before. Keepit is just west of Manilla.

Corrigan placed the hotel licence with A. G. Windsor who just 6 months earlier had been acting Postmaster at Manilla. It was not long before Windsor went back to the post-office department. While in the Junction Hotel he changed the name to the Post Office Hotel.

In 1915 Henry Grady, a police officer, resigned from the police force and purchased the Post Office Hotel. He retained ownership until 1946, where his son John. H. Grady successfully carried on the operation of the hotel. Len Ridgewell was the Proprietor of the Post Office Hotel in 1942.

 Frederick Wordsworth Ward (1835-1870) Captain Thunderbolt (Bushranger – Australia)

Ward (Captain Thunderbolt) was initially well known for escaping from a prison island. After escaping, he became the longest operating bushranger in Australian history. He robbed all the usual targets for bushrangers - pubs, post offices, lone travellers, and more. Hiding out in caves and behind other bush objects, he emerged to rob many unsuspecting travellers. Eventually, Captain Thunderbolt was shot dead by authorities in 1870, after he ignored people’s advice to flee the area. He became something of a folk hero, and his legend lives on in the Manilla District NSW.

Fred Ward is the son of Michael Ward who arrived in Australia in 1815 as a convict, along with his wife Sophia. Fred spent his first decade at Windsor, attending St Matthew's Church of England school. However, similar to some of his elder siblings, he later reported that he could read but not write. Like most rural workers of the time, Fred was functionally illiterate.

In the mid-1840s, when he was around 10 years of age, Fred's parents relocated to Maitland, west of Newcastle, where his father Michael died in 1859 and Sophia, his mother, in 1874.  Fred had spent time learning bush skills from his elder brothers as he was employed, at the age of eleven, as a "generally useful hand" by the owners of Aberbaldie station in the New England district. The New England district is in three divisions. The western with towns: Moree, Narrabri, Bingara and Inverell. The eastern with towns: Glenn Innes, Ebor and Armidale. The southern region with towns: Tamworth and Manilla.

During the following decade, Fred worked as a station hand, drover and horse-breaker at many stations in northern NSW, returning to spend time with his family at West Maitland between jobs. His many employers included Tocal station near Paterson in the Hunter Valley, the pre-eminent horse stud owned by Charles Reynolds. Charles Reynolds (1806-1871) and with his son Frank Reynolds (1848-1920) formulated the seminal tome “Breeding Racehorses by the Figure System.”

In northern NSW, Fred was also a stockman on the Richmond River Station and during this time found himself in trouble over cattle, and received a prison sentence. His first of two, which ultimately changed the direction of his life, or rather, directed him towards the life he led.

Police Inspector William Thomas Langworthy recalls early in his career a lot of his time was occupied in chasing Fred (Thunderbolt). William joined the police force in 1863 and was stationed at many northern police stations. William then lived at “Longview” near Manilla and died in 1927 aged 86.

Mary Ann Bugg, with mixed Caucasian/Indigenous heritage, was wooed by Fred, resulting in Mary playing a major part in Fred’s short-lived life. They were ultimately made for each other, and this reality resulted in them producing many children together.

Mary Ann was a Worimi woman, and the daughter of an English convict. Mary Ann Bugg was born in 1834, and the eldest of eight children. At an early age she was sent 250kms from the family home in Gloucester by her father to the Parramatta Orphan School in Sydney to prepare for life as a domestic servant.

By the time Mary Ann was 14 she had returned home, married a local drover called Edmund Baker and given birth to a daughter – the first of her 15 children. Edmund’s work took them to the farm of the mother of Fred Ward - bushranger Captain Thunderbolt.

After being sentenced for cattle stealing on the Richmond River Station; with good conduct Fred was released early. Mary Ann had finished her schooling in Sydney and after Freds release she was waiting. Mary Ann wanted to go to Gloucester and Fred obliged and “borrowed” a horse. He was ultimately arrested for horse stealing and sentenced again to Cockatoo Island.

His escape from prison was invented by Mary Ann who provided the tools enabling the removal of his leg irons. He hid in a disused boiler for several days where Mary Ann had brought food. Four days later he made the swim to escape the island, then was smuggled in a cart over the Hawkesbury and taken to Singleton, and later made his way to Walcha with Mary Ann. After stealing firearms from Fenwicke’s Station, they then made for the upper regions of the Manilla district where the country was wild and pursuit difficult. Their relationship increased in stature and their support of each other crossed many boundaries.

While he was moving out of the Walcha district with Mary Ann, they were engaged in dressing a sheep (the process involved in preparing a sheep carcass after it has been slaughtered for meat), when Sergeant Garvan and Trooper Buckland rode up. Ward was unarmed and ran to his pony and urged the pony up and over the hill. Ward’s pony weakened, and he dismounted and crouched behind a fallen tree trunk. The Trooper decided to jump the log on top of Ward. The horse miss timed his jump, his forefeet striking the log, throwing Buckland to the ground leaving him dazed. By the time Buckland recovered Ward had galloped far away.

Fred’s northern exploits started in the mid-1800s. He robbed the northern mail at Bendemeer and Muswellbrook. In 1865 the Tamworth Examiner reported: “Fred Ward, alias Captain Thunderbolt, had held up the Warialda mail and later went to Lloyd’s Station at Manilla and took two first class horses. Then robbed Cheeseborough’s and Lethbridge’s Station. Later robbing Mungo’s Inn at Boggy Creek (near Narrabri) and then Cook’s Inn at Quirindi, followed by Davis’s Inn at Currabubula (near Werris Creek).”

In 1866 he robbed the coach at Gulligal (Boggabri) and Murrurundi, and stuck up the coach between Walcha and Tamworth, whilst also robbing a jeweller of a large sum of money. William Hill’s Hotel at North Manilla was also targeted by Ward.

It is reported he eventually set up a bush camp at the Bluff, in the scrub and hills at New Mexico (15klms west from Manilla) and at a nearby lookout he was able to watch the movements of travellers below, where he robbed many unsuspecting travellers. In those days mail to and from Manilla were by horseback. He was regularly about Manilla in the 1860s.

There was a large rock on the road from Manilla to Barraba and it is believed Thunderbolt used the hidden vantage point and then bolted out to rob the travellers. Ward was shoeing his horse near the Greenhatch Creek (close to Manilla) while his companion Mary Ann kept watch above. A trooper appeared and wanted to know where Ward was. Ward heard the commotion and mounted his horse and escaped.

He was robbing George Veness’ Inn at Manilla when suddenly Constable Norris rode up. Ward quickly departed on his horse towards New Mexico. William Hill’s hotel at North Manilla was also visited by Ward.

A newspaper article in February 1867 states the police met Thunderbolt near Manilla yesterday and chased him for six miles. They recovered 400 pounds, which he had taken from the mail. (today nearly $100,000)

With a reward of 200 pounds (today $50,000) on his head, Ward was almost captured in February 1867 while drunk near Manilla. He took an accomplice Thomas Mason, a 16-year-old orphan, with whom he robbed the mails in the New England and Upper Hunter areas as well as the Liverpool Plains District (south of Manilla). While hiding out in the Borah ranges (just north of Manilla) they became separated. Mason was captured in August and convicted of highway robbery.

Mary Ann followed Ward whenever possible. At Stroud in March 1866, she had been sentenced to six months for vagrancy but was released in April, because the conviction was not accurately drawn up. (Stroud is south of Tamworth near the Barrington Tops)

Ward's next companion was William Monckton, a 13-year-old runaway. In 1868 Monckton abandoned Ward who then worked alone.

In May 1870 Ward was in the process of robbing Blanch’s Inn at Kentucky (near Uralla) and was chased by police and later shot by Constable Alexander Binney Walker at Kentucky Creek in scrub land nearby. He was buried in Uralla cemetery without religious rites. This ended the exploits of Fred and Mary Ann.

Frederick Ward undoubtedly had great nerve, endurance and unusual self-reliance. His success as a bushranger can be largely attributed to his horsemanship and splendid mounts, to popular sympathy inspired by his agreeable appearance and conversation, and to his gentlemanly behaviour and avoidance of violence. He also showed prudence in not robbing armed coaches, or towns where a policeman was stationed. The last of the professional bushrangers in NSW, Ward was the most successful.

Relationship: Frederick Wordsworth Ward (Captain Thunderbolt) (1833-1870) and Mary Ann Bugg/Ward/Burrows (1834-1905)

Fred and Mary Ann were active on and off the field. With all their pent-up activity on the field their desire to relieve the tension off the field, resulted in them having four children before they were married in 1859, followed by another four later.

This desired result happened throughout the wide Australian countryside. Their first child was Jane Louise Bradfield (Ward) (1852-1922) in Ipswich QLD, followed by John Thomas Ward (1855-1916) in Windsor NSW, Mary Louisa Ward (1857–) in Mudgee NSW, James Joseph Ward (1858-1953) in Windsor NSW, Marina Emily Ward (1861–) in Monkerai NSW (who went into care in Sydney), Elizabeth “Eliza” Ann Williams (Robins) (Ward) (1864-1939) in West Maitland NSW, Mary Anne Ward (1864-1906) in Wallabadah NSW, and finally Frederick Wordsworth Ward (Burrows) (Jnr) (1868–1937) in Tamworth NSW.

Mary Ann married John Burrows (1828-1890) shortly after Fred died in 1870 and produced more children before she died in 1905 at age 71. On Mary Ann’s death certificate, a total of thirteen children were listed. It is reported her children with John Burrows were: James (born c1858), John Frederick (born c1869), Ada (born c1871), Ida (born c1875), George (born c1877), Arthur (born 1879), Helena, Minnie and Eliza.

A report by Carol Baxter in 2011 further explains the complexity of Mary Anne’s (including Fred) children: When Mary Ann registered her son George’s Birth Certificate in 1876, she provided an interesting useful piece of information. In the section “previous children”, she noted that she had “4 males and 7 females living, 1 male and 1 female deceased”. This indicated that she had given birth to thirteen children prior to George but that two had died, probably in infancy. With the addition of George and Arthur, this increased the list of her children to a total of fifteen.  

Primary-source records revealed that Mary Ann had given birth to a child while they were camping in the Manilla district in mid-1865. Fred was so concerned about Mary Ann’s wellbeing during her delivery that he paid a woman to stay and assist her while he went off bushranging. The child was still alive early in 1867 so had clearly survived the important first two years.

The questions that we may all be wondering at this moment in time, is, “I wonder what happened to their children and the families they produced leading up to the 20th and 21st century?” That would be worthy of another story.

Just off the New England Highway and not far from the village of Black Mountain, near the major towns of Armidale and Guyra in northern NSW is “Thunderbolt's Cave.” Named infamously for Captain Thunderbolt (Ward). Thunderbolt used the cave in 1867 and 1868; the years when he conducted many robberies in the Tamworth and the New England districts.

The Manilla District was undoubtably part of Thunderbolt’s life, and goes down in Historical terms as a period of time within the folklore of Frederick Wordsmith Ward’s life. Whichever way we may look at it, it is an interesting story of life, within the era of Colonial 1800s Australia.

The 2024 Manilla Show will be held next weekend, from March 8th 9th 10th.

This is a Lead-Up Article towards the main Article, titled: “The History and Growth Towards the Implementation of the First Manilla Show on March 2rd and 3rd 1932,” which will be posted next week.

Today, it is time to reminisce and look back with some History and Pictures from the Past.

Information regarding the picture: Mrs L. Macleod is the mother of Marion Macleod. Marion married Lindsay Bignall and together they wrote “A History of Manilla 1853-1979,” first published in 1980.

Mrs Lily Macleod (Hall) is the wife of Mr Alton R. Macleod who wrote the book “The Transformation of Manellae – a History of Manilla,” published in 1949. Mac was also the owner and editor of the Manilla Express from 1919. An article about Alton was posted here in August 2023. An article about the History of the Manilla Express is coming up soon.

Mrs Hannah Ghys was also one of the founding members of the Manilla Historical Society. An article was posted here about the Manilla Museum and the Historical Society in October 2023.

The forerunner for the Manilla Show started with a public meeting at the Royal Hotel in 1899, where it was decided to create a branch of the Farmers and Settlers Association.

Later, in 1928, the Manilla Express launched a campaign for combining all district product displays into an established agricultural show, which led to the first Manilla Show in March 1932.

This article, next week, details many aspects of the movement towards the first Show, including pictures of the Show in the early 1930s.

It is a detailed informative article worth reading, to gain an understanding of the historical context of the Manilla Show, which today carries on each year for the benefit of the Farmers and Graziers and the Manilla Community alike. 

The 2024 Manilla Show is on this Weekend. This is an opportune time to look back and understand how the first Manilla Show came about all those years ago – in 1932.

 “The Development Towards the First Manilla Show on Wednesday and Thursday the 3rd and 4th March 1932.”

In 1899 a public meeting was held at the Royal Hotel Manilla where it was decided that a branch of the Farmers and Settlers Association be formed in Manilla. Over 30 district farmers attended the meeting.

The officers elected for the Farmers and Settlers Association were: T. W. Higgins, P. Woolfe, J. Donnelly, D. E. Veness, M. F. McKeon, John Wheeler, W. Short, W. Hill, F. A. Porter, W. Moore, D. McDonald, Henry Bignall, T. Brady, W. Veness and T. B. Rodd. T. W. Higgins was elected President. (Henry Bignall is the father James Bignall, who is the father of Lindsay Bignall who married Marion Macleod, and they wrote the Book: “A History of Manilla 1853-1979,” published in 1980)

Their first Annual Meeting was held in June 1900. In 1901 D. E. Veness became President and held the office until 1904.

McKeon tried unsuccessfully in 1904 to regain the office of Secretary. He was not happy and had a quarrel with the proprietor of the Royal Hotel, John McNulty. He moved that in future the Association hold its meeting at the Post Office Hotel. L. J. Bailey opposed the holding of any public meetings at hotels, as there was a hall in town where meetings could be held. The motion was defeated and McKeon left the Association, sold his Manilla district property and moved to the Gunnedah district.

By 1907 the Association had regained its former strength and staged the first “Farmers’ Carnival” in Manilla. It was a huge success and carried on for many years until the Agricultural Society was formed, which eventuated in organising Manilla’s first Show.

The annual “Farmers' Carnival” was held from 1907 to 1915 and continued again after WW1. The first Farmers' Carnival,” held in June 1907, attracted a crowd of 1,500 to watch the ring events and view the displays of horses, sheep, cattle, fruit, vegetables, grains and other farm produce. There was also a Main Street Parade in Manilla Street which attracted a big crowd of spectators.

In 1918 a branch of the Farmers and Settlers’ Association was formed at Ukolan with G. A. White as President. Ukolan is located a few kilometres east of Manilla on the Halls Creek Road.

In 1921 the Farmers Carnival, which was suspended during WW1, was revived in 1924. The Association instituted the Manilla district wheat competition, with the first competition being won by W. E. Kirk from sixteen entries. The competition was conducted annually until 1933, when it was handed over to the Manilla Agricultural Society.

As the Association did not cater for poultry, the local breeders formed a club and staged several poultry exhibitions. The Junior Farmers’ Club also became show minded and annual displays of products from Junior Farmers’ gardens were conducted.

* The leadup to establishing the Manilla Agricultural Society, resulting in Manilla’s first show.

In 1928 the Manilla Express launched a campaign for combining all district product displays into an established agricultural show, where all might work in harmony for the good of the district and the welfare of rural industries.

The first defining response came from Manilla Business Men’s Association when, in 1929, it set up a special committee comprising A. R. Macleod (President), H. Stoddart, J. A. Rochfort and D. M. Mackenzie to investigate the possibility of establishing a show in Manilla. This committee contacted several organisations interested in rural affairs and reported back to the Association in 1929, stating that the proposal had been favourably received by all town and district organisations, and particularly by Manilla Graziers’ Association which had offered to throw all its weight behind the movement. In its recommendation the special committee stated that a drought and a financial depression made the present time inadvisable for calling a public meeting and suggested that action in that direction be delayed until seasonal conditions became more normal.

Just 12 months later, in June 1930, a deputation from Manilla Business Men’s Association, comprising the President A. R. Macleod and Secretary J. A. Rochfort waited on Manilla Graziers’ Association and sought co-operation in calling a public meeting with the object of forming a show society in Manilla. The Graziers’ Association were whole heartedly behind the movement, despite the current financial depression.

A public meeting was called in 1930 with 84 in attendance. It was resolved that Manilla Agricultural Society be formed. Two weeks later the Society had 180 members.

The first meeting of members was held in 1931 when the ballot for the first committee was announced. V. J. Byrnes was elected as President.

Just 12 months later, in 1932, Manilla’s first show was conducted on Wednesday and Thursday the 2nd and 3rd of March with exhibits of produce and stock, and a host of events such as horse racing, trotting, camp drafting and sheep dog trials. 5,000 people attended on the first day.

After the success of the first event, the Agricultural Society built a pavilion and a number of other buildings and yards at the Showground.

Manilla’s Association Branches were a tower of strength to the rural community of Manilla. With its assistance the wheat industry in Manilla district grew towards a major rural industry.

Just one year prior to the first Show, the Upper Manilla Agricultural Bureau was formed in June 1931 where Edgar Nixon was President. Their first public function was a field day where members were addressed by officers of the Agricultural Department. The Bureau organised the Upper Manilla merino ewe competition and carried on successfully for many years. Their top flock, produced by J. A. Byrnes, won the State merino ewe judging competition.

During the 1920s and 1930s the merino flock sheep ewe competitions, conducted by the Upper Manilla Agricultural Bureau, the Manilla agricultural show and the Manilla ram sales, all encouraged local farmers to develop more scientific breeding programs. On Tuesday 3rd July 1928, 25,000 sheep were yarded for auction by V. J Byrnes, Stock and Station Agent, Manilla NSW.

The lead up to the Manilla’s first Show was planned and advertised extensively, including through the Manilla Express.

It was decided a civic welcome is to be held at the Council Chambers, followed by the Show Ball on the Wednesday night, followed by the Show Banquet on the Thursday night. The Show Ball will have a catered supper and Moffat’s Orchestra of six.

Show membership now totals 240 and there is wonderful enthusiasm being displayed for the show.

Amongst the people at the civic welcome were Mr. R. H. Hawker, VP Manilla Show; Mr. V. C. Thompson, M.H.R., Rev. E. D. Pearson, Mr. W. Filsell (Town Clerk), Ald. A. R. Macleod (Mayor), Mr. V. J. Byrnes (President Manilla Show), The Governor, Sir Philip Game, Cr. M. Park (VP Manilla Show) Mrs F. A. Chaffey and the Hon. F. A. Chaffey, M.L.A. Insurance against rain was adopted, 500 pounds (today $55,000) at a cost of 1 pound 2 shillings (today $150.00).

Street entertainment was planned and the Manilla Express reported on February 26th 1932: Headline: “MANILLA STREET ENTERTAINMENT.” “The Gaities” were to perform, with Paul Warten and Stanley McKay’s huge canvas theatre will play on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, Funny Comedians, Brilliant Singers, Clever Dancers, Wonderful Acrobats, Ballet, Chorus and Orchestra.

This theatre was set up on a vacant block of land in Manilla Street, two doors south of the Express office, the now vacant building formerly the Salvation Army store and before that, Finley’s, Wally Bakers and Dengates. Travelling shows regularly set up on this block before the 1940s. Manilla was all excitement and buzz leading up to the first Show.

Side Show Alley was not forgotten and it was advertised that “Lovers of boxing are advised that Alf Henson’s well-known troupe will be at the show." Alf says he is bringing some extra good men, and as we have seen the show before, it can be highly recommended. J. Cowgill will also be along with his Chair-o-Planes and Swinging Boats beside numerous minor attractions.

(A Chair-o-Planes is a swing ride or chair swing ride (sometimes called a swing carousel, wave swinger, yo-yo, waver swinger, Dodo or swinger) is an amusement ride that is a variation on the carousel in which the seats are suspended from the rotating top of the carousel. On some versions, particularly on the Wave Swingers, the rotating top of the carousel also tilts for additional variations of motion)

Mr E. Eames wanted total rights for all riding devices and offered 5 pounds for this privilege ($500 today). This was disputed by Mr J. T. Cowgill who also had riding devices, and counter offered 6 pounds ($700 today). The Show Committee, in their financial wisdom, accepted both, with some amendments, which resulted in a total of $1200 going towards the Show funds.

A Shooting Gallery is planned, and as far as is known, the finest collection of snakes yet exhibited in the State. Other minor attractions will also be present to make up a good collection of sideshows.

For the kiddies Henson’s Merry-Go-Round and Razzle-Dazzle will be on the ground, so that there is fun in store for everyone.

It was advised by the Show Society to save bustling for tickets and become a member for 1 pound ($100 today) which also helps the Show Society. Donations were rolling in with Mr John Watts donating 1 pound; George Bowman 3 pounds; W. C. Douglas and Co a gold watch to the value of 7 pounds; Garnet Bowman donated 15 poles and Mr C. Taylor donated a special pair of trouser valued at 3 pounds. (1 pound is about equal to about $100 today)

Mrs Harry Veness and her usual band of willing CWA helpers have charge of the “eats” side of the programme, while Mrs Cameron and her Red Cross workers have the soft drinks, ice cream and fruit stall.

The Show Time Table was established, with the first day being the judging in the ring and will commence at 10am and will continue until 3.35pm on Wednesday. At 4.05pm local Maiden Hunters will compete, to be followed by Maiden High Jump. Judging will then proceed until 5.15pm when the bull riding contest will take place.

On the second day judging will commence with section 120 at 10am, and will continue to 11.30am when the maiden sheep dog trial will be held. At 12 noon the official opening by the Honourable Captain F. A. Chaffey MLA, will take place. The speech will be broadcast on the loudspeakers. Immediately following this, the open sheepdog trial will take place. Luncheon will follow.

After lunch the program will start with the Open Hunt, followed by the Grand Parade; Pair of Hunters; Musical Chairs (Ladies); Melon Race; Rescue Race; Walk, trot, and gallop (men); Pony Hunters; Walk, trot, and gallop (ladies); Flag Race; Bending Race; High Jump and followed up by Gretna Green and Consultation Hunters.

Leading up to the Show the Manilla Express was full of advertisements, whereas the 1932 Show Entries were also displayed: “Magnificent entries in the horse, sheep and cattle sections have sheep breeders throughout the district, have favoured the society with entries in one class or another and what promised to be the finest lot of sheep seen at the show outside of Sydney will greet the judge.”

In the cattle section practically every class, particularly in the Durhams is filled. In the horse section practically every class, trotters excepted, is well filled as many as 20 being in one single class. Altogether the horse entries total nearly 280, which is Manilla and District’s reply as to whether we can run a show.

Of the minor entries so far, a special exhibit to attract attention will be a fine lot of whips, braces, belts etc. (70 pieces) coming from Kootingal, whilst we understand a local enthusiast has space for a similar exhibit. Kootingal is just east of Tamworth, about 40 minutes away.

The Roberts Bros store was advertising new stock for the Manilla Show: “Charming Millinery just landed for the first Manilla Show. Ladies’ new seasons hats have just come to hand; the styles are very charming and they are priced very right – 11/6 to 25/6. The new seasons frocks, coats and hosiery will be on show next week – watch this space.” ($70-$140 today)

Stoddard and Hayward were promoting their new range of suits ready for the Show: “Your Show Suit? Our range of Summer Suits certainly afford a wonderful choice, for included are the very newest and fashionable materials being worn this season. Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges of suitable weight are the vogue. Perfect fitting and expert attention to details is assured. Show off one of S & H’s Suits at the Show! Place your order now to avoid disappointment – Smart stylish suits made to measure from 75 shillings (about $400 today). Save our coupons – it pays! Stoddart and Hayward Ltd – the Suit Specialists.”

After the Show – Newspaper Report - The Manilla Express – Headline: “MANILLA’S FIRST SHOW WAS A BIG SUCCESS. GREAT DISPLAY OF STOCK, MERINO STANDARD HIGH.”

“Manilla is the largest centre in the North-West of NSW for wool, wheat, and beef cattle, and takes pride of place in the number of sheep and cattle sold, both at the ordinary sales and at the stud stock sales.

At present Manilla is passing through the dry spell experienced in most parts of the State, and a good downpour would be of great benefit to the district. At times like the present, it was a great achievement for the citizens of Manilla to launch out and hold an agricultural show for the first time, and greater still to have made a success of it.

The show was an unqualified success from all angles and equalled the records of most shows of the north-west that have been established for years, and in towns that have a larger population.

The live-wire of the show is Mr. J. A. Rochfort, the secretary. He originated the idea of holding an agricultural show less than two years ago, and after many meetings, the support of various associations in Manilla was given the project. At a public meeting held in October 4th, 1930, at which the Mayor, Ald. A. R. Macleod, presided, it was unanimously decided to form an agricultural society in Manilla. A committee was then formed and Mr. J. V. Byrnes was elected the first President, and Capt. F. A. Chaffey, M.L.A., patron, with Mr. J. A. Rochfort secretary. At a committee meeting held in April, 1931, March 2 and 3, 1932, were fixed as dates of the first show.

The Mayor of Manilla, Ald. A. R. Macleod, is also an untiring worker in the interests of the show, being one of the committee men and an original member of the first committee to form the Manilla Agricultural Society.”

The Agricultural Show continues to be a major event in the Manilla NSW social calendar. In addition to the annual show the Agricultural Society has organised regular field wheat and fodder conservation competitions.

The fortieth Manilla Show held in 1974 was opened by the member for Tamworth, Mr E. N. Park. Highlights of the show were the Horticultural Society's floral display in the pavilion, and the Historical Society's display of photographs, ribbons, trophies and other memorabilia from past shows dating back to the early Farmers' Carnivals.

The Manilla Show is undoubtably a great attraction each year in Manilla. It is where the farming community are able to gather, as well as the Manilla community, to enjoy The Annual Manilla Show, at a venue that is synonymous with the Historical context of Manilla as a whole. 

Establishing the first Manilla Show in 1932, was also establishing its own personal unique time within the Development of Australia - Just two weeks later, the Sydney Harbour Bridge opened.

With the memory of last weekend’s 2024 Manilla Show still in our minds, it is time to look back to the 1963 Manilla Show and the Manilla Showgirl Competition.

On March 6th, 1963, the Manilla Express featured the Manilla NSW Australia Show Girl Contest.


“These nine attractive young Manilla lasses have entered the R.A.S Show Girl Contest being run in conjunction with the 1963 Manilla Show on Friday and Saturday next March 8 and 9. The winner of the local contest will go to Gunnedah on March 15 for the zone judging. If successful there she will go onto Goulburn where 10 finalists will be chosen to go to Sydney for the final judging at the 1963 Royal Easter Show.

* Wendy Douglas is 18 years of age and a stenographer employed by J. D. Kennedy and Sons. Her hobbies include horse riding, tennis, dressmaking, music and photography.

* Patricia Herden is 18 years of age and a clerk employed at the Manilla Engineering Works. Her hobbies include dancing and dressmaking.

* Pauline Dutton is 18 years of age and a shop assistant employed by M. C. Mackenzie and Sons. Her hobbies include tennis and swimming.

* Diane Chapman is 16 years of age and a shop assistant employed at M. C. Mackenzie & Sons. Hobbies include dancing and basketball.

* Janet Bell is 19 years of age and a shop assistant employed at L. A. Dale’s Pharmacy. Her hobbies include basketball, horse riding, cooking and dressmaking.

* Gwen Adamson is 17 years of age and is a shop assistant employed by M. C. Mackenzie & Sons. Her hobbies include tennis and basketball.

* Edith Thom is 18 years of age and is a stenographer employed by J. D. Kennedy & Sons. Her hobbies include swimming, tennis, music, photography and dressmaking.

* Joy Connolly is 18 years of age and is a clerk employed by M. C. Mackenzie & Sons. Her hobbies include basketball, swimming and dancing.

* Shirley Collier is 19 years of age and is employed in domestic work. Her hobbies include horse riding and tennis.”

The first Showgirl competition was held in 1962. Its introduction was well thought-through and part of a wider strategic push by the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW to strengthen ties with regional agricultural societies through zone conferences, field competitions and symposiums. At its heart, the competition aimed to broaden the experience of young rural women, strengthening their communication skills and boosting their confidence in the hope they would return to their communities better equipped to take on leadership roles.

The contest was suggested by management consultants and was introduced partly at the instigation of Gilbert Mant (RAS Public Relations Manager 1956-1969). Conducted with the official assistance the Agricultural Societies Council of NSW, it appealed at a grassroots level and rapidly increased in popularity.

The format was simple and is essentially unchanged. Each local show society holds a competition, with the winner going on to compete at a zone level. Finalists from each zone then compete at the Sydney Royal Easter Show. Judging criteria has also remained unchanged. Over the course of a series of interviews, talks, and functions, contestants are evaluated on personality, confidence, ambition and goals, general knowledge, rural knowledge, presentation and speech. Finalists are also asked to demonstrate knowledge of their local community and current affairs. Apart from their potential ambassadorial qualities, contestants are also judged on their involvement in and experience of rural affairs.

The competition was an immediate success and quickly attracted sponsorship support. In 1963 an overseas trip was offered as part of the prize package, literally opening-up the world for young women who, at that time, had limited opportunities to travel. Major sponsors have been: the Daily Mirror (1962-1965); the Daily Telegraph (1970-1972); the Women’s Weekly (1973-1978); and The Land (1979- present).

In 2022 the name of the Competition was changed from the ‘Miss Showgirl Competition’ to the ‘Sydney Royal AgShows NSW Young Woman’ competition, recognising the role of the Sydney Royal and importantly all agricultural shows which bring these young women together.

For us all here today, it is an opportune time to look back and reminisce to 1963, and the Manilla Show Girl competitors during that era. 

History of The Bank of NSW – Manilla NSW Australia

On Monday September 1st 1900, T. N. Johnstone and C. Simpson arrived in Manilla from Armidale with the mission to establish a branch of the Bank of NSW in Manilla. This branch was opened in Manilla the same year, in premises near the Memorial Hall.

In October 1905, The Bank of New South Wales purchased a block of land on the corner of Manilla and Strafford Streets, from the estate of Stephen Veness, for 1426 pounds, (today $140,000) where the shop of J. T. Smith, saddle and harness maker once stood (see picture).

J. T. Smith was part of the growth of Saddle and Harness makers in 1800s Australia. It grew due to the necessary need for transportation in Australia, and law enforcement in the Colony, prior to the motor car arriving during the early 1900s. The Australasian Saddle and Harness Makers Association was formed in the 1890s, when Bishop & Co, Printers of Melbourne commenced printing the monthly Trade Journal for the Association.

* Australian Stock Saddle: The original traditional Australian stock saddle was designed for security and comfort for riders who rode in rough conditions, and spent long hours on a horse. Initially the stock saddle was a "park" style saddle similar to the modern English showing saddle, with low set knee rolls and short flaps. However, this style of saddle did not suit the rugged Australian terrain and did little to protect the rider’s legs from sweat. Thus, the flaps were lengthened, thigh and knee pads added, the seat deepened and the cantle raised.

Saddlery and harness equipment underwent significant evolution from the early 1800s to 1919 in Australia, to adapt to tactical and technological changes. Until Australia became a Federation in 1901, each of the six colonies were responsible for their own defence. From 1788 until 1870 this was done with British regular forces. In all, 24 British infantry regiments ruled/served in the Australian colonies, to maintain civil order; all requiring suitable saddles for the Australian conditions.

During the early 1800s, two pistols were commonly used by the regiments, requiring carriage in specialised pistol holsters located on each side of the front of the saddle. In the mid-to-late-1800s, wallets were modified to be used on different saddles used by mounted units. In Palestine in August 1917, the 12th Light Horse Regiment directed its troopers to carry in their wallets an iron ration (tinned bully beef, four hard tack biscuits, a small packet each of tea, sugar and salt, and sometimes two dried cubes of beef extract which could be reconstituted as beef tea), a pair of socks, a small towel of piece of towelling, soap and a shaving kit.

* The Bank of NSW opens for business on February 11th 1911.

Its first manager was Mr T. N. Johnstone until 1918. Followed by Mr T. R. Buchanan, Mr Allan, Mr Elcoate, Mr Allnutt, Mr Dobic and Mr A. L. Hudson. In the days prior to 1916, it was the business of the Government.

At the conclusion of Mr T. N. Johnstone’s Management, Mr A. R. Macleod acclaimed: “Mr T. N. Johnstone had rendered splendid service to the public welfare of Manilla. He had years of service to his credit as secretary of the Manilla District Hospital, secretary to the Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows, office in charge of the Manilla unit of the Australian Light Horse, treasurer and committee man of the Mechanic’s Institute. He was accorded a public farewell on leaving Manilla.”

The Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows is a fraternal order founded in Manchester in 1810. These various organisations were set up to protect and care for their members and communities at a time when there was no welfare state or National Health Service. The aim was, and still is, to provide help to members and communities when they need it. The friendly societies are non-profit mutual organisations owned by their members. All income is passed back to the members in the form of services and benefits.

Following Mr T. N. Johnstone’s departure, the Bank of NSW was served by the following managers: T. R. Buchanan (1917-1921), V. F. Allen (1922-1929), F. N. Elcoate (1930-1931), H. L. Alnutt (1931-1936), R. R. Dobbie (1936-1938), E. L. M. Hudson (1938-1946), E. R. Buttenshaw (1946-1948), and A. Clayton (1948-1949).

Just before the Opening of the Manilla Bank, The Manilla Express reported on January 28th 1911: “New Bank of New South Wales to be opened next week. A handsome building, of modern architectural feature. Erected at a cost of 3000 pounds (today about $300,000). Mr B. Ford of Sydney was the architect. Mr L. McKechnie of Barraba the contractor. Mr T. N. Johnstone and staff will commence business in the new premises.

This article followed on with a detailed description about the Bank building: “The Bank of New South Wales may well feel proud of their new premises in this town as it is doubtful if a more attractive or imposing building of this class is to be found in any part of the State. The design, which is classic, is perfectly proportioned, and the general treatment while free and original is correct in every detail.

The two main fronts when seen together have a most effective appearance, and the tower on the corner is designed in such perfect harmony with the surrounding work, that it seems to grow out of the main building and forms a notable landmark for some distance in every direction. A careful study of the methods used reveals the fact that the harmonious result is attained by making each portion of the design part of a complete scheme embracing the whole, and there is thus a total absence of the meaningless ornament, and disconnected features one so often sees even in work of reputedly good class.

Some interesting information was supplied to us by the architect, Mr Bertram Ford, who mentioned that in addition to the usual eight scale plans and specifications, he had prepared no less than thirty sheets of detail drawings for the work, many of them full size and one of them no less than twenty feet in length. The fact that such a quantity of work should be involved in the matter of supervision will come as a revelation to the man in the street who is apt to look upon this section of an architect's duties as little more than a matter of form, instead of what it actually is, the most exacting part of his work. The interior fittings throughout the building are of the very best quality and the design for the Bank fittings and especially the teller's counter is a most striking one, being not merely abreast but distinctly ahead of some of the most modern work in Sydney.

While the general appointments of the Banking Chamber are in keeping with the high standard set by the office fittings. The private portion of the building is most conveniently planned, and provided with every modern convenience, having hot and cold water laid on, acetyline gas jets in every room, and electric bells where required, while an ample supply of water is provided for by underground and overhead tanks with a storage capacity of ten thousand gallons. The ceilings throughout are lined with steel picked out in bright colours and the manager's private sitting room calls for special mention on account of the wall paper and frieze which indicate taste and judgment in selection and give the room a luxurious appearance.

The staircase in the main hall is a fine piece of work and the newel posts are elaborately and artistically carved to detail. The spacious entrance vestibule is octagonal, and is planned in an original manner which screens the swing doors from the force of any wind there may be, and, therefore, ensures for the office complete freedom from dust. The floor of the vestibule is tiled and swing doors with most artistic lead lights open from it into the Banking Chamber. (a vestibule is an antechamber, hall, or lobby next to the outer door of a building)

A notable feature throughout the building is the perfect lighting and ventilation, and the former is very noticeable in the strong room, where one would least expect it, since one is seldom seen like this which requires no artificial light.

The same attention to detail, which is noticeable throughout the main building, is to be also found in the stables which are most conveniently arranged and contain coach house, stalls for two horses, feed and harness rooms fitted up in such a manner as to save all unnecessary labour.

Altogether the building reflects very great credit on all concerned. On the popular local manager, Mr T. N. Johnstone, for making a business which has justified the erection of such a building, on the builder, Mr McKechnie and staff for a most credit able piece of work throughout, and on the architect, Mr Bertram W. Ford (of Sydney), for designing, detailing, and generally supervising the erection of the building.”

* In Australia, the period after the Second World War was marked by steady economic growth and industrial development, underpinned by the labour of an influx of European migrants where Manilla also became part of this development through, in part, to the construction of Keepit Dam.

During this time the Bank of New South Wales embarked on a major expansion, taking its services wherever it saw a need. In 1956 the Bank of New South Wales Savings Bank was established, primarily to provide housing loans to individuals and cooperative building societies, an area the bank had pioneered in 1936.

In Australia, the Bank of New South Wales was established in 1817 under a charter of incorporation signed by Governor Lachlan Macquarie. In October 1982, the Bank of NSW merged with the Commercial Bank of Australia, taking on the new name of Westpac Banking Corporation.

* Other Bank Branches in Manilla *

1. The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney.

The Manilla Express reports Friday, 26th February 1943: “The bank established in Manilla prior to the bank smash of 1893 was the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, established in 1889. Its manager was Mr H. j. Fenwick, who in recent years, has been associated with the wool agency industry in this district. When the 1893 smash toppled the banking world right and left, the Commercial closed its doors in Manilla which left Manilla without a bank until 1897 when Mr W. M. Trenarrey, opened up a branch in the office premises now occupied by Mr V. J. Byrnes. Here the, bank conducted business for 27 years; twenty-two of which was under the management of Mr Trenarrey until he moved to Moree in 1919, and later to Tamworth.”

In 1923 the business of the bank had expanded to such a degree that new premises were necessary. The bank then purchased the former sight of Mr A. E. Bailey coach building business. The new premises were completed in 1924. Some early managers following Mr Trenerry's departure were: Mr Wobb, Mr B. S. May, Mr N. Gall and Mr C. M. Podmore.

2. The State Savings Bank.

In 1916 the State Government decided to establish a branch of the State Savings Bank in Manilla. Mr J. Bosward was the first manager. His premises were situated where Mrs Blanch's hairdressing saloon was. As the business of the bank developed the present site was purchased and a concrete building erected. In 1932 the bank crashed when the Lang Government suspended payment.

3. The Commonwealth Bank.

Arising from the re-organisation, the Commonwealth Bank purchased the premises and opened business in Manilla. Up to that time the saving section of the bank's business was transacted at the Post Office. Mr Guyot was the first manager and he was followed by Mr Satcheli, Mr 0. R. Wilson and Mr M. C. James. In 1936, the bank demolished the old building and built the present fine and palatial premises.

Conclusion-2024: During the last number of years Banks have been closing throughout Australia, where we have noticed it more in NSW country centres, as the country moves towards more digital/electronic influences in many areas of our life. The banks have also decided face to face service will also be a thing of the past as the new digital age develops.

It is unfortunate and disappointing, yet many are fortunate today and able to remember and look back, on an era that was simplistic in nature, where full time work was available for the majority, houses were affordable and where fulfillment grew from achievable possibilities.

With these memories, we can only look on with a simmering feeling of dire-straits today and wonder where all this will lead our society in the future.

Alfred Cowper Veness – Business and Life - Manilla NSW Australia

A C Veness (1870-1951) firstly worked in his father’s store (George Veness) in Manilla and then commenced business as a stock and station agent in Manilla. He was Manilla’s first town clerk in 1901 until 1913 and later served as an Alderman and Mayor of Manilla Council. Previous to this, in 1899, he became a Justice of the Peace and held this title for 50 years.

An advertisement in the Manilla Express states: “A. C. Veness Auctioneer. Member of Country Produce and Stock Selling Co. Ltd. Stock Agents Association Homebush, Trucking and Fire Insurance Agent. Manilla St Manilla. Agents for Alliance Fire and Accident Insurance, New Zealand Live Stock, T. Browne Monumental Mason, Fison’s Sheep Dip.”

As time went by, Alfred also saw a need for diversity within his business and added Speedwell bicycles, motors and motorbikes to his business; adding this new form of transport to Country Manilla NSW.

By 1907 privately owned motor vehicles first appeared in Manilla, when in just one week three cars were in town. As time progressed, cars were causing a wave of protest from the residents, who visualised a multitude of accidents resulting from the speed these vehicles travelled up and down the streets - at a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour (55 klmph).

By 1911 there were several Manilla-owned cars, Dr Catchlove had a “Renault” and Alfred Veness owned a “Hupmobile,” while the O’Dell family had a couple or cars also. Details regarding the Hupmobile are further on in this article.

Although cars were seen in these early days around Manilla there was still a need for travel by horse and sulky.

By 1910 Baker’s Coach and Wagon factory Manilla, was one of the largest of its kind in the State, employing up to 40 men manufacturing wagons, sulkies and farm equipment and machinery. In 1918 H. M. Baker created interest by conveying to Tamworth Show eight of his own manufacture sulkies, looking bright and shiny, all tied in fours behind two motor cars. As motor cars replaced horse-drawn vehicles, the factory became a garage. Baker’s Coach and Wagon factory was on the site of the now Rotary Park.

The Veness family were business innovators from the very moment they arrived in Manilla in the mid-1800s. As the population of Manilla grew in the late 1800s, George’s brother Stephen was granted a Hotel Licence for the newly built Junction Hotel in Manilla. It was originally a one storey building, and after it burnt down in 1902, it was rebuilt as a two-storey hotel. There is an article coming up very soon about the History of Hotels in Manilla NSW. The Junction Hotel was later named the Post Office Hotel.

Looking back, it’s worthy of mention the NSW Gazette, issued in 1866, states that the Manilla district had a total population of settlement and district of 50 persons, and the Census shows the population had grown to 275 by 1891.

By 1900, while Alfred Veness was successfully conducting his business in Manilla, and with the nearly built railway, Manilla’s population was moving ahead considerably and ably assisted by the very successful wheat harvest in 1899. With a harvest of an estimated 125,000 bags, this caused much wealth to flow into the township. A wheat bag weighed nearly 120kg, making 125,000 wheat bags equivalent to about 10,000 medium sized cars.

Wheat harvest was very labour intensive in those days. In the absence of machinery, large numbers of men were needed to cut a crop in time. Alfred and other business entrepreneurs picked up on the need to supply more services, and Manilla grew in stature during this progressive period.

Alfred also saw a need for diversity in his business and as mentioned previously, added Speedwell bicycles, motors and motorbikes to his list of transport needs. However, he could see motor vehicles were the transport for the future, and together with his son Colin, and later grandson Ralph, they established the Ford Motor Company Agency in 1912 together - with his successful auctioneering and commission agency.  By the 1940s this business was carried on by his son and grandson.

Ford Motors started in the USA with the Model A in 1903 and it wasn’t long for the cars to find a market in Australia. They followed up the Model A, with the Model T five years later, and Tarrant Motor and Engineering Co in Melbourne became the first agent to sell the Ford brand in Australia.

With Alfred’s interest in motor vehicles in the early years, it was only natural that he purchased his own, and chose the Hupmobile. The Hupmobile was produced from 1908 to 1941, where a total of 561,464 cars were produced during that time.

Hupmobile was built by the Hupp Motor Car Company of Detroit. The first Hupmobile car was the Model 20 Runabout, which was built in 1909 and had a four-cylinder engine rated at 16 to 20 horsepower. (today a four-cylinder motor car produces 80-300 horsepower) The low-speed ratio was 2.7 to one, and the high-speed direct reverse, had the same ratio as the low, which meant that the car moved pretty fast when it went backward. This model never became popular partly because of the low power and only a two-speed transmission with very wide-spaced ratios.

For the mechanically minded, low-speed ratio of 2.7 means that the output gear turns 2.7 times slower than the input gear. In other words, if the input gear rotates once, the output gear will rotate 2.7 times slower than the input gear. Today, new pickups and SUVs appear to stick with the base axle ratio of 3.08:1 or 3.42:1. Meaning low-speed wheel torque takes less throttle to get the vehicle and the load it’s carrying, or towing, moving.

The Hupmobile reached a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour (56 klms per hour).

Today, there is the Hupmobile Register of Australia and New Zealand - a group of enthusiasts dedicated to preserving and maintaining Hupmobile motor vehicles by the publication of a quarterly magazine, and holding rallies.

Speedwell is a well know brand, and proudly sign written on Alfreds shop awning. It also had a very well-known bicycle in Australia. However, Bennett and Wood in Sydney also manufactured the first Speedwell FN motorcycle in 1904. The Speedwell emblem is proudly stated on the tank and an image from the Victoria Museum shows this motorcycle dated 1911. Another image of a WWI despatch rider kneeling beside a motorcycle with Speedwell Australia on the tank is dated 1917.

Later, in the 1930s and 1940s, the firm started to build Acme motorcycles.

The Acme motorcycle was available in conjunction with BSA importers for NSW. The engine was a Villiers 122cc Mark 9D, and the frame was built locally. Production of the Acme motorcycle began in May 1939, and was phased out in 1949, due to the success of the imported BSA Bantam. The Acme, along with the Waratah, were the only two Australian-made motorcycles whose production span was before and after World War II. The 1939 Acme motorcycle had a 125cc motor.

The BSA Bantam is a two-stroke unit construction motorcycle that was produced by the Birmingham Small Arms Company (BSA) from 1948 (as a 125 cc) until 1971 (as a 175 cc). Today a 1952 BSA Bantam, 123cc, can be purchased between $5000-$8000, while there is a 1953 499cc model that costs around $30,000.

In conclusion we must make a special mention to Alfreds wife, Sarah Jane Veness (Coulton). Sarah was born in 1871 in Moore Creek NSW and died on April 1942 aged 71. Moore Creek is a few kilometres south of Manilla and just east of Attunga.

On the 21st April 1942 the Manilla Express paid tribute to Mrs Veness with the heading, “An Appreciation of the Late Mrs A. C. Veness.” It reads: “The passing of Mrs. A. C. Veness has removed from, our midst an outstanding personality. The three main spheres of her influence and activity were in the Methodist Church, her own home and personal contacts with her fellows. In regard to her Church activities, one may say that it was exemplary. Right from the earliest days Mrs. Veness was an active, efficient and consecrated worker in every department of the Church's activities. Regularly, Sunday by Sunday, found her at worship in the Church services – offering herself to God. In the home Mrs. Veness was a "mother in Israel", lavishing love, service, and a Christian influence upon the members of her family. As a wife she was true and faithful- to a sacred trust. Her personal influence extended far beyond the confines of her own home: a host of friends numbering among them many of our highly esteemed clergy hear testimony to a rich spiritual fellowship, and bear witness to the fact, that they are better men and women because they have known and been helped by her.”

Manilla grew considerably after the construction of the railway, better roads and accommodation facilities; and a country side that possessed successful wheat and wool production. We can look on in awe of this era, that transported Manilla towards the 1950s and beyond. The simplicity of life was palpable with country Australia, and even by the 1950s, many still had outdoor dunnies. Everyone just accepted this simplicity as normal.  

Alfred Cowper Veness was undoubtably part of the important pioneers that moved Manilla forward, towards and during the 1900s.

Without showing an interest, and reading about the exploits of these pioneers, and their endeavours in life, we fall short of gaining a wisdom about Manilla and ourselves, and the consideration that the past is really us also, because without the past, today would not be here in our present times.

We may gain instant pleasure from a short moment attention span - but then the pleasure is instantly gone. Gaining knowledge through attentive reading is fulfilling, as it impacts our growth of wisdom, and this fulfilling knowledge impacts us within our improved health, within our life – we have developed our wisdom - through knowledge.

Manilla NSW Australia – Late 1890s and the period 1900 to 1905.

This was an Era of Much Development in Manilla.

1. During 1895 the Manilla Progress Association was formed and John Coote Jnr. establishes imported *Devon Cattle and *Lincoln Sheep Stud, and 4 years later, in 1899 the Manilla Express was first published. The story of the Manilla Express is completed and coming up soon.

* Devon Cattle are one of the oldest British breeds of cattle where they have been recognised as a distinctive breed for at least two and a half centuries. The success of the Devon breed in Australia is associated with the ability to produce top quality beef, both straightbred and as a cross, under varying climatic conditions. Devon Cattle are efficient converters of grass to beef and their ability to withstand extremes of conditions. With their robust constitution they have flourished in the diverse environments of Australia. They are used for both milk and beef production in Australia.

When the first fleet arrived from England to Sydney Cove on the 26th January 1788, they had on board two bulls and seven cows.

* The Lincoln Sheep, sometimes called the Lincoln Longwool, is a breed of sheep from England. The Lincoln is the largest British sheep, developed specifically to produce the heaviest, longest and most lustrous fleece of any breed in the world. Great numbers were exported to many countries to improve the size and wool quality of their native breeds. The versatile fleece is in great demand for spinning, weaving and many other crafts. It is now one of Britain's rarer breeds, categorized as "at risk" by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust since there are fewer than 1500 registered breeding females in the United Kingdom.

In Australia, the Lincoln Sheep, were used extensively in early days for crossing with the Merino, the resulting half breed being inbred and becoming the Corriedale. Subsequent crossing using both Merinos and Lincolns resulted in the Polwarth.

Manilla – End of 1800s: By the end of the century, the *Flour Mill was established by Clark & Crocker at the end of Market Street, and the Manilla branch of the Farmers and Settlers Association was formed --- Tobacco was grown for commercial production, and the first passenger train from Manilla carries 35 to the Tamworth Show --- Licence applications were received for the establishment of a further three Hotels in Manilla. A story about the Tobacco industry in Manilla is coming up soon.

* Flower Mills: Wheat was a staple food and the British brought it to Australia in 1788. To be well fed, the colony needed 7-8,000 bushels a year. One bushel is 36.4 litres so 8,000 bushels is the equivalent equal to 12 large water tanks. The grain needed to be ground into flour, so flour milling became an immediate and necessary secondary industry in the colony. As stone-ground flour has little keeping capacity, mills needed to be close to the consumers. In Colonial terms a large flour mill was a marker of a successful country town, and with a very successful wheat harvest in 1899 Manilla, this caused much wealth to flow into the township; it was inevitable a Flower Mill was established in Manilla.

There were many developments and changes in Manilla around 1900:

In 1900  a draft petition asks Governor of NSW to declare Manilla a Municipality --- A Grain shed was built at Manilla railway and the Farmers and Settlers Association to pay an annual lease --- The 1st Public School at North Manilla formally closes after 21 years --- A new school for 200 pupils was built on the Corner of Court and Arthur Streets --- The Manilla Town Band was formed --- The Imperial Hotel was constructed by T. J. Bowen on the Corner of Manilla & Market Streets --- The Court House Hotel was constructed by T. J. Bowen on Manilla Street --- A timber bridge was built over the Manilla River at Upper Manilla --- The School of Arts was replaced with larger brick hall built by T. J. Bowen, whereas the title was changed to the Mechanics Institute.

Tom Treloar contracts T.J. Bowen to construct speculative shop premises on the Corner of Manilla and Court Streets, and in 1900 the Court House Hotel opens.

In 1901 the Governor of NSW approves incorporation of the town of Manilla as a Municipality.

This led to more development in Manilla:

The First Municipal Council was elected --- The first irrigation plants installed on Manilla River properties enables production of vegetables and tobacco and the establishment of dairies --- The Manilla to Barraba Railway Bill passes through Parliament --- The Official school opening set for January was cancelled due to Queen Victoria’s death --- Local opening celebration held on the 9th March.

Tom Treloar assigns Henry Stoddart to comanage his Manilla Store with H. Jackson, leaving John Grayson to manage the Tamworth store having offered him partnership --- Tenders were called for the building of steel railway bridge over the Namoi River and the construction of piers and superstructure for a timber viaduct --- Treloar and Stoddart partnership was amicably dissolved with Harry Stoddart taking over the Manilla Store which then became Stoddart Limited.

In 1902 the Junction Hotel was destroyed by fire and immediately rebuilt as a two-story hotel by the proprietor, F. J. Swain --- The Royal Hotel was built in the mid-1890s while Stoddart and Co. began trading in 1903 --- and J. T. Robertson and Co. began business in the same year --- J. T. Robertson were forwarding agents and produce merchants. (this article is completed and coming up soon)

In 1904 the Presbyterian Church (timber) was built by Chapman and Byron, and opened on March 13th on the corner Court and Rowan Streets.

In June 1900 the Manilla Progress Committee approved a motion to establish a district hospital in Manilla, and in the following year a Hospital Committee was established to locate a suitable site and raise funds. After a site on Northbrook Hill on the Tamworth Road was endorsed by the Survey Department, the Committee embarked on a concerted fund-raising drive, holding balls and many other functions. The foundation stone of the hospital was laid on 19 November 1904, and Manilla District Hospital was officially opened on 10 May 1905 by the State Governor Sir Harry Rawson. The celebrations lasted late into the evening with a procession through the town, a dinner and a ball.

The opening of Manilla Hospital paved the way for resident doctors to settle in Manilla. Dr E. Ellis was the first medical officer, followed between the wars by Doctors Clarke, Thomas, Rayson and Waterhouse. Doctors who cared for the people of Manilla after the Second World War included Doctors Johnson, Windeyer, Henderson and White.

1904-1905: Construction begins on Manilla Railway Viaduct --- Electricity was first used in Manilla by Wilson and Oram in the Flour Mill at northern end of Arthur Street --- Residents north of Burrell Street have the advantage of early use of electricity --- The Manilla Municipal Council makes their first land purchase in Strafford Street --- Dalgety & Co. exchanges Keepit Station for Govt., owned Euroka station near Walgett, and Keepit station is cut up and sold for closer settlement.

In 1906 the Manilla Railway Bridge & Viaduct construction was completed.

From a report in the NSW Gazette, Manilla had a population of 50 persons in 1866, and by 1891 the Census report shows it had grown to 275.

Manilla was moving along successfully in 1900s Australia.

The History and Growth of Hotels in the Manilla NSW District.

Hotels and Pubs have always been synonymous with Australian Country life, and Manilla was another country town where Hotels, Pubs and Liquor outlets were established from the mid-1800s. It is worthy of mention that the nucleus of every settlement during this era of growth is a licensed accommodation house, a store and a blacksmith shop.

George Veness conducted a wine shop from his store in Manilla, at the junction of the Namoi and Manilla rivers, in the mid-1850s. This store was demolished by the 1864 flood and he built another store on the corner of Market and Namoi Street. He was still in business in March 1877, when a court of inquiry under the Lands Amendment Act of 1876 was held at the Veness Inn, Manilla NSW. This store was eventually demolished in 1906.

When the Manilla bridge was built in 1886, he built another store on the corner of Manilla and Market Streets, taking advantage of the traffic north and south. After George died in 1895 the store was owned by a number of people. In 1902 it was purchased by Thomas Priest who conducted it as Priest and Lorenz. In 1913 Priest retired and left the business.

A few months after Veness built his store and wine shop, John George Rideout built an accommodation house on the river bank at North Manilla. He then sold to a bloke called Davis, who then sold onto Thomas Connors. Thomas Connor, with his wife and young family, arrived in Manilla in 1858. Connor eventually built the first hotel in 1863 on the banks of the Namoi just west of the bridge approach. After a period of hotel life, the Connors went on land at Circular Bend on the Manilla River.

Yet at Klori, just 10klms down the road towards Tamworth, Charles Norris established the Carriers Arms Hotel in 1875. There were other wine shops and vineyards closer to Tamworth – Gunnett’s and Kearn’s wine shops. While Mrs Corrigan was running a wine shop on the Carroll Gap Road near Borah Crossing (west of Manilla in the New Mexico district, about 15 minutes away). As time went by Hearn’s Hotel was at Dead Horse Gully (a few kilometres south or Klori), and hotels at Attunga Springs, and Moore Creek (just east of Attunga). Another hotel was established at Tarpoly by Mrs Haydon in 1863. Tarpoly is just north of Upper Manilla.

Just 5klms south of Manilla, in 1870, Granny Short ran a wine shop on the Tamworth Road opposite the wireless station. In the 1950s the land owner discovered the cellar of the wine shop while digging a dam on his property. A pepper tree marks the site today.

Hearn’s Hotel was at “Dead Horse Gully,” and later the Norris family established a hotel in that vicinity when the course of the road changed. There was also a hotel and stable at Attunga Springs. Just through Attunga, at the intersection of the Garthowen Road, there was an Inn and Blacksmith Shop. Brown’s Hotel was at Moore Creek, while a short distance away was Charlie Ah Sue’s Vineyard. The Quick family established a vineyard just eight miles from Tamworth, and further down the road Mr Gunnett had a vineyard also, plus a wineshop. Not forgetting Kearn’s Wineshop closer to Tamworth.

The NSW Gazetteer, issued in 1866, states that the Manilla district is a pastoral and quartz mining district with no conveyance between Tamworth or Barraba. Mail arrives twice a week via horseback. There is one hotel and one inn with a total population of settlement and district of 50 persons.

During these times Armidale had a population of 1000, Barraba 80, Glen Innes 350, Gunnedah 150, Somerton 30, and Tamworth a population of 650.

In the early days of settlement licensed accommodation houses and stores were the first buildings to grow up at strategic points along the route followed by teamsters and cattle drovers from Tamworth to north-western NSW. By 1874 there were wayside inns at regular intervals along the road between Manilla and Tamworth.

John George Rideout sold his north Manilla accommodation house, and then sold off to Thomas Connor. In 1863 Connor opened the first hotel on the banks of the Namoi, and called it the Australian Arms, also known as the Manilla Hotel. The hotel was not located at a safe distance from the fast-rising waters of the Namoi River and just one year later it was inundated during the 1864 floods. Connor saved his family by climbing with them onto the roof.

In January 1867 Connor sold the North Manilla Hotel to William Hill, for £1,100 (about $185,000 today). Hill ran the business until 1875, when J. T. Flynn, a keen cricketer, took over the hotel from Hill. A. Matheson procured the licence of the Manilla Hotel at North Manilla from J. T. Flynn in 1883 and sold it to A. Allingham. For many years the hotel was a popular social centre where meetings were held and cricket matches played. It was demolished sometime in the 1890s.

William Hill was a public minded bloke, who gave liberally to all worthy causes and when he died in 1916, left a large amount of money to the Manilla Hospital for building an operating theatre. Hill’s daughter, Mrs Harry Burrell (story later) was a well know figure in stage life and followed her father’s philanthropic spirit.

In 1882 Stephen Veness (the brother of George Veness) was granted a hotel licence and built the first hotel on the south side of the Namoi River, the Junction Hotel, on the corner of Strafford and Manilla streets. Two years later he sold it to Mr. W. Smart, who disposed of it to W. Sinden in 1887.

A Government land sale at Manilla in 1887, Lot 5 (the Royal Hotel site) was purchased by M. C. Mackenzie for 106 pounds ($11,000 today). In 1891 a single-storey brick Hotel was being built by M. C. Macenzie and during the same year, G. M. Oliphant purchased the building after completion. He called it the Royal Hotel. Whilst in the Oliphant family, in 1897 it was in the hands of Mrs. Banfield, who had Mr. George Gordon as manager.  In 1898 Oliphant sold the Hotel to James Waddell of Barraba where it was then sold to John McNulty in 1899 and in 1907 sold it to F. Riddett. At some stage during this time, the succession included a bloke by the name of William Cobley. In 1911/1912, Riddett sold the freehold to Mrs I. A. Swain.

In 1912, Hastings Riddett was issued a Renewal of the Royal Hotel annual licence for 428 pounds ($50,000 today).

Earlier to this, Mrs Isabella Amelia Swain (Chaffey) was married to Mr Francis James Swain who procured the Junction Hotel (later renamed the Post Office Hotel) from W. Foster. In 1902 the single-story Junction Hotel was destroyed by fire, and immediately rebuilt as a two-story building by proprietor, Mr F. J. Swain, who died of a heart attack two years later in 1904 aged 34 years. His wife Isabella Amelia carried on the business, until Daniel Costelloe took over. Isabella Amelia later married Harry Dimmock who is believed to may have had the Imperial Hotel at that time.

Mrs Swain was a popular figure in hotel management, and made a splendid success of her business career in Manilla. Mrs Swain’s son Selby Wildred Swain was the Accountant at Mackenzies store and well respected in Manilla. Selby married Myrtle Gertrude nee Langworthy.

Mrs Isabella Amelia Swain is the sister of Captain Frank Chaffey, M.L.A. Towards the end of WW1 she married Harry Dimmock and retired from business. She died in 1938 aged 74 years.

Francis James Swain is the Great Grandfather of Tex Morris.

During 1908 licences were granted to: Thomas Arneil (Imperial) 299 pounds pa with a licence fee of 35 pounds (today $30,000 and $3,500) - F. H. Riddett (Royal) rental 364 pounds, fee 45 pounds (today $38,000 and $4,500) - A. W. Stanton (Junction) rental 260 pounds, fee 35 pounds (today $27,000 and $3,500).

The Upper Manilla Hotel, better known as the Blazing Stump, was built in 1894. The hotel was partially destroyed by fire on the night of 3rd February 1921, but was rebuilt on a site nearby. The Upper Manilla store was erected on the site of the first hotel and the original cellar remains beneath the store. The store is a local landmark today. It is a private home, where the owners operated an antiques and collectibles store, called Dingley Dell in the past. The old storage shed nearby gained a new lease of life during the 1980s as the Tin Shed restaurant.

In 1910 The Manilla Express reported the Royal Hotel was offering Eyesight Testing by the eminent Sydney Opticians, Gib and Beeman. Gibb and Beeman have the leading optical practice in NSW and are recommended by the medical profession.  J. W. Beeman, an expert, and late manager for H. A. Barraclough has been visiting Manilla for a number of years.

The Royal Hotel was destroyed by fire in January 1914 and rebuilt under the watchful eye of the licensee Isabella Amelia Swain. Later, the Royal operated under the management of Reg Kerr who made the hotel the highest licence fee hotel in the north. Three years later, in 1917, and at age 34, football legend H. H. “Dally” Messenger and his wife Annie, came to Manilla and operated the licence of the Royal Hotel. Soon after his arrival, Dally introduced Rugby League to the local Union stalwarts. Dally M. was instrumental in the formation of the Manilla Tigers Football Club.  

It appears from records the annual trading revenue for the 1923 year, for the Royal Hotel, was 3680 pounds (around $350,000 today)

In 1901 Treloar and Co., was granted a wine licence. During the same year the Court House Hotel was sold by J. Frazer to G. Penton, and two years later sold to George Boland.

Daniel Costelloe, with his brother Michael, arrived in Upper Manilla from Ireland in 1901 and He came to the Junction Hotel in 1911 and became a popular figure in hotel and sporting life in Manilla. A prominent footballer and supporter, he eventually sold the Junction to James Corrigan in 1913. Corrigan was a farmer from New Mexico (just west of Manilla), with his mother having had a wine licence at Keepit 35 years before.

Corrigan placed the hotel licence with A. G. Windsor who just 6 months earlier had been acting postmaster at Manilla. It was not long before he went back to the post-office department.

While in the Junction Hotel he changed the name to the Post Office Hotel. In 1915 Henry Grady, a police officer, resigned and purchased the Post Office Hotel. He retained ownership until 1946 where his son J. h. Grady successfully carried on the hotel. Len Ridgewell was the Proprietor of the Post Office Hotel in 1942.

In September 1926 the Manilla Express reports Reg Kerr sold the Royal Hotel to Mr Peachey, formerly of Cootamundra. In the years before, Mr and Mrs Kerr had brought the Royal Hotel up to the highest standard of efficiency and the hotel is recognised by the travelling public, particularly the commercial travellers as being one of the best hotels in northern NSW. It is indeed a credit to the town. Unfortunately, just one year later, the Royal suffers fire damage and the roof is replaced.

In October 1928, at the Tamworth Police Court, Douglas Peachey, licensee of the Royal Hotel was fined 25 pounds ($2,500 today) plus costs, of using a room for the purpose of betting.

In 1938 the roof of the Court House Hotel was blown over during a storm. Mrs F. M. Hirschberg, the licensee, conducted the business in Paterson’s building, next door to Clifton’s Garage. She purchased the freehold of the hotel and had it rebuilt.

In April 1939, the Manilla Express reported the Royal Hotel’s new host was a justice of the peace from Tamworth, Mr Jack Brogan, who purchased the licence from Jack Kearns. Jack has been in business as a builder and contractor at Tamworth, a keen sportsman, having been associated with various sporting bodies including golf. Mrs Brogan, until recently was a sister at the Tamworth Base Hospital

In 1949 the licensees of the other three hotels in Manilla were: The Royal Hotel – Ken Smith; The Post Office Hotel – Frank Hilton; The Imperial Hotel – Harry Gilmour

Stepping back in Time:

By the turn of the century there were three more hotels in Manilla: The Royal Hotel, opened by M. C. McKenzie in July 1891 and built by T. J Bowen; the Imperial Hotel, opened in June 1900, and the Court House Hotel, opened in December 1900. The Court House Hotel was built with a cost of 2000 pounds (about $240,000 today). A second story was added to the Post Office Hotel in the early 1900s. The Court House and Imperial Hotels were also constructed by T. J. Bowen.

It is suggested the Court House hotel was named at the suggestion of the Magistrate who granted the original licence to build it. He was encouraged in his decision when the applicant pointed out that the hotel would be under close police supervision, as it would be located opposite the Court House.

T. J. (Thomas John) Bowen was a prominent builder in the Gunnedah/Manilla/Tamworth region of NSW, and involved in the early development of these towns. He is believed to have first come to the area about 1884 to assist G. H. Royce, NSW chief engineer, for the construction of the iron traffic bridge over the Namoi River (1884-86). TJ went on to construct many major buildings in Manilla including the Courthouse, St Michael's Anglican Church and various hotels. He is also said to have re-built the (timber) Mechanic's Institute as a substantial brick building around 1900 - now the Manilla & District Soldier's Memorial Hall. Thomas John was sufficiently important in the community to be elected to Manilla's first Municipal Council in 1901.

Visiting Manilla in 1890, the editor of the Tamworth Observer reported that construction of the Royal Hotel was underway, describing it as a fine edifice with seventeen rooms, including eight bedrooms and being built of brick.

The lounge room of the Royal Hotel was often used for public meetings, although there was sometimes argument among members of organisations such as the Farmers and Settlers Association as to which hotel should be the venue, some favouring one publican over another. Other members were opposed to any public meetings being held in hotels, claiming that there was a hall in town where meetings could be held without the people attending being under any obligation.

During 1936, the Royal Hotel underwent extensive renovations. The report in the Manilla Express reads: “This brought the hotel into line with the most modern places in the country. A septic tank had been installed, bath rooms have been remodelled and lined with grey tilux sheeting. A shower room complete with three shower recesses and wash basins had been provided, all of which are supplied with hot and cold water. An excellent hot water system has also been installed giving a continuous supply of hot water all hours of the day and night. The bed rooms have been remodelled, bringing them up to the best standard obtainable. With these alterations, Manilla now possesses a hotel in keeping with the importance of the town and district and far in advance of many such places in bigger centres. The hotel has been aptly described by numerous travellers from all parts of the state as ‘a home away from home.’ All under the careful management of Mr and Mrs Kearns.”

Around the beginning of the twentieth century, large numbers of farm workers came to town during the wheat harvest season to quench their thirst and trade was brisk in the hotels of Manilla.

The Manilla Police Station was also kept busy making arrests for public drunkenness. In the four weeks to 20th December 1900, over 100 charges were laid, the majority for drunkenness, and as many as fourteen harvesters (wheat labourers) were consigned to the lockup in one evening.

Up until 1955, the “Six O'clock Swill” was an Australian and New Zealand slang term for the last-minute rush to buy drinks at a hotel bar before it closed at 6pm.  A culture of heavy drinking developed during the time between finishing work at 5 pm and the mandatory closing time only an hour later.

Six o'clock closing was introduced during the First World War, partly as an attempt to improve public morality and partly as a war austerity measure. Support for changing hotel closing times originally came from the temperance movement, which hoped that implementing restrictions on the sale of alcohol would lead eventually to its total prohibition. Although the movement had been active since the 1870s, it had been gaining ground since the 1900s following the introduction of 6 o'clock retail trade closing. Prominent groups in this movement were the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the Rechabites. Their agitation was augmented with the outbreak of war in 1914 where it was argued that a "well-ordered, self-disciplined and morally upright home front was a precondition for the successful prosecution of the war.”

Six o'clock closing often fuelled an hour-long speed-drinking session as men raced to get as drunk as possible in the limited time available. An unintended consequence was that patrons would save their glasses during the hour before closing time until the last call came for drinks, where the glasses would be refilled and patrons attempted to drink them all in the time left. The pressure to serve customers led to innovations such as a pipe from the taps so that the bartender did not need to carry the customer's glass to them.

Today three hotels operate in Manilla: the Royal Hotel, the Post Office Hotel and the Imperial Hotel. The Court House Hotel was built in 1900, and closed in 2000. The Junction Hotel (The Post Office) is the oldest pub in Manilla, having been built in 1882. In 1902 it was destroyed by fire and a two-story building was re-built. The Royal Hotel was built by M.C. Macenzie in 1891. The Royal Hotel suffered two major fires, in 1914 and again in 1978. After the second fire the business was carried on in the old Namoi Café under the name Hard Rock Café, until the Royal Hotel reopened in 1979. The Namoi Café is now Molly Mays (2024). The Imperial Hotel was built in 1900.

The Royal Hotel Manilla NSW – Early History + Information: Fire Destroyed the Royal Hotel in 1914.

* Early History of the Royal Hotel Manilla NSW.

A Government land sale at Manilla in 1887, Lot 5 (the Royal Hotel site) was purchased by M. C. Mackenzie for 106 pounds ($11,000 today). In 1891 a single-storey brick Hotel was being built by M. C. Mackenzie and during the same year G. M. Oliphant purchased the building after completion. He called it the Royal Hotel. Whilst in the Oliphant family, in 1897 it was in the hands of Mrs. Banfield, who had Mr. George Gordon as manager. In 1898 Oliphant sold the Hotel to James Waddell of Barraba where it was then sold to John McNulty in 1899 and in 1907 sold it to F. Riddett. At some stage during this time, the succession included a bloke by the name of William Cobley. In 1911-1912, Riddett sold the freehold to Mrs I. A. Swain.

Visiting Manilla in 1890, the editor of the Tamworth Observer reported that construction of the Royal Hotel was underway, describing it as a fine edifice with seventeen rooms, including eight bedrooms and being built of brick. This story can be read within the “Manilla Hotel History” article just previously posted.

Earlier to this, Mrs Isabella Amelia Swain (Chaffey) was married to Mr Francis James Swain who later procured the Junction Hotel (later renamed the Post Office Hotel) from W. Foster. In 1902 the single-story Junction Hotel was destroyed by fire, and immediately rebuilt as a two-story building by proprietor, Mr F. J. Swain, who died of a heart attack two years later in 1904 aged 34 years. His wife Isabella Amelia carried on the business, until Daniel Costelloe took over. Isabella Amelia later married Harry Dimmock who is believed to may have had the Imperial Hotel at that time.

In 1911/1912, Riddett sold the freehold to Mrs Isabella Amelia Swain. Isabella was 47 years of age.

Mrs Swain was a popular figure in hotel management, and made a splendid success of her business career in Manilla. Mrs Swain’s son Selby Wildred Swain was the Accountant at Mackenzies store and well respected in Manilla. Selby married Myrtle Gertrude nee Langworthy.

Mrs Isabella Amelia Swain is the sister of Captain Frank Chaffey, M.L.A. Towards the end of WW1 she married Harry Dimmock and retired from business. She died in 1938 aged 74 years.

Francis James Swain is the Great Grandfather of Tex Morris.

* Prior to Isabella Amelia Swain taking over the Royal Hotel, a newspaper report appeared in The Sydney Mail and NSW Advertiser in February 1907.


“This commercial house, which is well known to representatives of city firms doing business in the north, recently came into the hands of Mr. William Cobley of Gunnedah, where he was known as the popular and genial proprietor of the Freemason's Hotel. As soon as he took possession, he came to the conclusion that big alterations were necessary to cope with the increased call for accommodation.

As a consequence, extensive additions are to be made immediately, and the interior will be practically remodelled, and brought up to the high standard of a first-class residential hotel. Fourteen commodious balcony bedrooms will be available for commercial men and amongst other improvements will be a complete service of hot and cold baths.

Mr. Cobley in his new quarters has made many friends, and bids fair to be even more popular than he was at Gunnedah. He is paying particular attention to the cuisine, and intends to be irreproachable in this respect.”

* In 1912, Hastings Riddett was issued a Renewal of the Royal Hotel annual licence for 428 pounds ($50,000 today).

* Manilla Express 28th January 1914 – Royal Hotel Fire

Headline: FIRE – Mid-day Blaze – Big Loss of Property – Appell’s Destroyed – Royal Hotel in Ruins – Mackenzie’s has Narrow Escape – Gallant Work by Citizens.

What was once of Manilla’s busiest corners has been reduced to gaunt walls, ashes, and desolation.

On Monday at dinner hour cruel fire asserted its mastery – for the third time in competitively quick succession – and swept to cinders. Mr W. J. Appel’s tobacconist and hairdresser’s shop and Mrs Swain’s two-story hotel, the Royal.

The Fates were kinder to Mackenzie and Son’s large emporium and it had a wonderful escape from sharing a sorrowfully similar fate to the buildings adjoining. Once, it seemed impossible to beat the fierce destroyer back — but the elements were calm, and an army of men and three plucky women, kept up an indomitable defence with buckets of water at the back, while men of muscle tore down the building colonnade in front, and wrenched a plate glass window and woodwork from its position, up cutting the floor, thus treating a break.

In the meantime, another army of willing workers including Mrs. Swain and all the, girls associated with the hotel, worked valiantly in moving as much of the contents of the hotel as possible.

The flames had licked up through Appell's roof, and sweeping across the narrow alley had commenced to take in the wood work of the hotel roof.  Without a hose and water, the people were powerless to work up to the top of the second story. The unrelenting fire was soon established in the pine ceiling and quickly spread from room to room. When the black smoke and flames burst through the galvanised roof and leapt high in the air, the sight caused many terrified children and some women to hide their faces. In a couple of hours from the outbreak, the building was a mass of smouldering ruins and charred walls, parts of which subsequently toppled in with a mighty crash.

The hotel contained 45 rooms, and was up to date and well-furnished throughout. Many of the interior walls were decorated in a unique way. This work was done by a travelling artist for the late Mr. G Oliphant some years ago. The building was the property of Mrs Swain, and was purchased by her when she took the business over a couple of years ago. The premises were insured in the Commercial Union Co. for 3075 pounds, and the furniture and stock in the Northern Union Co., for 2400 pounds ($500,000 today)

Mr. Appell's shop was a brisk business centre. It had a plate glass front, and carried a large up to date stock. The hairdressing saloon, managed by Mr. E. Annis, was also arranged on modern lines. Mr I. Appell was the local agent for Paling and Co., and his stock included a piano and a number of other musical instruments.

He bought the business last year from Mr Solberg. The insurance on the stock and contents amounted to 750 pounds ($70,000 today). A number of sheds at the rear and the wooden sample room were cut down to prevent the fire spreading.

A large number of men worked excellently. Sgt. Ryan was the head of one section. Among a lot of men, Mr T. Hiscox was prominent. Mr. Walter Jackson, architect and contractor, after battling against the smoke and heat for some time on top of Mackenzie's, collapsed, and had to be carried to Dr Ellis' surgery. He was in a very serious condition for some hours. He has not yet recovered, and he will have to remain bed for a few days.

* Tamworth Daily Observer Tuesday 27th January 1914: Manilla Monday

Headline: FIRE AT MANILLA – ROYAL HOTEL GUTTED – Damage Estimated at 8000 pounds (today $750,000.00)

“A disastrous fire occurred at Manilla about 1 o’clock today when Mrs Swain’s Royal Hotel and Appell’s tobacconist and hairdressing shop were demolished.

It appears that the fire broke out first in the tobacconist shop, and then spread rapidly to the hotel building. Luncheon was being served at the hotel at the time, and amongst those dining were a number of Tamworth cricketers, who had journeyed to that centre to participate in a match with the local cricketers.

It appears that they had just completed the first course when the alarm was raised, and a hurried exit was made from the building, and a helping hand was given in trying to quell the flames.

In a very short time hundreds of people hurried to the scene of the outbreak, but owing to there being no water supply, the fire-fighters were greatly handicapped, and had to resort to buckets of water, and to cut away the adjoining buildings to prevent the progress of the flames. It is understood that had there been a water supply available in the first instance, the fire could have been extinguished in the early stages.

Mr Mackenzie’s big general store had a narrow escape from being destroyed with a large body of men working with buckets of water with remarkable energy to check the flames from spreading.

During these operations Mr Walter Jackson, the well-known contractor, worked to a point of collapse, and had to be assisted away to a doctor’s surgery, where he still lives in an exhausted condition.

How the fire occurred it is not known. The Royal Hotel is the leading hotel, and stood on the corner of a central block. The place was gutted, and only the brick walls were left standing. Portion of two of the walls have already collapsed, and the other walls are in a rickety condition, and are liable to fall at any moment. Some of the furniture was removed from the building before the flames had reached it, but a good quantity was consumed.

Part of Mr Mackenzie’s verandah was cut down, and a large glass window was removed as well as the wood work of his premises adjoining the burning building, in order to confine the flames. Adjoining Appell’s on the northern side was saved although some damage was done by water and smoke. The large sheds at the rear of the hotel were also destroyed.

The insurance on the hotel building is 3075 pounds (about $300,000 today) and the stock and furniture are covered to the extent of 2000 pounds (about $200,000 today) - Damage to the Hotel was valued at $750,000.

Appell’s stock is partly insured in the Liverpool London and Globe Insurance Company.”

* After the Fire

After the Royal Hotel was destroyed by fire in January 1914, a “fine and impressive building” was rebuilt under the watchful eye of the licensee Isabella Amelia Swain, as reported in the Manilla Express. She was 47 years old at this time.

Isabella Amelia Swain (Chaffey) was born in Tamworth in 1864 and died in Manilla in 1938. She married Francis James Swain on 3rd December 1890. Francis was born in Tamworth in 1867 and died in Manilla in 1904.

Later, the Royal operated under the management of Reg Kerr who made the hotel the highest licence fee hotel in the north.

Three years later, in 1917, and at age 34, football legend H. H. “Dally” Messenger and his wife Annie, came to Manilla and operated the licence of the Royal Hotel. Soon after his arrival, Dally introduced Rugby League to the local Union stalwarts. Dally M. was instrumental in the formation of the Manilla Tigers Football Club. (This story is completed and coming up soon)

It appears from records the annual trading revenue for the 1923 year, for the Royal Hotel, was 3680 pounds (around $350,000 today)

In April 1939, the Manilla Express reported the Royal Hotel’s new host was a justice of the peace from Tamworth, Mr Jack Brogan, who purchased the licence from Jack Kearns. Jack has been in business as a builder and contractor at Tamworth, a keen sportsman, having been associated with various sporting bodies including golf. Mrs Brogan, until recently was a sister at the Tamworth Base Hospital.

The Royal Hotel suffered two major fires, in 1914 and again in 1978. After the second fire the business was carried on in the old Namoi Café under the name Hard Rock Café, until the Royal Hotel reopened in 1979. The Namoi Café is now Molly Mays (2024).

Just like other hotels in Manilla, the Royal Hotel has a special place in history and worthy of recognition for the part it played in Manilla’s History.

It wasn’t until the 1930s when Manilla “Possessed a splendid fire brigade, splendidly equipped and housed in a fine building,” as reported in the Manilla Express. Adding, “and capably led by Captain Ronald Baker.”

Prior to this Manilla had a voluntary fire fighting force, where Mr. D. M. Mackenzie provided housing- quarters for the engine and equipment free of cost as temporary premises. The “bucket brigade” had done its best previously, and with the assistance of a small manual engine owned by M. C. Mackenzie and Sons Ltd. This helped considerably with outbreaks of fires. (This Article is coming up soon)

In 1935 Manilla had a population of around 2000 people, with a population of 5000 in the Police district.

In 2024 Vickii and Tom Cocking are the proprietors of the Royal Hotel in Manilla and have been in this position for 30 plus years, having started this venture in the mid-1980s. Tom and Vickii have four children - Renai, Amber, Adam and Joel – who have all helped in the Pub.

Manilla Express Report: Tom was born and raised in Manilla, while Vickii is a product of Werris Creek, moving to west of Collarenebri at five, and receiving schooling by isolated correspondence until several years later when the family moved to the Manilla district. She experienced her first official day at school, aged 13 at Manilla High. (Werris Creek is just a one-hour drive from Manilla and SW of Tamworth)

Tom and Vickii leased the Royal Hotel for 10 years from 1985, with Vickii’s parents, Jack and Midge Moran joining them in the partnership. They left the pub to run their newly-acquired corner store which Vickii ran for nine years, while Tom worked behind the bar at the local RSL. Prior to their pub and corner store life, the couple operated a mixed clothing store “Vick and Tom’s Fashions.”

Then 22 years ago, they returned to the Royal as they recognised hotel life was in their blood.

Tom has a particular love of rugby league and horse racing. Vickii persuaded Tom to give up rugby league at age 38 when he was captain/coach of the Manilla Tigers reserve grade team, where he now holds life membership of the club. He is a die-hard Parramatta Eels supporter.

Their best-known galloper was Sir Winalot, who took out the Tamworth Gold Cup, a PJ Bell Country Championship in Sydney, and also won two races at Doomben and the Moree Cup.

Adam Park (1837–1926) Glen Barra, Watsons Creek, Manilla NSW Australia

This Adam Park Life Story is a story of challenges, adversity, survival and ultimate success. It is a story worth reading.

Adam Park was born in 1837 in New Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. His father, John, was 44 and his mother, Agnes, was 36. His Sister Sarah (1840-1895) was born three years later in 1840.

On the invitation of George L. Gibson, his uncle, Adam journeyed to Australia in 1856 with his brother Alexander, when he was 19. It took 86 days. He embarked on the “Marco Polo” for Melbourne with Alexander, arriving in Melbourne in 1857. The Marco Polo was a three-masted wooden clipper ship, launched in 1851 at Saint John, New Brunswick. She was named after Venetian traveller Marco Polo. The ship carried emigrants and passengers to Australia and was the first vessel to make the round trip from Liverpool in under six months. Later in her career, the ship was used as a cargo ship before running aground off Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, in 1883.

On arrival at Melbourne, they travelled by coach (horse) to Longford Vic, a journey of 200klms, followed by two ships to Morpeth NSW, on the Hunter. Then travelled north to Bendemeer NSW (North East of Tamworth).

Adam was intent of squatting land in Queensland, staked by his uncle and asked his neighbour Andrew Murray to join him. With Andrew's wife Sarah (and new child) they set off to north Queensland with 2000 sheep in the early 1860s.

In the 1800s Squatters were people who moved onto unoccupied land along the frontier and claimed that land as their own. In many cases, squatters had little money and could not afford to buy land legally. Since the land was uninhabited, squatters often felt that anyone had a right to it. The inroad of squatters contributed to the growth of the Australia’s agricultural industry and to the development of a powerful social class in Australian life.

Squatters became recognised by the colonial government as owning the land by being the first (and often the only) European settlers in the area. Governors of New South Wales were given authority to make land grants to free settlers, emancipists (former convicts) and non-commissioned officers.

They left towards QLD with horse and bullock drays, and where in some part roads had to be cut and flooded rivers were crossed in greenhide boats. Vigilance was needed to guard against the attacks by the indigenous population. Mrs. Murray carried a gun and always kept it loaded in readiness for any attacks.

Along their way to QLD, Adam became very sick with “fever and ague” and could not go on. Andrew continued and settled on Police Creek with Sarah. Adam returned after a few months after travelling to Brisbane. At Police Creek they settled, and took up adjoining properties with an area of 100 square miles. The Murrays called theirs Glen Lee, and Adam, Rosetta Creek.

Charlie Murray (of aborigine descent) accompanied Adam and Andrew Murray to Queensland in 1863, aged 14, and returned with them in 1867. He was attached to Adam after that, driving the bullock teams was one of his duties.

In 1864 Adam sailed for Sydney via Brisbane on the James Patterson and then travelled to Bendemeer to marry Janet Jane Murray (1844-1881) in 1865, when he was 27 years old. The Rev Thomas conducted the marriage ceremony. They had 10 children together. This was Adam’s first marriage.

Adam and Janet moved back to QLD and settled on Rosetta Creek (Nth QLD) where Adam built a house, just 10 miles from Murray’s house on Police Creek. They moved into the house after living with the Murrays for a few months.

Their daughter Agnes (1866-1940) was born at Rosetta Creek in 1866. 

In 1867 Adam sold all his sheep and land and the family departed from Rosetta Creek and travelled south via Roma then to Goondawindi (on the NSW-QLD border) after a journey of 18 weeks and travelling 793 miles.

During the same year they travelled and arrived at Inverell, bought property 3klms from Inverell and called it Hillside. While Adam was in Inverell their son George Gibson (1867-1947) was born.

In 1869 Adam purchased 320 acres at Glen Barra, part of a large lease called “Mundowey” (16,000 acres) held by P. T. Wills-Allen. A stone house was built in 1869. “Mundowey” is located on the Halls Creek Road on the way to Halls Creek just outside of Manilla.

Son Robert (1869-1955) was born in 1869, followed by Elizabeth Jane (1871-1960), then Alexander John (1873-1948), Mary Scott (1875-1966), Ernest (1877-1960), Mungo (1878-1966), Alice (1880-1966).

Adam’s wife Janet Jane (1844-1881) died in 1881 at the age of 37. They had been married 16 years. Janet died in childbirth after the birth of daughter Janet Murray.

Adam Park married Mary Ann Edwards (1856–1929) in Tamworth, in 1887 when he was 50 years old.

Their son Gordon Adam Charles (1888-1938) was born in 1888 in Manilla NSW. New South Wales. Followed by daughter Grace (1890-1979) and son Wallace (1891-1945).

Still in Manilla NSW in 1893, he purchased Pinewood and renamed it “Mountain Wells.”

In 1894 son Bruce (1894-1975) was born, followed by daughter Enid (1897-1982).

In 1901 Adam purchased, at auction at Recession Prices, Portion No 67, 610 acres, north of Tamworth at 1 pound 7 shillings per acre (total $180 – total today $110,000)

In 1905 Adam passed ownership of Dunmore and Lowrie to sons Mungo and Ernest. (Mungo and Ernest were involved in the growth of Manilla during the time of V. J. Bynes - a previous article) Whilst in 1909 he became an investor and guarantor for the Tamworth Milling Company Ltd. along with sons Ernest (Lowrie) and Mungo (Dunmore).

In 1920 Adam moved to “The Braes” from “Glen Barra” for the last years of his life. Bruce Park, from the second marriage, inherited this property. At this same time a grandson, named Ernest Noel was born. The Braes is approximately 10klms south of Manilla.

Adam Park died on 30 May 1926 in Manilla, NSW, when he was 89 years old.

Adam Park Obituary - 1926

A notable pastoralist, in the person of Mr. Adam Park, of The Braes, Manilla, NSW, died on 30th May at the ripe age of 89 years. Of those 89 nearly 70 were spent in Australia.

Born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1837, he migrated to Australia with his brother Alexander in 1857. His first ''colonial" experience was gained with his uncle, the late G. L. Gibson, of Longford, near Bendemeer, NSW. Fired with an ambition to try his fortune in the northern State, he entered into a partnership with Andrew Murray, and in 1863 started off for the then unknown central Queensland. Their track lay across the Darling Downs and over the watershed of the Dawson to the tributaries of the Fitzroy, and was sprinkled thick with hardships and adventures. The partners travelled with a mob of sheep purchased in New England, which lambed and were shorn en-route. After considerable danger from blacks, to say nothing of the difficulties of blazing a trail through virgin bush, they settled down on a spot about 100 miles north of where Clermont stands to-day. The conditions, however, proved too much for them, and they decided to return to NSW. The partnership was subsequently dissolved.

It was after this that Mr. Park selected the site of his future home on an old run then held by T. P. Willsallen, and called Mundowey. With courage and determination, he subdued the wilderness, and in a few years the holding had been greatly improved and enlarged. The property was named Glen Barra, and carried good sheep and Durham cattle, he being an excellent judge of stock. As his circumstances prospered, Mr. Park acquired adjoining properties, most of which are now in the hands of his sons.

In recent years Mr. Park acquired The Braes, and the closing days of his active life were spent there. A good husbandman in every sense of the word, he did his utmost to improve the carrying capacity of his various properties. He had a wonderful faith in the future of his adopted country, and played a notable part in its development.

His home was noted for the kindly rites of hospitality practised therein and the old-time welcome that visitors were assured. Prosperity never tarnished the gold of his heart, and many institutions will miss the anonymous benefactor who left his gifts but not his name.

PORTRAIT OF A PIONEER. (1935, August 29). The Sydney Morning Herald.

Mrs. Sarah Anne Murray (Pitkin) was born at “Mordun Station” New England in 1843. In 1862, with her husband, the late Andrew Murray, and his partner, the late Adam Park, and Mrs. Park, she started out from Haning, Bendemeer, for the North Kennedy district, Queensland, to establish a sheep station.

We imagine the departure of the little party, in horse and bullock drays, leaving all friends for the unknown. On the Queensland side, in some parts, roads had to be cut, flooded rivers crossed in greenhide boats, and attacks by the blacks guarded against. At Police Creek they settled and took up adjoining properties with an area of 100 square miles. The Murrays called theirs Glen Lee, and the Parks, Rosetta Creek.

All the men but one were obliged to look after the sheep some distance from the home in the wild bush. This man was to work nearer the home, but he contracted fever and had to be nursed without the aid of any doctor. As a signal that the family was not being molested by the blacks, Mrs. Murray used to fire a gun at arranged intervals. She always kept her muzzle loading guns charged in readiness for any attack by the blacks. Mrs. Murray, who was a good revolver shot, once shot the bottom bill off a crow. It had worried her for a time by darting down and picking up chops that were cooking in the open.

The venture with the sheep was not quite successful, as the grass seed, the blacks, and the dingoes caused endless trouble and loss, so the party returned to New South Wales. Mr. Murray then went to the Inverell district, where, in 1867, he selected a property which he called Hillside. Later he added to it by buying Bannockburn Station, where the family resided until 1901, when they sold and resided at Manly.

We of this generation cannot visualise the many hardships endured by these intrepid pioneers, whose grit and determination carried the day, and their heroic actions made possible the gigantic strides towards the comforts we enjoy in Australia to-day.

Mrs Murray lived for 93 years and died in Sydney NSW. The late Mrs. Murray was one of the great band of pioneering women who stuck to their menfolk right through, enduring all hardships consistent with early settlement, and suffering many difficulties arising from the absence of the amenities of civilisation.

MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. (1939, April 28). The Sydney Morning Herald.

Glen Barra: The name of the late Adam Park, and of the family property, Glen Barra, have been associated with Manilla since the days of the early development of the district. Glen Barra was selected in the early 1860s, and for the past 75 years has been in the possession of the Adam Park family. Owing to the death of Mr Park, Glen Barra is to be sold next week, and, although this will probably mean the severing of the Park family association with the property, they will still be well represented in the district with Dunmore, Lowrie, Kirkconnell, Springmount, and Braemar stations.

Station Sold: (1950, February 17) Singleton Argus. One of the largest sales of station property in northern NSW for some time has just been sold by the stock and station department of Richardson and Wrench Ltd., Sydney, in conjunction with Lowcock and King, of Tamworth, selling Glen Barra Station, in the Manilla district, a noted wool growing and breeding property, consisting of 16,705 acres for the Permanent Trustee Co., of New South Wales Ltd., and Mrs. M. G. Park, as trustees of the estate of the late Mr Park to a newly formed company, Glen Barra Pastoral Co. Pty. Ltd., and Messrs. R. A. Gale and E. H. Carter.

The Manilla Express – 11th June 1926

“LATE MR ADAM PARK - The local Presbyterian Church was packed on Sunday morning last when an In Memoriam service was held in connection with the death of the late Mr. Adam Park. The service was conducted by the Rev J. B. -Thorn, assisted by Rev E. N. McKie, B.A., an old friend of Mr Park, who came from Guyra specially for the purpose The address was delivered by Mr. McKie, who paid an eloquent tribute to the memory of the deceased gentleman. The speaker said that the late Mr. Park was born near New Cumnock in Scotland, and was brought up in a home where simple piety held sway, and in a district hallowed by memories of the Covenanters.

Upon arrival in Australia, as a young man, he went on to the land, when the paths of the settler were surrounded by difficulties and dangers. All these he overcame and he became a successful pioneer. His success was chiefly due to that indomitable spirit which could neither conceive of or admit defeat. As a pioneer, the late Mr Park, before settling finally in New England district, helped to blaze the track in some of the unexplored parts of Queensland.

He was of the type justly termed nation builders. As a citizen the deceased was honoured and be loved by all who knew him, and especially by those of his own household. As a parent, husband and friend he was one of those who did good for goodness’s sake, and sets before others a high ideal of true manhood. He was also a most loyal and true church member, and did a great deal, for the advancement of the interests of the Presbyterian Church in this district. To all deserving charities he was a generous supporter.

In conclusion Mr. McKie said that the unavoidable sadness consequent upon Mr Park' passing was almost eliminated by the contemplation of his full and noble life.

The large congregation included every one of the late Mr. Park's fifteen children and many grandchildren, and also, in addition to members of the congregation, a number of prominent district citizens who attended to pay a last token of respect to one of whom Manilla and district is justly proud.”

Remembering these Local Identities were Important Pioneers involved in the Future Development of Manilla NSW Australia and Australia. They laid the foundations for Manilla’s future development and their determination made it possible for our present generation to enjoy the public amenities they share.

The Manilla Tigers Rugby League Football Club.

The Manilla Tigers Rugby League Football Club was formed in 1917-18 after “Dally” Messenger, aged 34, and wife Annie, came to Manilla to take over the licence of the Royal Hotel. He introduced the new code of Rugby League to the local Union players.

Previous to his arrival in Manilla, Dally married Annie Maud Macaulay (Carroll) on the 14th October 1911 in Sydney, owner of the Albion Hotel, which they managed together from 1911 to 1917. During this time Dally retired from competitive club and representative rugby league.

In Manilla it became a difficult job to establish Rugby League as Rugby Union had remained solid in Manilla for many years. Plus, there were not many men available and some were enlisted into World War 1. Dally rounded up Jack Hiscox, Roy Blanch, Frank and Norman Chapman, Jack Munro, Ivan Miller and others, and played on the “Half Holiday” Wednesday. The half-holiday was created because local business traded for long hours and had agreed to close down for half a day mid-week.

In early 1918 the team travelled to a knockout competition in Tamworth and were successful in many matches. Beating Quirindi 10 to 6 and Tamworth 14 to nil. This started the successful Manilla Tigers Rugby League Club for the years to come.

After Dally’s illustrious career playing for Eastern Suburbs in 1908, 1910-1913 (50 matches); NSW in 1908, 1910-1913 (23 matches); Australia 1908-1910 (38 matches); New Zealand 1907-08 (30 matches); Metropolis 1908 1910-1912 (6 matches); Kangaroos 1909. 1910-1917 (5 matches); Australasia 1910 (2 matches); Australia X111 1912 (1 match); QLD 1908 (1 match), his time in Manilla was undoubtably a positive outlet for Dally, and the players of Manilla, within the camaraderie of the Manilla Tigers Rugby League Football Club.

In late 1918, a tragedy in Dally’s life occurred. Both he and his wife caught pneumonic influenza, when it swept Australia and took the lives of thousands. Dally survived but his wife Annie died and was buried in Manilla cemetery. Their son was four years old at the time. In August 1919 they left the Royal Hotel and returned to Sydney.

In Sydney Dally worked as a carpenter with the Department of Public Works. On the 1st September 1922 he married Annie Elizabeth Thurecht. Dally was a non-smoker, and did not drink alcohol until well after his football days. In his last years he lived at the Leagues' Club, Phillip Street.

Dally was a typical working-class Australian, who became famous through sporting prowess and saw the world, but kept little of the money which he made. Dally Messenger was Rugby League's first and greatest hero and he brought this excellence to Manilla in 1917 and created the Manilla Tigers Rugby League Club.

In Manilla NSW 2015, the Unveiling of the Dally M Messenger Plaque occurred at the Royal Hotel Manilla.

Some present at the unveiling were Neville “Nifty” Glover (who played winger for Parramatta and 2 tests for Australia), John Quayle (born and bred in Manilla, who played for Eastern Suburbs and later became General Manager of the NSW Rugby League), Dally Messenger 111 and Ken Messenger, grandsons of the original Rugby Superstar, Cameron Dally Messenger, great-grandson of the original Dally, and Trevor Hatch, president of the Manilla Men of League. Also present were Genevieve Messenger, great granddaughter of Dally, and Tom Cocking, current proprietor of the Royal Hotel. (see picture)

The plaque was fixed to the outside wall of the Royal Hotel. The ceremony had been organised by the Men of League under Trevor Hatch and Tom and Vicki Cocking (current proprietors of the Royal Hotel).

After the unveiling the sixty plus attendees adjourned to the Royal Hotel to celebrate with convivial drinks, where later in the evening a dinner was planned to mark the event.

Dally died in Gunnedah during a visit on 24th November 1959 aged 76. He was buried in the Anglican cemetery, Botany, Sydney and is survived by his only son.

The Dally M Awards are the official annual player awards for the National Rugby League competition and named in honour of Australian former rugby league great, Herbert Henry “Dally” Messenger.

As well as honouring the player of the year, who receive the Dally M Medal, awards are also given to the premier player in each position, the best coach, the best captain, representative player of the year and the most outstanding rookie of the season.

The awards were introduced in 1979 by News Limited with the ex-gratia permission of the Messenger family. As sports historian Ian Heads wrote, “In 1940, the Truth newspaper profiled Dally’s career and life in a 14-part series, with the paper calling him “the greatest player of all time - a genius of Rugby football of either code. Around him the code of rugby league in Australia was built. Without Messenger’s magical appeal, there would be no league, and without Dally there may well have been no rugby league at all.”

The Manilla Tigers Rugby League Football Club and the Manilla Community, give thanks to Dally M. Messenger, for their inception into the world of Rugby League.

The Manilla Express – 1899-2023 – 124 years of Journalism for the Community of Manilla.

The Manilla Express was founded by Arthur Vincent on behalf of the Vincent family in 1899, and has been going to print on a continual basis since that first published day on January 14th 1899.

The first edition was printed in premises opposite the Manilla Court House and soon after the business was set up in new brick premises opposite the first Mechanic’s Institute building. It was not long before the offices and printing machinery was moved to a two-storey premises on the south-western side of Manilla Street. This building was destroyed by fire in 1919. Fortunately, all published copies of the Manilla Express remained intact.

A report by the Tamworth Observer in 1898 states that “Vincent and Co., proprietors of the Glen Innes Examiner, have purchased the ‘Deepwater Miner’ at auction for 68 pounds, whereas the firm intends setting the plant up at Manilla and establishing a weekly newspaper to be known as the Manilla Express.” (68 pounds is about $8,000 today)

On January 14th 1899, the first issue of the Manilla Express was published. The publisher being Henry Cleave Vincent, and editor Arthur E. Vincent. The company established their subscription pa rate and advertising rates, and fifty years on these charges have only slightly changed.

Two years later, in 1901, Henry C. Vincent sold his interest in the Express to his son Cleave Vincent, while Arthur Vincent retired as editor and that position was taken over by Cleave. Seven years later Cleave took over the editorship of the Glen Innes Examiner and left Manilla. His cousin, Cecil Vincent, took his place as editor of the Express. Cleave returned to Manilla in 1914 and resumed control of the paper which in the subsequent years had been procured by T. A. Wilson, of Tamworth.

Five years later, in 1919, T. A. Wilson sold the Express to A. R. Macleod. Cleave Vincent remained as editor until 1923 when he left Manilla. Alton Macleod became the editor, introduced a linotype to set up the paper, until a new machine was purchased in 1948. Alton (Mac) continued with the Express publications for nearly 30 years until he sold the business to G. A. Grieves in 1947.

In 1962 Peter Martin and wife Audrey became the new proprietors of the Express where it remained in the Martin family for 60 years. When son John finished his schooling, he began working with the Express and in 2000 John and his wife Jane bought the Express Newspaper when his parents retired. They operated the Newspaper for the next 23 years until 2023.


Alton was born in 1887 at Clear View, Richmond River, NSW, and is the eldest son of native-born parents William Alexander Macleod, farmer, and his wife Augusta Caroline, née Hermann. Alton left North Codrington Public School at the age of 13 to help on his father's mixed farm. Apprenticed to a coach smith at Lismore in 1903, he transferred to a Mullumbimby firm in the following year. From 1907 he worked in Queensland at mining-fields on the Atherton Tableland and the Roper River, but suffered a bout of malaria which affected his health thereafter.

While employed at the Hambledon sugar-mill in 1908, Alton attended the mill's night-school where he was tutored by an old journalist and began using the pseudonym “Magpie.” He had a string of contributions published by the Bulletin and from May 1909 he studied privately in Sydney until his health again broke down.

He joined Massey-Harris Co. Ltd to supervise experiments with a new harvesting machine. After giving a demonstration at Manilla NSW, he decided to settle in the district and bought the local Massey-Harris agency in 1911.

On 18th June 1913 Alton married Lily Hall in her father's home at Gunnedah, and they had three children: Marion Lily, Douglas and Effie Jean.

Having conducted the agency profitably, in January 1919 Macleod bought the Manilla Express, a bi-weekly newspaper which he edited from October 1923. Alton was an executive-member (1920-39) and president (1933-34) of the NSW Country Press Association, and a vice-president (1933-36) of the Australian Provincial Press Association.

In 1919 Macleod had been elected to the Manilla Municipal Council. He served as an alderman (1919-21 and 1926-50) and mayor (1930-34 and 1942-50). He was an initiator of the town's sewerage, water and beautification schemes, including the centre gardens in Manilla Street, and was active in more than a score of community organizations, including the Parents and Citizens' Association, hospital board, show committee and Caledonian Society.

Alton is also the author of “The Transformation of Manellae – a History of Manilla,” published in 1949.


In the late 1890s, Arthur Vincent was one of a group of miners working the diggings at Crow Mountain. Crow Mountain is North East of Manilla about 30klms away.

He had been an avid fossicker since retreating from everyday life for some solitude, following the death of his eldest son in 1880. After his solitude at Crow Mountain, he travelled south to Manilla and started to set up the Manilla Express.

His brother Henry Cleave was persuaded to provide finance for the initial setup, and with the purchase of plant from the “Deep Water Miner,” for 68 pounds ($8,000 today), this allowed the printing of the first Manilla Express issue in 1899.

Arthur had previously worked with his brother Henry on the “Glen Innes Examiner” between 1875-1883, and now concentrated on establishing the Manilla Express for the benefit of Manilla district.

He used his columns in the newspaper asking for support towards newer initiatives in Manilla, using new common-sense solutions for community problems. Within a few months Arthur had initiated a campaign against the prickly pear; advocated for support to create a town band and lobbied for the building of the School of Arts Hall. He also advocated a need for a hospital to be built in Manilla; the formation of a Pastoral and Agricultural society; and for a Local Government Incorporation.

To demonstrate his commitment the Manilla Express was upgraded to a larger format with the claim: “We are endeavouring to live up to our motto – Advance.”

In September 1899, Henry Cleave Vincent Junior arrived in Manilla from Glen Innes and the following month was operating the Manilla Express. Cleave followed in his fathers and uncles’ footsteps and devoted his time to the Manilla Express incorporating for the progress of the Manilla district.

Three years later he bought the Manilla Express from his father Henry, and employed his brothers Stuart and Cecil. A year later he employed his brother Astley.

In 1906 the Manilla Express went twice weekly, and three years later Vincent Printers established a paper at Deep Water. Deep Water is just north of Glen Innes – 200 kilometres from Manilla.

In 1909 Henry C. Vincent (father) leased the Glen Innes Examiner to Mr. Powter, and remained there until Powter was ready to take up as editor – in 1914.

Between 1908 and 1914 Cleave Vincent had sold his interest in the Manilla Express to T. A. Wilson, a partner in the Snowcloud Flour Mill, and in 1919, Wilson sold the business to Mr A. R. Macleod. Cleave remained at the Express as editor for nine years up until 1923.

Henry Cleave Vincent Jnr vision for Manilla was undeniably towards community advancement, with passionate causes being the division of land for closer settlement, and the building of the railway toward Boggabri (Boggabri is 75 kilometres west of Manilla).

Without the Vincent Family the Manilla Express would not have been created in 1899. They advanced Manilla towards a better future via their newspaper articles and commitment towards community involvement to achieve their goals and the community at large.

This same pattern followed when Mr A. R. Macleod purchased the Manilla Express in 1919, and later, in 1962, when Peter Martin and wife Audrey became the new proprietors of the Express. When son John finished school, he began working at the Express and in 2000 John and his wife Jane bought the Manilla Express when his parents retired. They operated the Newspaper for the next 23 years.

While Arthur, Cleave and Cecil were establishing the Manilla Express during the years 1899-1923, a man by the name of John Hammill came to Manilla from Cowra in 1911 and founded Manilla’s 2nd newspaper, called “The Manilla Field,” and it ran successfully until 1919. During 1919 a fire destroyed The Manilla Field and Hammill’s Printery.

John died in 1926 and left a 45-year legacy in the newspaper industry – The Broken Hill Times, The Marrickville Review, The Eagle Printing Company, The Albury Banner, The Coolamon and Ganmain Farmers Review, The Corowa Chronicle, and The Cowra Guardian.

* THE VINCENT FAMILY HISTORY from the Early 1800s *

Before Arthur Vincent started the Manilla Express in 1899 the Vincent family had been involved in Journalism since 1839 in England, where Henry Vincent, in his early 20s, was associated with “The Cartists” political party, and went to prison in the 1840s, in the advocacy of such principles. Henry had conducted a small unstamped paper called “The Western Vindicator,” and was issued with the purpose of advocating the social and political principles which he had supported.

Henry’s father was a gold and silversmith in London and lived in prosperous circumstances belonging to the better class.

When Henry reached the age of eight, his father’s misfortune in business led to the removal of the Vincents from London to Hull. Henry had little schooling. By the time he was eleven years old he was doing something towards earning his living by being apprenticed to a printer in 1828.

His father died a year later, leaving a wife and six children, with Henry being the eldest. Henry was devoted to books, and took advantage of every hour of leisure to read a variety, including Shakespeare.

After Henrys release from prison in the 1840s, he married a daughter of John Cleave, printer and bookseller in Fleet Street London. The young couple settled down at Bath and occupied themselves with the publication of “The Vindicator.” Later he came into a small independence through the death of a relative and devoted himself more to lecturing. His aptitude as a speaker created an influence over his audiences. His lectures were very popular in England and he toured the United States on a couple of occasions, being well received before he died in 1879.

Prior to this, in 1844, Edward Roe, Edward W. Vincent, James Muir, G. Fellingham and Thos. W. McKenzie were in New Zealand and published the “Wellington Independent.”

Henry M. Vincent, a son of one of the three brothers, became editor of the “Christchurch Sun.” Edward W. Vincent, then travelled to NSW and established the “Clarence Examiner” at Grafton.

Four of his sons, Henry, Frank W., Arthur and William, followed in their father’s footsteps. Henry and Frank owned “The Armidale Chronicle,” until the partnership was dissolved. Henry went to Glen Innes and established the “Examiner,” and Frank came to Uralla and established the “Times” in 1876.

Arthur established the “Moree and Gwyder Examiner,” and afterwards the “Manilla Express,” in 1899.


The following is an excerpt from this newspaper article, written by Vinne Todd. The Manilla Express owners and editors are John and Jane Martin.

The couple agreed that after more than half a century of sweating it out to supply the readers of Manilla and surrounding districts with news and information, it was time to stop, take a deep breath, see more of the grandkids, do some caravanning, spend more quality time on their acres in the Barraba area, and basically smell the roses.

If new owners don’t emerge, today’s edition will spell the end of an era of print media in the small town, and close the pages on a popular weekly that swung open its doors and became The Voice of Manilla way back in January 1899.

The Express has been a huge part of John Martin’s life. His dad Peter Martin became its editor under owner George Greaves back in 1960. Then two years later, Peter and wife Audrey became the new proprietors. On completing his education in Manilla, John joined the ranks of the Express as a compositor where he remained, learning the ropes of the newspaper industry until 2000 when he and wife Jane purchased the business from his parents following their retirement.

Since social media came along, many things have changed or gone backwards.

John said, “Newspapers record history, and without its paper, Manilla will be without history anymore. Social media is here now, but gone this afternoon. Nothing’s kept. Most of our old papers are kept in the local museum – it even has a special darkened room for anyone wishing to look up articles. I remember back in the day when people would be seating if we were late with delivery or they’d be lined up along the street waiting for our doors to open. And photos were taken with a camera using film which had to be developed, then we moved onto digital cameras, now phones are used.”

And you don’t really know where the Express is going to turn up. Years ago, during the Vietnam War, we’d send a copy each week over to local serviceman Max Drain, who’d pass it around for all his mates to read.

While John spent many decades learning the print profession, Jane gained her work ethics via helping out on her family’s farm outside Manilla before joining the staff of Australia Post, then becoming the local mail lady for many years before joining the Express in 2000.

“That was a big year for us, going from hot metal printing on site to the start of computerisation where it’s now sent away. Though I do notice on Facebook now where a lot of people are becoming more interested in the older style of printing – hot metal, the old presses and fonts etc,” Jane said.

Like any successful business, the Express has endured ups and downs.

“You had to be a bush mechanic to keep the presses maintained. We’ve been pretty lucky over the years though, and have never missed an issue – perhaps late a couple of times. The system though did get hacked earlier this year, taking months to fix.”

The Express currently boasts an updated computer and program system – though Jane likes to joke that John still prefers to use his old Mac.

“The paper must go out – I even remember the birth of our Nat (daughter) – the Express came first on that occasion too,” she joked.

While John, who is a member of the local NSW Fire & Rescue, and Jane (involved in the local Manilla Matters body and on the Manilla Show Committee) are looking forward to the next chapter in their lives, they are passionate about finding someone willing to continue in their footsteps – “for the sake of the town.”

“Newspapers are a good way of getting you involved in the community, and we’d like to see someone take it on – perhaps younger people with a knowledge of both the old and new techniques. The computers and programming are all ready to go, and the paper’s been a big part of Manilla for a long time. We’re one of the oldest businesses in Manilla, and one of the few remaining independent newspapers in the country,” John said.


M. C. Mackenzie & Sons Pty. Ltd., Merchants and Importers, became a great commercial force, financially and influentially.

Part 1.

The first M. C. Mackenzie and Sons store opened in Aberdeen, NSW in 1863. A hundred years later they had stores at Deepwater, Glen Innes, Manilla, Barraba and Upper Horton; Mackenzie Motors at Manilla and Glen Innes and the Glen Innes Brick and Tile Company.

In 1863 a young Scotsman named Murdo Cameron Mackenzie opened a store at Aberdeen NSW (Aberdeen is south of Manilla near Muswellbrook, about a 2-hour drive). He is noted by A. R. Macleod, in his book, “The Transformation of Manellae,” as “A man of vision, courage, ability and initiative.”

His business ventures prospered and often supplied goods to teamsters trading to towns north of Manilla. Teamsters are horse drawn carts that travelled the vast Australian countryside supplying a variety of goods to businesses in the 1800s (similar to Bullock Trains but with horses).

M. C. Mackenzie arrived in Manilla in 1876, when this era was known as “The-Wild-Old-Days, where everyman was a law unto himself,” (A. R. Macleod)

Mackenzie’s first manager was Francis Mackenzie, a brother of M. C. Mackenzie, and operated within a wooden building with a residence. The building was situated opposite George Veness’ store in Market Street. This business went through hard times and in 1886, just after the Manilla bridge was built Francis Mackenzie died. The manager’s position was taken up by Alfred Stafford, a brother-in-law of Murdo C. Mackenzie, who carried on the business for nearly 10 years, before he was succeeded in 1895 by Frank S. Mackenzie, the 19-year-old son of M. C. Mackenzie.

Frank was a determined young man and made responsible for establishing the firm on a sound commercial basis.  Just before he took over, an area of land was purchased in Manilla Street, where a galvanised iron building had been built. This building was later replaced by a large wooden one-story building, which was destroyed by fire in 1914. However, in the same year, Frank, at 37 years of age, wasn’t deterred and travelled to Glen Innes and established another branch of the business. He stayed in Glen Innes, and the Manilla business was then managed by his brother, D. M. Mackenzie. Frank stayed in Glen Innes, until his death in 1946. Glenn Innes is north east of Manilla, about a 3-hour drive.

After the Manilla fire in 1914, a more modern designed large building was built and M. C. Mackenzie’s expanded and flourished. Until 1927, when another fire destroyed the business a second time (articles coming up soon).

From the ashes of 1927 arose the now present magnificent building premises, which cover an area of 180 feet frontage and with a corresponding depth. A total of 32,000 square feet or nearly 10,000 square metre, or 10 quarter acre blocks of land.

The new building was built with glass frontage, where the interior housed every imaginable department, with every need for the population of Manilla and district.

A. R. Macleod notes in his book that D. M. Mackenzie was a man of unique personality, peculiarly adapted to conducting a business so closely allied to the affairs of landmen; often filling the role of adviser and semi-banker; often taking the responsibility of giving a “second chance” to men fallen by the financial wayside. He actively engaged in grain and jute trading on a large scale (Jute was an export material demanded by South East Asia). During his administration the firm actively engaged in wheat buying and for a time conducted a flour mill.

Jute is a natural Fiber that comes from plants belonging to the genus Corchorus. It is a soft, shiny, and long Fiber that can be spun into strong, coarse threads. It is second to cotton in production and sometimes called the golden Fiber. It can be used for making products like rope, bags, and fabric and it is also an edible leafy vegetable

The founder of the Mackenzie firm, Murdo C. Mackenzie, died in 1908 and his wife died in 1921. They had a family of four sons: F. S. and D. M. Mackenzie; Dr. A. J. and Dr. J. Mackenzie; and two daughters, Catherine and Jeanie Mackenzie. All were associated with the firm’s interests. Grandson J. C. became involved in the Manilla business.

After Dr. J. Mackenzie completed his medical course, he was appointed manager of the Sydney University cricket team touring Melbourne and Adelaide, as well as playing matches against universities in those capitals.

After Mrs M. C. Mackenzie died in 1921 her obituary stated: “Mrs. Mackenzie, relict of the late Mr. M. C. Mackenzie, of Aberdeen and Manilla, in her 76th year. The late Mrs. Mackenzie was identified with the oldest and best-knowledge of our Upper Hunter families, and was held in the highest respect and affection throughout the district, just as she was in Manilla and Glen Innes, where members of the family, contemporaneous with their removal from Aberdeen, opened extensive business undertakings. The good old lady, who will be fondly remembered by her many kindly actions in this district, was a sister, of Mr. J. D. Stafford, of Scone, whose own health has been so impaired of late. She was also the mother of the late Dr. John Mackenzie, whose lamented demise barely a fortnight since. Other surviving children being: Mr. F. S. Mackenzie (Glen Innes), Dr. A. J. Mackenzie (Glen Innes), Mr. D. M. Mackenzie (Manilla), and Misses Jeanie and Katie Mackenzie (Manilla).”

In 1926 Mackenzie’s opened branches at Deepwater and at Barraba and Upper Horton (1937). Deepwater is near Glenn Innes, north east of Manilla near the QLD border and Upper Horton is north of Manilla, about an hour away. Barraba is north also, half an hour away.

Just previous to this year, about 1923-24, the post-war growing motor industry encouraged M. C. Mackenzie and Co., Glen Innes to sell Morris passenger and commercial vehicles. A brick workshop was erected at the rear of the store premises and the “showroom” was the Machinery Department window in Bourke Street.

It is reported that a keen salesman once sold a Morris Tourer by demonstrating the freedom from engine vibration - with a tumbler of water balanced on the radiator cap. Plymouth was later added to the agency and it was in 1937 that the firm was offered the General Motors franchise.

A new company, Mackenzie Motors Pty Ltd was formed, and purchased the garage business on the corner of Grey and Wentworth Streets (Glen Innes) conducted by the late J. W. Kennedy. The building was enlarged and added to until 1963. Mackenzie also operated a Holden showroom in Manilla.

The new company had hardly settled down to business when World War II dried up the sale of vehicles, parts, petrol etc.

In 1962 the Mackenzie company was presented with a bronze plaque by General Motors Holden Ltd., to mark the completion of 25 years’ continuous association. Titled: “100 Years of Progress, 1863 – 1963 – M. C. Mackenzie and Sons Pty Ltd. A Centenary Souvenir.”

* FIRE - Manilla NSW – Mackenzie Store: In September 1927 a fire destroyed the Mackenzie Store with estimated damages of 50,000 pounds (today $5 million) (this story coming up soon).

* LOOKING BACK – 1907 - In the very early years, The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, in 1907, reported: “M. C. Macenzie and Sons, Ltd, Manilla NSW, are the Universal Providers in the Tamworth-Manilla District.”

The Article reads: “M. C. Mackenzie and Sons. Ltd., justly claim to be the universal providers of the fine promising district of which the thriving town of Manilla is the centre. The splendid buildings and fine plate-glass windows would do credit to a much larger city. The visitor notices at once the neatness of each department.

Order and method are conspicuous everywhere. The cash tramway is installed (otherwise known as a Cash-Carrier, transporting money from the sales point to a secure cash office, whereas change is catapulted back to the sales point) and telephonettes bring all departments into touch with the central office. There are cash registers and computing scales; and the Lux light is installed both inside and outside the building. Indeed, the most modern methods are brought to bear in the conduct of this big business. It is not surprising, therefore, that in a very short time the principal trade for many miles around has fallen into the hands of Mackenzie and Sons, and the circle is ever widening. All the pastoral holdings, and the leading farmers and prominent men, both in Manilla and Barraba, secure their requirements from this store. This would not be so were it not that they have found goods just as cheap and as reliable as those sent from the metropolis.

The firm themselves are large importers, and all goods stocked are of superior quality. It is thus that the business, which now stands alone has been built up. The progress of the firm has been remarkable. It was established in 1876 by Mr. Frank Mackenzie, and at his death Mr. M. C. Mackenzie took it over. A few years ago, it was formed into a company, of which Mr. Frank Mackenzie (a son of Mr. M. C. Mackenzie) is managing director at Manilla. Although a young man, he is possessed of keen business acumen. When he first came to Manilla, he and a boy were sufficient to make up the daily orders. Now 40 hands are busily employed, and the greater portion of each week they are working overtime in order to keep abreast of the business. This is particularly so in the busy season, when teams bringing in wheat have to be loaded on the return journey with supplies in an incredibly short period of time, and goods are taken 60 miles back. This year business has shown an all-round improvement, and three weeks ago the firm established a record for the largest turnover in one day.

In addition to a fine district connection, a large quantity of goods finds their way to Barraba, while in Manilla itself four vehicles are in constant use. The Manilla district is principally interested in growing wheat, and it is only natural, therefore, that M. C. Mackenzie and Sons should provide large buyers of the cereal.

Farmers throughout the district much prefer to sell on the spot rather than risk the additional charges for carriage to Sydney, where the price realised is often below the local quotation. More wheat is bought by M. G. Mackenzie and Sons than any half-dozen other firms.

Over 70,000 bags have so far been secured, and all for spot cash, and more is daily coming forward. At the station are fine wheat sheds, with an enormous carrying capacity.

Returning to the shop, let us inspect some of the principal departments. Those devoted to drapery, millinery, and clothing occupy an extensive portion of the premises, and contain every household requisite in soft goods and wearing apparel suitable for ladies or gentlemen. The large and well assorted stocks are attractively displayed in the style of city houses. The millinery showroom occupies the lower end of the department, and is surrounded by show-cases containing the latest styles in artistic millinery. The dressmaking department employs a large staff.

The ironmongery (hardware) section is an important one in the country. Under this head quotations are given for miles of wire netting and fencing wire. Big supplies are kept of roofing iron. All builders' materials and furnishing ironmongery, blacksmiths' tools, painters' materials, woolpacks, and pastoral requirements of every description. Farm saddlery is stocked, also crockery and general necessaries for housekeeping, ornaments, and kitchen goods. Mention must be made of a fine display of table and pocket cutlery, also E.P. ware. The firm do a very big business in guns and cartridges, both of which they import from leading American and English firms.

The machinery building is worthy of inspection. It is a leading branch of the business, and the firm claims to do the largest turnover in the north. Mr. G. J. Saunders, who has charge, was for years principal representative in the north for the Clyde Engineering Company. He is an expert, and in travelling through the country places his knowledge at the service of squatters and farmers.

The firm are very large distributors of Sunshine harvesters, and amongst other leading agencies controlled by them are: The Clyde Engineering Company's goods, Toowoomba Foundry, Southern Cross windmills. John Danks and Sons, pumps, etc; Buzacott and Co., separators and dairy requisites. W. and A. Macarthur, Blackstone oil and Clayton and Shuttleworth's steam engines. Plans and estimates are freely supplied for every class of farm machinery, and windmills, etc, are erected under the direct supervision of Mr. Saunders.

Of the other departments mention must be made of the grocery, where heavy stocks of all leading lines are carried, including produce. The tea supplied by the firm is imported by them and blended by experts in Sydney, and carries their own brands. It has an excellent reputation throughout the district, and finds a ready sale.

Proprietary medicines are stocked, also large quantities of artistic stationery. The boot and shoe department is another shop doing a big turnover, and the stock carried is larger than that carried by most of the Sydney houses.

To replenish stocks in the various departments, a big bulk store, has been erected. It is close upon 150ft long and 50ft wide, and its carrying capacity is always taxed to the utmost. It may therefore be seen that the firm are justly entitled to their claim of universal providers throughout the district.”

* Conclusion: Mackenzies Department Store in Manilla was unquestionably a popular large store that provided a vast range of products suitable for the whole Manilla community. As a testament to its popularity, we only have to look at the many employees working at Mackenzies in the 1960s – in excess of 40. Just looking at that number, the town of Manilla clearly prospered with a growth that was palpable with the energy within the Manilla Community during those times. With a population of nearly 3000 people in the 1960s, there was a vibe of external activity that made the town what it is today.  

Manilla and Mackenzie’s Early 1960s

Manilla in the early 1960s was a vibrant community participating in a diverse range of activities, partly due to the influx of people for the Keepit Dam construction but also as a town that offered facilities and employment. Where affordable homes were built across the township from the mid to late 1950s into the 1960s.

Just 25 years earlier the Manilla Street Gardens were constructed, and Manilla’s Water Installation to the main town was completed in 1933.  Sewerage Installation to the main town came later, and was completed in 1953, Southbrook 12 years later, and North Manilla in 2000. Before this, outdoor dunnies were the norm. A home in 1966 could be purchased for $1600.00 (today $25,000).

On July 12th 1967, Manilla was given its postcode 2346, and mail was delivered by push bike, whilst telephonists operated the telephone exchange. Manilla’s communication network was established, and this provided the necessities for a simple and solid existence.

The Beatles music arrived in town through 45 rpm records and the young people revelled in this music revolution. While the three R's were rigorously ruled at the public school the entertainment was 45 rpm records and the Palais theatre. In 1962 we heard from Tommy Roe, Del Shannon, Neil Sedaka, and Chubby Checker. Followed by 1963; where the Beatles entered musical minds with their own Beatles Revolution. Included in this Revolution were the Four Seasons, Lesley Gore and more.

At Mackenzies there was a full staff of 40 plus, providing the necessary products for the Manilla Community to enjoy – even Beatle socks.

The Staff posed proudly in 1963 for an Historic 1963 Photograph.

Back: Des Cooke, Bernie Christman, Tom Brady, Murray Glover, Bruce Cocking, Ron Arnold, Les Reid, Keith Carter, Paul Budden.

4th Row: Don Hodgkinson, Owen Taylor, Cec Woolaston, Jim Skelly, Frank O’Neill, Dudley Rush, Ross Martin, Howard (Plug) Martin, Bert Hiscox, Ernie Way.

3rd Row: Robert Hoad, Miss E. Kable, Janice O’Toole, Dianne Chapman, Wendy Coote, Rene Finlan, Miss Hill, Joy Connolly, Betty White.

2nd Row: Shirley O’Mullane, Carlene O’Brien, Dawn Hiscox, Helen Maunder, Helen Bushby, Pauline Dutton, Gwen Adamson, Bridget Cummins.

1st Row: John Costelloe, Ted Taylor, David Ridgewell, Robert Faulkner, Neville Jolliffe, Tony Cocking, Bill Beale.

Manilla in the 1950s-1960s was undergoing a growth era, bringing a diverse and active community to the district, and Mackenzie’s definitely played their part in this growth.

The Manilla Mackenzie’s Store Fires in 1914 and 1927; and their Furniture Store Fire in 1912.

The M. C. Mackenzie Store fire in Friday 13th March 1914 occurred shortly after the Royal Hotel fire in January 1914. The previous year the Mechanics Institute burnt down in October 1913 - on the other side of M. C. Mackenzie’s. Mackenzie’s escapes these two fires on those occasions.

* The Manilla Express Newspaper Report, on the 14th February 1914, provides a vivid description of the fire.


The Fire Fiend has wrought another terrible disaster on Manilla. Between 1 and 2 o’clock yesterday, Friday the 13th, Mackenzie and Sons was totally destroyed.

The cause of the disaster is as serious as other fires which have occurred here recently.

The fire was discovered by Mr J. Bettison who resides in Rowan Street. He was awakened by his dog. On getting up to ascertain the cause he saw a glare through the pepper trees. He raised the alarm, and made all haste to the scene. Soon a crowd of hurriedly-clad people gathered at the place. The flames had already established a firm hold at the back, near the bulk grocery side, and were fiercely flashing through the main provision department. It was quite devastating. As the fire gathered force, the crackling hissing sounds rose louder and louder through the night air. The reports of cartridges and other explosive materials added to the terrifying effect of the awful spectacle.

With the crashing of the extra-large plate and the falling of red-hot iron and debris as each big department succumbed, the noises increased. Volumes of sparks were belched into the air for a remarkable distance and this sight added to an impressive but terrible spectacle.

In two hours, quarter of an acre of smouldering ruins and distorted iron was all that remained of a busy and enterprising establishment.

The damage must be, in round figures, 20000 pounds (about $2million today). The insurance on building and stock amounted to 16,500 pounds in the Royal Insurance Co.

The vicious vanquishing flames fairly leapt though the building, from well filled department to well filled department, devouring at every breath, pounds and pounds worth of valuable goods. It was painful to see the sacrifice, and to and to feel that man was powerless. The fine premises – which had been masterfully and marvellously saved on two occasions during the past four months from fires on either side – were doomed, fast dwindling to smouldering ruins. The flames were terrific and clouds of sparks rose to a great height and travelled a considerable distance.

The newer portion of the premises has only been completed a comparatively short time. The building was right up to-date, with a massive plate glass front, and every departmental convenience. This portion of the building was built last year at a cost of over 4000 pounds ($400,000 today) The progressive firm had just completed arrangements for the completion of the complete building scheme by bringing the southern portion of the building into line with the new.

Messrs. F. S. Mackenzie, managing director, and Mr D. M. Mackenzie, received a staggering blow to find an expanding business establishment, in which so much enterprise and zeal had been displayed for years, levelled in this way within a few hours.

When the higher portions of the parapet wall fell out, they struck the wall of the Mechanics’ Institute, left standing since the fire there in October last, and caused it to collapse.

There were 27 hands employed in the business.

A little boy away over at West Manilla dreamt that Mackenzie’s store was on fire, He awoke with a start, and sitting up saw the glare. He cried out to his father. The reality of the dream quite upset the little chap for a time.

* MACKENZIE’S FIRE IN MANILLA 1927 – Featured in the Manilla Express Friday 23rd September 1927

Headline: MANILLA FEATURED - Under glaring headlines and accompanied by a photo of the town fire bell, Manilla was specially featured in the “Daily Telegraph” the other day. Stating that when a fire broke out Manilla had a hectic time.

The paper states: The fire bell was lying in the gutter when the fire was reported. So, one man held it up while another rang it.

An onlooker at a recent fire at Manilla was struck by the crudeness of the fire-fighting apparatus.

After the bell had been rung the firemen had to get into action. The pump does not belong to the town fire brigade, but has to be borrowed on every occasion from a local firm of storekeepers. It was borrowed.

Then there was the question of a water supply. It had to be brought from the river nearby and to carry the tanks for first motor lorry that came along was requisitioned for this purpose.

The onlooker says: “Consequently there are not many saved.” He wonders whether the local Municipal Council or the Fire Commissioners are to blame.

* The 1927 Fire Featured in the Manilla Express Friday 23rd September 1927.


At 9.30am on Wednesday night M. C. Mackenzie and Sons, Ltd., Emporium in Manilla Street was totally destroyed by fire. The loss will be in the vicinity of 50,000 pounds ($5 million today)

The huge building with its 20,000 square feet of floor space was the most imposing edifice in the town and was erected in 1914. The firm carried large stocks of merchandise.

The fire started near the office and when discovered this section of the building was well alight. Firefighting machines soon played water on the flames and for a time the fire fighters gained the upper hand. Then the water supply gave out and the flames gained rapidly.

In the premises was installed an automatic sprinkler. This was turned on and worked well. For a few minutes the fire appeared to be under control. Had a water supply been available at this stage the building might have been saved.

Checked only for a few minutes by the sprinklers, the flames soon gained the roof of the building. A light Northerly wind assisted the fire which spread with great rapidity and soon enveloped the whole building.

As the fire spread the wind increased. With a roar, section after section of the roof fell in. Once there was a big explosion and it was thought that a petrol bowser had blown up.

The flames leapt hundreds of feet into the air and the heat was terrific. Just as it appeared certain that the Royal Hotel must go also, the wind suddenly changed from North to South. This fact aided by the high parapet walls of the building saved the Royal Hotel and possibly the whole street which was threatened.

With loud crashes the walls of the doomed building collapsed sending large burning sparks in all directions. Buildings across the street caught fire, but were quickly extinguished.

By ten o’clock the fury of the fire had spent itself and the danger of further extension of the fire over.

The conflagration could be witnessed for miles around and scores of country people hurried to town. The streets were crowded with awe-stricken citizens, who could only stand and watch the fury of the fire demon spend itself.

A band of workers headed by Messrs. Jim Bettison, R. D. Hall and W. Chapman, formed a bucket brigade, and despite the heat saved the balcony of the Royal from catching fire.

Many workers did splendid service in the early stage of the fire, the names of these being too numerous to mention.

This morning the building which was the pride of the town lay a shapeless mass of ruins. The street is littered with refuge.

In common with the whole community, we extend our sincerest sympathy to the firm whose colossal losses with exceed 50,000 pounds ($5 million today).

The total destruction of premises of such a large trading firm as Mackenzie’s Ltd., will affect the whole district particularly at a time when drought has gained such a grip of the land.

The firm will immediately get going and do its utmost to keep faith with its many customers.

The fire demonstrates in no uncertain manner the benefit of parapet walls. To see the huge mass of flame pressing over the Royal Hotel last night leaving that structure safe from destruction is little short of marvellous. There is no doubt that the parapet wall is a certain fire break in towns lacking a water supply.

* 1927 Fire: An advertisement for Mackenzie’s in the Manilla Express, Friday 23rd September 1927

Business as Usual – Messrs. M. C. Mackenzie and Sons Ltd, report business as usual. Till Monday the firm will open in its bulk store for business. After Monday the Soldiers Memorial Hall will act as temporary premises. The firm’s office is established next door to A. C. Veness and Son. Mackenzie’s Ltd have a motto “not a store, but an institution.” The Store is destroyed, but the institution remains.


Prior to these two fires M. C. Mackenzie suffered their first fire in their furniture store in March 1912.

On the 13th March 1912 the Manilla Express reported:


“Fire!” The alarm rang out from Mackenzie and Son’s machinery and furniture store on Saturday. The outbreak occurred in the rear of the premises, near the office, and the flames spread quickly, up along the side of the furniture partition, and in amongst the large stock of bedroom furniture, wardrobes, etc. Soon the whole interior was a seething mass of fire. How the disaster started is not quite known. It appears that an employee (H. Gurton) was supplying some naphtha for a motor bicycle, which a man had brought in. Suddenly there was a “puff” and the immediate surroundings were in flame. Gurton says that neither he nor the man with the bike were smoking. Mr Harry Dimmock, who was seated in the office writing, received a shock when he happened to look up from his work to see that flames had burst all-round the entrance. For a moment he was staggered, as his retreat seemed to be cut off. He “ducked” through the flames, without having time to gather up a book or secure his coat.


The men worked like Trojans. The iron on the verandah collapsed, and Mr Liddy and another great worker fell through. Fortunately, each hung on to the side, otherwise they would have been hurt. Places on the other side of the street were becoming hot-anxiety increased. When the roof of the Kiaora shop fell in there was a sigh of relief – everything further north was safe then, with care. Many of the shopkeepers had started to pack up their goods, and everything was removed from O’Brien’s tailor’s shop, and the Massey Harris Machinery Depot. When Langworthy’s mart was in full blaze, wet bags were applied to the Post Office, and to Mackenzie’s store on the opposite side of the street.

Fences and verandahs were cut down to save the fire spreading into one of terrible devastation. The street was blocked with goods and furniture saved from Mrs Vizzard’s and the mart.

The damage caused by the fire was considerable. The stock of machinery, furniture, etc., destroyed at Mackenzie’s was heavy. The building was insured in the Royal Insurance Co. for 500 pounds, the stock of machinery and furniture for 1500 pounds ($150,000 today) material and goods in the shed and yard for 600 pounds. The mart building, which was also the property of the same firm, was insured for 150 pounds. Mr Higgin’s building was not insured. He says it will cost between 100 pounds and 500 pounds to re-build the place ($50,000 today).

The report continues: Soon a great crowd gathered, and volunteers with buckets of water devoted attention to keep the fire from spreading. W. T. Langworth’s auction mart, which adjoins the machinery store on the south, soon caught, but burnt very slowly as it was of iron. On the opposite side the flames spread to the Kiaora Tea Rooms, controlled by Mrs Vizzard. Workers, with almost frenzied zeal, removed everything from both places before the fire established a firm hold. Between the Kiaora Tea Rooms and T. M O’Brien’s tailoring shop, both of which were of brick, was a right-of-way. This was the only hope. Up on to O’Brien’s roof climbed half-a-dozen men, and under the direction of Mr Kremer, wet bags were placed on the roof, and kept wet. It was arduous work, but the men stuck to it gallantly. Some men on top were protected with wet bags. The men below were saturated with perspiration and water. Holes were driven into tanks, and the temporary brigade of bucket and tub carriers kept the supply of water going. Could the fire be checked? It was an anxious time. Water carts then arrived – Tom Bettison being the first on the scene. If O’Brien’s caught alight, nothing could save half the street section – 15 shops, offices, and a hotel were in jeopardy! Fortunately, there was no wind – almost a dead calm prevailed. Just as one of the walls of Mackenzie’s place fell in with a thundering crash, the command, “More Water! More Water! Quick!” came from O’Brien’s roof.

Mr F. S. Mackenzie says they had always regarded the machinery store their safest risk – in fact, it was built on the other side of the street, and of such a design, as a reserve building, in case of fire in their general store building, where the risk is always great. He was outside the store talking when the alarm was given, and within a minute it was impossible to save anything.

During 50 years career, by father and sons, and with properties in three thriving towns, and in other centres, this is the first time a fire has ever occurred in connection with any of the firm’s property. They have never had occasion to claim threepence or fire insurance.

Men watched the smouldering ruins all night.

Some exciting incidents occurred during the fire. One poor fellow, V. Taylor, worked so strenuously, he took fits, and was treated by Dr Ellis. Another good worker, D. Hode, was standing on a beam when a brick wall commenced to fall, and he had to jump backwards for life. One or two women fainted, and children ran home crying!

An inquest in the fire found that when the explosion occurred, the flames surrounded (employee) Gurton, and in the excitement he allowed the tap of the drum of naphtha to continue to run. When they were filling the bike (employee) Mantova passed behind them, and at that instant the flame broke out. Mantova had a pipe in his mouth, but they could not say positively whether he was smoking or not at the time. Mantova said he was not sure – but he was almost certain he was not smoking. One witness (Dimmock) stated that Mantova had a habit of having the pipe in his mouth, without smoking it.

* The fires in Manilla during this time pressured the importance of an up-to-date Fire Brigade outfit and it wasn’t until 1935 that this was established in an official way. This article is coming up soon.

* To read more information on the growth of M. C. Mackenzie in Manilla NSW, the "Part 1" article, just recently published, will provide other information regarding Mackenzie's in this era.

Mackenzie’s Store during the 1950s, early 1960s.

This picture shows Vickii Cocking’s mother behind the counter of Mackenzie’s.  You may recognise some of the other ladies in the picture? Vickii and Tom Cocking are the Proprietors of the Royal Hotel in Manilla NSW.

Manilla in those years was undergoing a growth era, bringing a vibrant and active community to the district; and Mackenzie shoppers definitely played their part in this growth.

A detailed synopsis of Mackenzie’s growth from the 1860s, and the entry into the Manilla district in 1867, is detailed within a previous recent article.

Mackenzie’s is where Vickii Cocking’s mother worked, and many other staff members, who are featured in a photograph taken in 1963, in another recent article.

* About Vickii and husband Tom Cocking:

In 2024 Vickii and Tom Cocking are the proprietors of the Royal Hotel in Manilla and have been in this position for 30 plus years, having started this venture in the mid-1980s. Tom and Vickii have four children - Renai, Amber, Adam and Joel – who have all helped in the Pub.

Manilla Express Report: Tom was born and raised in Manilla, while Vickii is a product of Werris Creek, moving to west of Collarenebri at five, and receiving schooling by isolated correspondence until several years later when the family moved to the Manilla district. She experienced her first official day at school, aged 13 at Manilla High. (Werris Creek is just a one-hour drive from Manilla and SW of Tamworth)

Tom and Vickii leased the Royal Hotel for 10 years from 1985, with Vickii’s parents, Jack and Midge Moran joining them in the partnership. They left the pub to run their newly-acquired corner store which Vickii ran for nine years, while Tom worked behind the bar at the local RSL. Prior to their pub and corner store life, the couple operated a mixed clothing store called “Vick and Tom’s Fashions.”

Then 22 years ago, they returned to the Royal as they recognised hotel life was in their blood.

Tom has a particular love of rugby league and horse racing. Vickii persuaded Tom to give up rugby league at age 38 when he was captain/coach of the Manilla Tigers reserve grade team, where he now holds life membership of the club. He is a die-hard Parramatta Eels supporter. (a recent article is also available, with pictures, for you to view)

Their best-known galloper was Sir Winalot, who took out the Tamworth Gold Cup, a PJ Bell Country Championship in Sydney, and also won two races at Doomben and the Moree Cup.

Manilla, together with Mackenzie’s Store, in the 1950s-1960s years, was undergoing a growth era, bringing a vibrant and active community to the district; and Mackenzie shoppers and employees definitely played their part in this growth.

Australia Rugby League and the Manilla Tigers Rugby League Football Club – 1950s.

The NSW Rugby Football League (NSWRFL) was formed in 1907, which later became the major national rugby league premiership in Australia.

A bloke by the name of James Joseph Giltinan (1866–1950) was instrumental in founding (NSWRFL) in 1907. He was an Australian entrepreneur who played a pivotal role in introducing the sport of rugby league football to Australia and served as the NSWRFL’s first secretary, and invited the 1907 “All Golds” New Zealand professional rugby team to tour Australia en route to Britain.

Giltinan, a player himself, led the first Kangaroo tour to England in 1908. His contributions are commemorated by the J. J. Giltinan Shield, awarded annually to the National Rugby League minor premiers.

Giltinan was also an all-around sports enthusiast, having officiated as an umpire in representative cricket matches. Beyond rugby league, he made significant contributions to sailing, including founding the JJ Giltinan International Trophy, effectively the world championships for the 18ft Skiff class, contested annually on Sydney Harbour. His legacy endures through these sporting honours, and he remains an influential figure in Australian sports history.

Just 10 years later in 1917-18 the Manilla Tigers Rugby League Football Club was formed (1917-18) after “Dally” Messenger, aged 34, and wife Annie, came to Manilla to take over the licence of the Royal Hotel. He introduced the new code of Rugby League to the local Union players.

Previous to his arrival in Manilla, Dally married Annie Maud Macaulay (Carroll) on the 14th October 1911 in Sydney, owner of the Albion Hotel, which they managed together from 1911 to 1917. During this time Dally retired from competitive club and representative rugby league.

You are able to read more on the life of Dally M Messenger within another previous “Manilla Tigers Rugby League” article.

Without James Giltinan and Dally M, Manilla Tigers would not have formed in Manilla. The picture of the Manilla Tigers team in the 1950s includes the following members:

Back row: D. Berry; J. Bennett; C. Macmillan; M. Kermond; D. Cotten; H. Hawker; K. McLoud; K. Derrick; J. Stanford. Front Row: J. Browning; G. Simpson; M. Lynnich; K. Hawker; D. Cotten. Ballboys: J. Stanford; ….Blair; T. Bull.

(There are 9 names (back row) but only 8 in the picture – Can you elaborate?)

The 1950s were both triumphant and challenging for Rugby League in Australia. On one memorable moment was the 1950 Rugby League 3rd Test between Australia and Great Britain. This match was pivotal for Australian Rugby League, as winger Ron Roberts scored late to secure the first series win over Great Britain in 30 years. What truly stands out is the atrocious pitch conditions caused by weeks of torrential rain in Sydney. See picture of this mud quagmire the players had to endure. It is a far cry from the pristine playing fields of the modern era.

It was a moment of triumph, but also marked the passing of Rugby League founder, James Giltinan.

There are more Manilla Tigers Rugby League articles, and pictures, coming up, plus an article about Cecil (Tiny) Bull, which I think you will all find interesting - Another part of Manilla’s History.

Manilla Railway Station and Rail Travel

This article is a lead up version for another coming up in the future, regarding Trains in the past.

The main picture shows the train departing for Barraba in 1947. It arrived in Manilla at 9am from Tamworth. This train picked up passengers from Tamworth, which had overnight sleeper carriages attached, and travelled initially from Central Station in Sydney.

The other picture was taken on the 21st September 1968 when the popular vintage train ride left from Manilla to Barraba.

In summary: A public works meeting was held at the Caledonian Hotel Tamworth in 1899 regarding the rail line from Tamworth to Manilla. In 1892 a portion of 27 miles was to be built as far as Manilla. The line would also serve the areas of Attunga, Klori, Manilla and Upper Manilla.

Construction began in January 1898 and by March 1899 the first train from Manilla left for Tamworth with 35 passengers on board.

Overnight sleeper carriages were of simplistic construction (sometimes called the red rattlers) providing small compartment bunks either side of a small passage way, where travellers could draw a black curtain across to gain some sleep privacy. These overnight sleeper carriages from Tamworth to Sydney were used frequently. Many went to sporting events, like the Ashes cricket tour between Sydney and England.

Laying in the bunks overnight gave one the sense of a gentle, yet swaying roller coaster ride. With the clickety-clack of the train moving over the joins in the rail track, it provided mesmerised relief from the confined space, and eventually sleep took over one’s senses.

* Today it’s different. The train leaves Central Station for Tamworth at about 9.30am in the morning and arrives in Tamworth about 4pm. There is no clickety-clack, nor swaying motion. It is like the train is sliding effortlessly over soft rubber cushions, with no sound, except the trains whistle as it approaches a road/railway crossing, or the motor gathering up revs to keep the train moving.

The large windows give one the sense of peace as country nature moves slowly past us. The comfortable laid-back seats provide adequate room to stretch out and feel comfortable during the journey. The buffet provides much needed refreshment along the way with a range of vegetarian through to the ever-popular meat pies with sauce. Surprisingly you can also have a beer if that thirst arises.

The comfortable-rubber-sliding-motion-movement throughout the trip disappears as the train enters the Viaduct at Tamworth. This high antique timber constructed monument has stood the test of time, yet I always wondered whether it will stand the test of time on this day of travel. The train slowly moves over the Viaduct like a cautious animal stalking its prey, ever vigilant to a change in movement. What if it collapses and falls? There are no seatbelts – we just collapse in a metal heaving heap towards the ground below. We didn’t. We made it, and slowly entered the Tamworth railway station.

There is no train to Manilla today. We all disembark from the train and walk to the large comfortable touring bus, with luxurious/comfortable leather seats, that would look good on my trike.

After the luggage is placed in the under-belly luggage compartment, we are off to Manilla, taking in the country scenery along Fossicker’s Way. It’s about 5pm and the sun is still up and breathing, with an indication it is going to be a stinker tomorrow, on this early March Day.

The bus driver was so engrossed in talking to a female passenger up front he forgot to stop at Manilla’s Rotary Park, until a loud shout-out from me broke his conversational thought and he abruptly stopped a short distance further north in the middle of the road – saying a couple of swear words at the same time.

We both disembarked the bus, and with an apology from him, he placed my largish black solid suitcase, with billy cart wheels, onto the raised footpath with pavers, shook my hand, and he was off again.

This case had to have billy cart wheels. Those original plastic flimsy swing around wheels at the bottom were no contest with my 19.7 kg case – there is a 20 kg limit. The modified axle stuck through the bottom with strengtheners both ends and these billy cart wheels makes it very easy to pull along. Pulling up the handle from the case to its full length, I placed my back pack on top of the case and started to walk north towards the Royal Hotel, where my room overlooking the Post Office was waiting.

As I walked past the vacant block where the Palais Theatre once was, I reminisced of those days all those years ago; briefly. I reached the Post Office Hotel and looked across to the Royal. Still standing tall from its rebuild in 1914; and the verandah looking expressively inviting for my first cold schooner of the day.

And I did; and sat there thinking of the past, and of how life was in those days. Tomorrow will be a stinker but who cares. I’ll still have a walk around and remember.

Where would we be without our historic minds to delight and ponder on the past. We wouldn’t be in a content place today unless we remember, and accept the past; and how our past did construct our future; for the contentment we have today. For me this is the case. Is it no wonder I wrote my book – a remembrance of a past that cannot be forgotten – about Manilla NSW Australia.

Manilla Railway Station and Rail Travel

These photos are additional from the Railway range and shows a picture of the Manilla Railway Station in the 1920s, the Upper Manilla Station in 1968, and another view of the crowd – from the opposite direction - attending the Vintage Train on Manilla Station in 1968, on its way to Barraba.

The complete Article is just above this post, while the complete Railway article is coming up in the future. 

History of Stewart’s IXL Bakery – Now the Manilla NSW Museum.

In March 1884, G.H. Royce (Royce and Co) built a brick house in Manilla Street and was successfully chosen for the erection of a high-level bridge over the Namoi. The Bridge was commenced in 1884 and would be opened two years later. After the construction of the bridge G.H. Royce worked on construction to the north of NSW, and in Queensland, after which he and his family then left for Western Australia.

The G. H. Royce house is thought to have served at various times until the 1900s as general office rooms and private hospital. It is believed the cottage was named Balmoral House during the 1890s and there is evidence of its use as a doctor's office and birthing centre, with several claiming it as the birthplace of their forebears.

It is known that in 1889 the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney set up its premises in the adjacent property (southern side). After the financial crash of 1894 all banks closed for 6 weeks, but Manilla's branch was to remain closed until 1898.

In 1908 Mr. S. Bates established the IXL Bakery, where is now the Manilla Museum, and extended at the rear to accommodate a bakery, with work done on the front of the building to create a reception room and shop. Mr and Mrs. Stewart purchased the property from Bates later that year.

In 1910, Charles Hayward married Jean - daughter of the Stewart's - and in 1916 the couple bought the business. It was carried on as the IXL Bakery until 1927, when Charles Hayward joined the firm of Stoddart’s Ltd.

The Bakery was then leased to Donoghue, then to Flynn and Turner, Henderson's, Monley's and then to Cliff Baker, who conducted the last baker shop on the premises, until the 1960s. He had opened a second bakery opposite the school in Court Street during the 1940s, who were selling tasty meat pies to Bignall’s shop just down the road.

A report in the Manilla Express 24th February 1942, regarding the IXL Baker states: “Mr. Monley, who conducted the above bakery for some years past has closed down and left Manilla. The owner of the Bakery, Mrs. J. Stewart, of Manly, is visiting Manilla and is having extensive repairs made to the bakery. The oven has been re-built and will be capable of producing 350 loaves of bread at one baking. Renovations are being carried out to the premises and Mrs. Stewart hopes to have the business again in production order shortly.”

Another bakery was in operation near the Junction Hotel (now the Post Office Hotel), called the Federal Bakery and operated by John O’Brien. An advertisement in the Manilla Express states: “John O’Brien has pleasure in announcing that he has assumed control of the bakery,” and adding “The Federal has always on hand the BEST of Small Goods, Fruit and Confectionery. The Refreshment Rooms are under excellent management. Our Bread’s the Best.”

John, a business entrepreneur, added extended catering to his Bakery, and operated an up-to-date complete catering outfit - for Balls and Banquets - and offered the very best style, with cutlery and crockery for hire. He also operated another bakery in the 1940s, in Court Street opposite the Primary School, called The Court Street Bakery.

Later, Mr Lorenz purchased the business from John (Jack) and extended the service to include Christmas Cakes, which were all made on site. Over 100 Christmas Cakes were made by Mr Lorenz with at least two on display within his front window during the lead up to Christmas. 

* Royce Cottage became a private rental residence and a number of families lived in it until 1975, when it was acquired by the Manilla Shire Council. The building was restored by the Council under a Government grant and was handed over to the Historical Society to set up and maintain as a museum. Royce Cottage was officially opened on 14th November 1975 and opened to the public in April 1976.

Now called Manilla Heritage Museum, Royce Cottage is the last remaining building of its era in Manilla town. 

(c) Mitchell Zen

(This History Section will be added frequently with New Information)

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